Transparency data

Joint Committee: terms of reference (TOR)

Updated 1 July 2024

Type: standing committee


The Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Rwanda (“the Parties”) for the Provision of an Asylum Partnership (“the Agreement”) establishes a strategic partnership between the two governments to strengthen shared international commitments on the protection of refugees and migrants. The Joint Committee (JC) will govern the partnership under the Agreement, providing direction and oversight.

In accordance with the Agreement, the role of the JC is to:

  • monitor and review the implementation of the Agreement and to make non-binding recommendations in respect of improving or addressing issues; and
  • provide a forum for the participants to exchange information, discuss best practice including relevant guidance from external stakeholders, and resolve issues of a technical or administrative character

In accordance with the Agreement, the co-chairs set these terms of reference for the JC, which include the secretariat function as well as such other tasks as may be required.


The JC will oversee all matters set out in the Agreement and accompanying notes verbales (NV).

The JC will be responsible for approving (by consensus) the following (this list is not exhaustive):

  • annual monitoring report produced by the Monitoring Committee (MC)
  • the template for that report
  • annual financial statement (to include the Economic Transformation and Integration Fund)
  • process for ensuring that the MC has unfettered access for the purpose of completing their assessments and reports
  • agree response to recommendations from the MC
  • indicative forecasts for numbers of individuals to be relocated to Rwanda under the Agreement
  • proposals for any changes to the Agreement or NVs
  • risk management
  • stakeholder management and communication

The co-chairs may set ToRs for the MC in addition to but not contrary to those provided in Article 15 of the Agreement.

The JC will be supported where appropriate by sub-groups of officials representing each partner.


Each partner will appoint members including the co-chairs.

The membership of the JC is as follows:

Standing members

Standing members of the JC will be senior officials of the Government of the UK and Government of the Republic of Rwanda with responsibility for areas related to the partnership, or areas with a strong interest and relevance in this activity.


  • PS Clementine Mukeka (Republic of Rwanda)
  • Dan Hobbs (UK)

Government of the UK representatives will be officials from:

  • Home Office Capabilities
  • British High Commission Rwanda
  • Head of Migration and Economic Development Partnership Taskforce
  • HOLA

Government of the Republic of Rwanda representatives will be officials from:

  • Directorate General Immigration and Emigration
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
  • Ministry of Emergency Management
  • Rwanda High Commission London
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Finance

Secretariat to the JC

Joint secretariat of officials of the Government of the UK and the Government of Rwanda.

Additional attendance

Additional official of either government may be invited to attend meetings as required, depending on the meeting content or objectives. This may include officials from the UK government and Rwanda government.

From the UK government:

  • Home Secretary’s Office
  • Home Office Migration and Borders Group
  • Home Office Analysis and Insight
  • Home Office Finance
  • Home Office Communications Dir.
  • UK Border Force
  • UK Visas and Immigration
  • UK Immigration Enforcement
  • Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

From the Rwanda government:

  • Office of the Prime Minister or President
  • Members of Refugee Status Determination Committee
  • Office Of Govt Spokesperson
  • any other relevant government institution

Meeting arrangements

The JC will meet not less than every month for the first six months after the entry into force of the Agreement and thereafter once every 6 months unless the co-chairs decide otherwise. It will meet at the request of either partner.

The meetings will ordinarily be in person and rotate between the UK and Rwanda.

The co-chairs shall set the JC’s schedule of meetings (including location which may be remote).

Further, the agenda for each JC meeting will be agreed in advance by the co-chairs and circulated (along with any relevant papers) via email a minimum of 5 working days before the meeting.

JC members are able to communicate with each other via email between meetings.


The JC will report to UK and GOR Ministers as required.

Joint Secretariat

The JC will be supported by a joint secretariat of officials of both governments, and where appropriate, any necessary sub-committees or groups.


Minutes will be produced after each meeting for agreement by the co-chairs. The agreed minutes will be shared with attendees within 5 working days.

A summary (communique) will be produced for each meeting within 5 working days of the meeting for agreement by the co-chairs. This summary should be published within 10 days of the meeting.