Iraq: country policy and information notes
Guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration to make decisions in asylum and human rights applications.
Country policy and information notes (previously known as country information and guidance reports) are used by UK Visas and Immigration officials to make decisions in asylum and human rights applications.
The notes also give information on asylum seekers’ countries of origin.
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Updates to this page
Updated the 'Country policy and information note: opposition to the government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), Iraq, July 2023' with minor formatting changes.
Published a new version of the country policy and information note: religious minorities, Iraq.
Information on perceived collaborators removed as it is out of date.
Updated the 'Country policy and information note: medical and healthcare issues'.
Published 'Country policy and information note: Iraq Blood feuds, honour crimes and tribal violence, Iraq, July 2024'. This replaces and combines previous 'Iraq 'honour' crimes, March 2021' and 'blood feuds, Iraq, February 2020'.
Updated and accessible version of 'Internal relocation, civil documentation and returns' added.
Information on internal relocation, civil documentation and returns in Iraq has been updated.
Added information on opposition to the government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).
Country policy and information note: Iraq, opposition to the government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), June 2021 has been removed as it is no longer relevant.
Humanitarian situation: updated the country of origin information following the February 2023 review commissioned by the Independent Advisory Group on Country Information. Added an executive summary.
Information on the security situation published.
Removed outdated guidance on female genital mutilation (FGM).
Added Country policy and information note: humanitarian situation, Iraq, August 2022.
Information on "Internal relocation, civil documentation and returns" updated.
Updated information on 'internal relocation, civil documentation and returns' published.
Information note on Ba’athists removed as it is no longer valid.
Updated country policy and information note: perceived collaborators and added an accessible HTML version.
Updated country policy and information note: sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.
Added Country policy and information note: religious minorities, Iraq, July 2021.
Political opinion in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) - August 2017 country policy and information note replaced with new opposition to the government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) country policy and information note.
Added a new document 'Country policy and information note: Iraq 'honour' crimes, March 2021'.
Updated country policy and information note: medical and healthcare issues, Iraq to January 2021 edition.
Updated country policy and information note: Sunni (Arab) Muslims, Iraq, to January 2021 edition.
Added country policy and information note: actors of protection, Iraq, December 2020.
Updated note on internal relocation, civil documentation and returns.
Updated country policy and information notes on the security and humanitarian situation in Iraq and internal relocation, civil documentation and returns.
Added Country policy and information note: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Iraq, February 2020.
Uploaded Country policy and information note: blood feuds, Iraq, February 2020.
Removed 'Country policy and information note: Ba’athists, Iraq, November 2016' and replaced attachment with 'Country policy and information note: Ba’athists, Iraq, January 2020'.
Updated country information and guidance: religious minorities, Iraq
New medical and healthcare issues guidance.
Uploaded new internal relocation document.
Updated country policy and information note on perceived collaborators, February 2019.
Updated country policy and information note on security and humanitarian situation.
Updated Iraq: Internal relocation, civil documentation and returns
Updated to add Country Policy and Information Note: Iraq: sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, October 2018
Updated country policy and information note: internal relocation, civil documentation and returns.
Note on perceived collaborators added.
Added new country policy and information notes on return/internal relocation.
Updated page with new documents.
New country policy and information notes on return/internal relocation and Sunni (Arab) Muslims.
New country policy and information note on security and humanitarian situation.
First published.