Defence financial management and charging policy manual (JSP 462)
Details of the policy, rules and guidance on the conduct of financial management in the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
Joint Service Publication (JSP) 462: Financial management and charging policy manual provides a single source on direction and guidance for financial management policy and processes within MOD. JSP 462 is in line with the Treasury publication ‘Managing public money’.
Please note: some of the links contained within the JSP are for access by MOD personnel only.
Updates to this page
Updated JSP 462 part 1 and 2 with the most up to date versions.
Updated parts 1 and 2.
Updated JSP 462 directive and guidance.
Updated both part of JSP 462.
Added updated version of JSP 462 (version 5) directive and guidance.
Added updated Part 1: Directive.
Documents updated to version 5.
JSP 462 parts 1 and 2 updated.
JSP 462 parts 1 and 2 updated
JSP 462 parts 1 and 2 updated
Added updated part 1 and part 2.
Updated parts 1 and 2.
Updated both parts of the Joint Service Publication.
Updated parts 1 and 2 of the JSP.
Added updated Part 1 and Part 2.
Updated to version 3.
Updated both parts of the financial management and charging policy manual.
Updated both parts of the manual.
Added version 2.0 June 2015 of the directive and guidance.
Updated the JSP which is now available in 2 parts.
Added latest version of the manual.
Replaced 'Defence financial management policy manual' with the latest version.
Added amended version of JSP 462.
Published updated edition of JSP 462 with update 34.
Added amended version of JSP 462.
Published updated JSP 462 with updates 19 to 26.
Updated 'Joint Service Publication (JSP) 462: financial management policy manual' following amendments made to the document.
Added updated document
Added updated version of JSP 462
Added updated document
Published revised edition
Published amended version
Update to issue 9 published
Replaced JSP 462 with the latest issue
New version of JSP
New version of JSP
Updated JSP
First published.