
Defence logistics support chain manual: version and legacy records (JSP 886)

An index of amendments, additions and legacy versions of Joint Service Publication (JSP) 886.

This publication was withdrawn on

The Defence Logistics Framework (DLF) has replaced JSP 886 as the authority for defence support chain policy and can be accessed through the Defence Gateway.



The documents on this page include:

  • a subject index to JSP 886
  • amendments and additions to the manual
  • an index of previous versions of the manual
  • an index of legacy publications and where the information can be found in JSP 886

Updates to this page

Published 18 December 2012
Last updated 20 July 2015 show all updates
  1. Added updated version history and record of amendments.

  2. Added updated recent additions, version record, where are they now.

  3. Added revised version history and recent additions.

  4. Added updated version record and amendments and additions.

  5. Added updated recent additions, version record and Where are they now?

  6. Added new Recent Additions and version record.

  7. Updated 'JSP 886: version record index' and 'JSP 886: index of amendments and additions'to reflect the amendments made within Volumes 2, 3, 6 and 7.

  8. Updated the 'index of amendments and additions' and the 'version record index'.

  9. Added updated versions for Recent additions and version record.

  10. Added updated Recent additions and version record.

  11. Added updated recent additions and version record.

  12. Added updated Recent additions and version record.

  13. Added updated Recent addiitions and version history documents.

  14. Added updated versions of 'index of amendments and additions' and 'version record index'.

  15. Added updated version of version record and recent additions and amendments.

  16. Added updated Where are they now document

  17. Added updated recent additions and version records.

  18. Added updated versions of recent additions and version reocrd

  19. Added updated amendments and additions document

  20. Add updated version record document

  21. Added updated Recent additions and version record

  22. Added updated version record and recent additions

  23. Added two updated documents version history and recent additions

  24. Added updated version record and amendments and additions

  25. Added updated files

  26. Updated version record and recent additions added

  27. Added revised version of recent additions and version record

  28. Replacement document added

  29. New versions added

  30. updated "Legacy documents: where are they now?"

  31. Updated version record

  32. Updated the 'version record' and 'amendments and additions'

  33. Updated the 'Amendments and additions' and the Version record to reflect uodates within JSP 886

  34. First published.

  35. Updated the 'Recent additions' and the 'version record'

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