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First meeting of the Migration and Economic Development Partnership Joint Committee, 31 May 2022

Updated 1 July 2024

First meeting of the Migration and Economic Development Partnership Joint Committee

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Minaffet, Kigali


Representatives of the government of the UK and the government of Rwanda held the first meeting of the Joint Committee (JC) on Tuesday 31 May in Kigali. The JC will govern the asylum partnership arrangement between the two governments.

The JC agreed its terms of reference (TOR) and membership setting out that it should aim to meet 4 times in the first year, reducing to twice-yearly thereafter. Dates, location, and agenda items for these meetings would be decided well in advance.

The JC discussed the objectives and structure of the Monitoring Committee (MC) agreeing that its TOR should be finalised over the next 2 to 3 weeks and should aim for the MC to be in place by the middle of July.

The JC was given an update on the joint work being carried out to ensure that the assurances contained in the arrangement are implemented ahead of the first charter flight. This included inspecting accommodation centres and ensuring support around legal and interpretation services and healthcare is in place.

The government of Rwanda would continue to work closely with the government of the UK to ensure everything was ready for the first arrivals. The government of Rwanda set out the induction process for new arrivals’ first few days in Rwanda and beyond, including language training and familiarisation visits.

The next meeting of the JC will be in London.