J. Murphy & Sons Limited: application made to abstract water
Published 10 July 2021
Applies to England
Details of the application
J. Murphy & Sons Limited has applied to the Environment Agency for a licence.
The Environment Agency is giving notice of this application in accordance with Section 37 of the Water Resources Act 1991 and Regulation 6 of the Water Resources (Abstraction and Impounding) Regulations 2006.
The application is for a full licence to abstract water from Northern Manchester Carboniferous Aquifers at National Grid References SD 94501 17529, SD 94592 17515, SD 94580 17451 and SD 94490 17466.
The application is to abstract water as follows:
- 396 cubic metres an hour
- 9,504 cubic metres a day
- 874,368 cubic metres a year
- between October 2021 and January 2022 inclusive in each year.
The water will be used for dewatering to enable construction of a culvert beneath the Calder Valley Railway Line. This is part of the Rochdale and Littleborough Flood Risk Management Scheme.
How to view the application
We are following Government advice to manage the risks of Coronavirus to our organisation, to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and sustain our critical operations. As a result, please contact us via e-mail or use the number below to arrange to see the application documents.
How to comment on the application
Send any representation about this application by email, quoting the name of the applicant and reference number NPS/WR/035700 to the Environment Agency, at: PSC-WaterResources@environment-agency.gov.uk
By 7 August 2021.
For advice about how to make a representation call 03708 506 506.