Notify HMRC about any ISA manager changes
Use this form to tell HMRC about any ISA manager changes.
Use this form to tell us about any changes. Two people must complete the declaration and only authorised signatories already known to HMRC in this capacity can do this. If the declaration is signed by new signatories added within the form, we’re unable to accept the changes.
Please read Guidance notes for ISA managers for further information.
Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Before you start
If you are using an older browser, such as Internet Explorer 8, you’ll need to update it or use a different browser. Find out more about browsers.
You’ll need to fill in the form fully before you can print it. You cannot save a partly completed form so we suggest you gather all your information together before you begin to fill it in.
Updates to this page
Link to online submit version of the ISA manager notification of changes iForm has been added to the page.
Text amendment made to summary to advise that 2 people must complete the declaration of the form and only authorised signatories already known to HMRC in this capacity can do this.
First published.