Key stage 2: returning test scripts
Guidance for completing attendance registers and returning key stage 2 (KS2) test scripts for marking.
This is a digital version of the printed guidance schools receive within their key stage 2 test materials consignment. It explains:
- what stationery items schools will receive
- how to complete test attendance registers
- how to send scripts for marking
The accompanying video below provides additional support and clarification, by demonstrating how schools should complete the attendance registers and pack pupils’ test scripts, ready to send for marking:
Updates to this page
Updated guidance for the 2025 key stage 2 tests.
Updated guidance for returning the 2024 key stage 2 tests for marking, including a new instruction video for additional support.
updated for the 2023 test cycle
Included YouTube video for additional support.
Updated for 2022 test cycle.
First published.