
Isis sculls race 2018: river restriction notice

Published 3 September 2018

This notice was withdrawn on

River restriction no longer in force


Saturday 15 September 2018, from 09:30am to 5:30pm


Iffley Lock to Folly Bridge.


This stretch of the river will be very busy on Saturday 15 September as City of Oxford Rowing Club will be holding their annual head race, the Isis Sculls event.

Racing will take place in waves starting at 10am, 12pm, 2pm and 4pm.

The normal rules of navigation will apply to both racing boats and normal river traffic. All those navigating this reach between the above times should pay particular attention to byelaws 24 to 42 of The Thames Navigation Licensing and General Byelaws 1993.

The regatta marshals will be wearing high visibility jackets. Please pay attention to any advice they may offer as they are acting for the safety of both the rowers and other river users.

While racing is in progress, the marshals may request boaters to moor at one of the designated mooring points and wait, for a period of no longer than 15 minutes, until the current race has finished, before proceeding up or downstream through the course. If you are able to wait for the current race to finish before proceeding with your journey this will be greatly appreciated by the competitors and organisers.

All directions as to left and right are given looking upstream.


Nothing contained in these directions shall supersede those parts of the Thames Navigation Licensing and General Byelaws 1993 as may be relevant.

And Notice is hereby given, that it is provided by Byelaw 52 of the Thames Navigation Licensing and General Byelaws, 1993 that:

The master of any vessel shall except in an emergency not pass any boat-race regatta public procession or gathering for the launch of a vessel or any other event or function which may cause a crowd to assemble on or by the river nor station his vessel thereon in such a manner as would risk obstructing impeding or interfering with such boat-race regatta procession launching event or function or endangering the safety of persons assembling on the river or preventing or interfering with the maintenance of order thereon.

The maximum penalty for breach of the Byelaws is £1,000.