Jones, Carwyn - First Minister, Welsh Government - ACOBA advice
Advice to Carwyn Jones, former First Minister, Welsh Government on business appointments after leaving Crown service.
Carwyn Jones left his role as First Minister of Wales in December 2018.
Non Executive Director, Food, Farming and Countryside Commission
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Food, Farming and Countryside Commission.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in October 2020; and the appointment was taken up in December 2020.
Speaker and Learning Facilitator, RW Learning
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with RW Learning.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in April 2020; and the appointment was taken up in November 2020.
Correpondence from the First Minister of Wales
The First Minister of Wales wrote to the Chair, in response to the Committee’s correspondence with Carwyn Jones about a failure to follow its advice in relation to a role on the GFG Alliance Global Advisory Board.
GFG Alliance Global Advisory Board
The Committee wrote to Carwyn Jones about a failure to follow its advice in relation to a role on the GFG Alliance Global Advisory Board. Read the correspondence between the Committee and Carwyn Jones.
Advisor, SIMEC Group
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with SIMEC Group.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in August 2020; and the appointment was taken up the following month.
Non-Executive Chair, Alta Performance
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Alta Performance.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in August 2020; and the appointment was taken up the following month.
Board Member, It’s My Shout
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Its My Shout.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in July 2020; and the appointment was taken up the following month.
NED, Spectrum Internet
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Spectrum Internet.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in February 2020; and the appointment was taken up in March 2020.
Patron, South Wales Chamber of Commerce.
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role at the South Wales Chamber of Commerce.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in January 2020; and the appointment was taken up the following month.
Visiting Professor, Aberystwyth University
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Aberystwyth University.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in November 2019; and the appointment was taken up in January 2020.
Consultant, Business News Wales Ltd
Carwyn Jones sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Business News Wales Ltd.
The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in March 2019; and the appointment was taken up the following month.
Updates to this page
Published 5 June 2019Last updated 9 December 2020 + show all updates
Appointment with FFCC and correspondence with FM Wales added
Correspondence added
Appointment with SIMEC added
New appointment with Alta added
It's My Shout added
Appointment with Spectrum Internet added
Appointment with Aberystwyth University added.
First published.