Keeping warm and well: staying safe in cold weather
Advice on staying well in cold weather, covering issues such as financial help, healthy lifestyle, flu vaccinations and heating.
Applies to England
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Cold-Health Alerting (CHA) system is operated by the Met Office. The Cold-Health Alert system begins on 1 November and ends on 31 March.
Keeping warm and well: staying safe in cold weather is part of UKHSA’s Adverse Weather and Health Plan (AWHP) for cold weather advice, which aims to protect people’s health and reduce harm from adverse cold weather.
Updates to this page
Added easy-read, sign-language and translated versions of advice.
Updated guidance and printed poster for 2023.
Updated guidance on keeping warm this winter.
Added updated version of the Keep Warm Keep Well (Coping with cold weather and COVID-19) leaflet.
Added updated version of The Keep Warm Keep Well booklet.
Updated for 2016 winter season.
Added 'Top tips for keeping warm and well' leaflet.
Updated for 2015 winter season.
Updated guidance.
Updated version for 2013.
Changed introduction to indicate new edition coming. Changed lead organsiation from DH to PHE.
First published.