UK Terminology Supplement to NATOTerm (JDP 0-01.1)
Joint Doctrine Publication 0-01.1 provides the Defence community with endorsed UK joint definitions.
Terminology forms a foundation for common understanding, and therefore builds interoperability. The 2012 direction by Chief of the Defence Staff and Permanent Under Secretary to ‘put NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) at the heart of Defence’, has also been adhered to for terminology. Defence personnel should use agreed terminology whenever possible in their work. Aligning with NATO, there is a hierarchy of terms and definitions we should use, which is:
• Concise Oxford English Dictionary;
• NATOTerm; and then
• Joint Doctrine Publication (JDP) 0-01.1, UK Terminology Supplement to NATOTerm.
There is more detailed information on terminology and how it is developed in chapter three of the Writers’ Handbook
Click to access NATOTerm.
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Updated new version 2023.
Added: Joint Doctrine Publication 0-01.1: UK Terminology Supplement to NATOTerm (2022 edition).
Added: Joint Doctrine Publication 0-01.1: UK Terminology Supplement to NATOTerm (2019 edition)
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