
Defence fire safety and fire risk management (JSP 426)

The Joint Service Publication (JSP 426) contains direction and guidance to aid compliance with legislation and Ministry of Defence policy.

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This page has been withdrawn because it is now out of date. For more up to date information please visit Defence Fire Safety Regulations (DSA02) and guidance (DSA03) page.


[Withdrawn]Defence fire safety and fire risk management: directive

[Withdrawn]Defence fire safety and fire risk management: guidance


In accordance with Defence Safety Authority (DSA) DSA 02 (Defence Fire Safety Regulations) and DSA 03 (Defence Fire Safety Guidance) Front Line Commands and Chief Executives must have processes in place to assure themselves that fire risks are being managed, controlled, and mitigated appropriately and adequately.

There is a requirement for organisational separation between those who conduct Defence activities and those who provide third party assurance so that the latter may provide the Secretary of State for Defence and Defence Board with independent assurance on fire safety matters in the Department. Third party assurance is provided by the Defence Fire Safety Regulator (DFSR) on behalf of the Director General DSA.

The DFSR has a statutory duty to enforce The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and allied legislation, as applied to Scotland and Northern Ireland on the Defence Estate. Further details about the DFSR, including their roles with regards fire safety consultations and regulating and auditing Fire & Rescue Services on the Defence Estate, can be found here.

Joint Service Publication (JSP) 426 is written by the Chief Fire Officer, Defence Fire Rescue (DFR) and sponsored by Director Health Safety & Environmental Protection (Dir HS&EP) and provides a point of reference for fire safety and fire resilience within Defence. JSP 426 includes sector-wide standards and best practices via an array of leaflets which evolve in response to changing circumstances and fire risks within Defence, and the needs of Risk Owners who are managing fire safety.

Those seeking copies of JSP 426 and its associated leaflets should contact DFR at

Updates to this page

Published 16 April 2013
Last updated 14 March 2016 show all updates
  1. Updated JSP with new title and latest versions of the guidance

  2. Added updated fire investigation - leaflet 12.

  3. Added 'Fire risk response plan: JSP 426 Volume 3 leaflet 3' and updated the 'MOD defence fire safety manual index'.

  4. Added amended leaflet 13 Vol 2 and added new leaflet 14 Vol 2.

  5. Added updated leaflet 10.

  6. Added updated version of leaflet 10.

  7. Updated leaflets 5 and 7 and new leaflet 13.

  8. Published updated leaflet 5.

  9. First published.

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