IPO: Trade mark data release
This dataset is a snapshot of trade mark applications received by the Intellectual Property Office.
This data release is saved in a tab separated text file. Unfortunately due to the size constraints it is not possible to save it in a manner conducive to easy reference.
It is recommended that this file is imported into an analysis package. For reference, when importing the “Hyperlink” and “Ownername” columns should be set at 60 and 260 characters respectively.
This data is already available for search via our search for a trade mark register but has been compiled into a single snapshot to make it easier for statistical research to be undertaken.
The attached document illustrates the columns contained in the dataset and a description of the data.
Updates to this page
Open Data for Domestic UK Applications and International Registrations updated.
Open Data for Domestic UK Applications and International Registrations updated.
Updated for domestic UK applications and now includes information on International Registrations.
First published.