Joint Doctrine Note 2/12: Assessment
Joint Doctrine Note (JDN) 2/12: Assessment is a collaborative endeavour between the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) and the UK Stabilisation Unit (SU).
Joint Doctrine Note (JDN) 2/12: Assessment is a collaborative endeavour between the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) and the UK Stabilisation Unit (SU). It introduces key messages and top tips for assessment (or monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
The purpose of the JDN is to reinforce existing doctrine and to inform its development, and that of future doctrine. It promotes an integrated and consistent approach to assessment within a stabilisation environment. It draws from a range of communities the emerging and developed assessment theory and practice. The JDN addresses how to assess progress towards national goals, and how to exploit information in order to inform campaign decision-making. By adopting an integrated approach, this JDN offers a consistent and comprehensive assessment methodology. Finally, it is structured to supplement military doctrine on campaign assessment.
JDN 2/12: Assessment is written primarily for those decision-makers, planners and analysts, military or civilian, involved in integrated campaign planning at the strategic and operational levels.
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Published 1 February 2012Last updated 5 June 2015 + show all updates
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