
Scoping meeting: details and how to apply

Published 9 July 2024

About the scoping meeting

The scoping meeting will make a recommendation on the scope of the methodology report on the Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage and will be held by the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) in the second half of October 2024. The venue will be confirmed shortly.

Nomination process

All IPCC member governments, including the United Kingdom, have been invited to nominate experts to participate in this meeting. The TFI Bureau will then select the final experts to attend the meeting from these nominations. The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero will consider nominations meeting the following expertise criteria:

  • expertise in the estimation of sinks of sources from carbon dioxide removal technologies, including:
    • direct air carbon dioxide capture and storage (DACCS)
    • bioenergy carbon capture and storage
    • carbon dioxide capture, utilisation and storage
    • concrete carbonation
    • enhanced weathering
    • ocean alkalinity enhancement
    • blue carbon management in coastal wetlands
    • soil carbon sequestration in crop and grasslands
    • peatland and coastal wetland restoration
    • biochar
    • ocean fertilization
    • wastewater treatment/ wastewater alkalinity
    • forestry
    • other carbon dioxide removal technologies not specified above
  • expertise in the estimation of sources or sinks from:
    • carbon dioxide capture
    • carbon dioxide transport
    • carbon dioxide injection
    • carbon dioxide storage
    • carbon dioxide use including enhanced oil, gas, and coal bed methane recovery; production of chemicals; production of other products

The UK is committed to diversity and inclusion in the IPCC process. We encourage and value the nomination of experts from groups, including, but not limited to, women and non-binary people, the LGBTQ+ community, ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. We welcome all applications from experts currently affiliated with UK institutions and ask that experts based outside the UK contact the National Focal Point of their host country in the first instance. National Focal Points are listed on the IPCC website at:  

How to apply

If you would like to be considered for nomination, please follow the steps below. Note that the IPCC nomination portal will automatically reject all incomplete or incorrectly formatted nominations, so please ensure you read the following guidance carefully to avoid delays in processing your nomination.

  1. complete the attached nomination form, ensuring that you:
    • fill out both tabs (“Information” and “Expertise and Publications”)
    • complete all mandatory fields, as indicated by a *
    • select a minimum of 1 and maximum of 8 areas of expertise
    • save your form using the format lastname_firstname_cdr
  2. provide a CV in pdf format, no longer than 4 pages saved as lastname_firstname_cv
  3. send your nomination form and CV to with the subject line “CDR scoping nomination form” by 11.59pm BST on Sunday, 14 July 2024

We will be accepting applications until 14 July, 11.59pm BST.