Defence ordnance, munitions and explosives safety and environmental management policy (JSP 520)
JSP 520 provides guidance to ensure that the risks associated with OME are as low as reasonably practicable when in use, stored, moved, and disposed.
Please note that this JSP will be replaced shortly. The content is out of date and no reference or use should be made to any UK legislation quoted in this document.
This document should be used for reference purposes only and should only be used as guidance until replaced. DSA DOSR take no responsibility for the use of these documents.
This Joint Service Publication (JSP) is a guide to explain the requirements needed to demonstrate that the inherent risks from Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (OME) are either broadly acceptable or tolerable and as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) for the MOD, third parties and the environment. JSP 520 applies to all ordnance (weapons, delivery platforms), munitions (missiles, shells, pyrotechnics, mines, bullets, explosive charge) and explosives (propellants, energetic material).
This JSP is to be used by personnel responsible for OME employed by or contracted to the MOD, land, maritime, air and third parties.
Related information
- Management of health and safety in defence (JSP 375)
- Military laser safety (JSP 390)
- Handbook of defence land ranges safety (JSP 403)
- Management of environmental protection in defence (JSP 418)
- MOD explosives regulations (JSP 482)
- Safety and environmental protection for defence (JSP 454)
- Defence, health, safety and environmental protection (JSP 815)
Updates to this page
Added a note stating that these publications are out of date.
Updated all documents to Issue 4.2 dated July 2015.
Added issue 4 for Part 1 and Part 2 as JSP 520 has been split into two parts.
First published.