Jackdaw Field Development
Project Summary
Jackdaw Field Development - BG International Limited - 2021 - D/4260/2021 - Determined
Key Dates
- Date Environmental Statement received by the department - 06/05/2021
- Public notice commencement date - 10/05/2021
- Public notice closing date - 09/06/2021
- Further information public notice commencement date - 05/07/2021 & 18/03/2022
- Further information public notice closing date - 05/08/2021 & 18/04/2022
Environmental Statement & associated documents
- Summary of the Project - Received Date 06/05/2021
- Environmental Statement - Received Date 06/05/2021
- Public Notice - Received Date 10/05/2021
Further Information
- Secretary of State request for provision of further information - 17/06/2021 & 14/10/2021
- Developer response to Secretary of State request for provision of further information - Received Date 28/06/2021 & 22/02/2022
- Further information public notice - 05/07/2021, 16/03/2022 & 13/05/2022
Decision made by the Secretary of State
- Secretary of State notice under regulation 16(1) - 01/06/2022
- Secretary of State decision to agree to or refuse to agree to the OGA granting of consent - Letter to the developer - 05/10/2021 & 30/05/2022
- Secretary of State decision to agree to or refuse to agree to the OGA granting of consent - 28/09/2021 & 27/05/2022
Updates to this page
Decision made by the Secretary of State Dates amendment.
Decision documents and associated letters uploaded, Decision dates entered.
Date added to "further information public notice"
Addition of Regulation 12(1) Notice for Further Information
Letter re Public Notice added
Public Notice copies added
Decision (September 2021), Letters and Further Information added.
RFI letter date added for Jackdaw ES.
Regulation 12(1) Notice for further information Jackdaw ES published.
Jackdaw ES Further information.
Jackdaw Environmental Statement consultation notice and public notices published.
Addition of Regulation 12(3) Notice for Further Consultation
Addition of date of receipt of response to additional information request
Regulation 12(1) further information letter published.
Addition of copy public notices and public notice commencement and closing dates updated
First published.