
Key stage 4 discounting and early entry guidance (2024)

Updated 24 October 2024

Applies to England


Discounting ensures that, where a pupil has taken 2 or more qualifications with an overlap in curriculum, the performance measures only give credit once for teaching a single course of study. The early entry policy means credit is given to the first qualification taken where a pupil has more than one qualification in the same subject.

Discounting is an important part of the Department for Education (DfE) secondary school performance measures, defining when the performance points of a qualification are discounted against another so that only one qualification counts.

The discounting system affects the calculation of performance measures for a school found at Compare the performance of schools and colleges in England and on the Analyse School Performance (ASP) data release. It does not alter the awards an individual pupil has achieved or limit the qualifications they can take.

This video has been produced to help set up access to the Analyse School Performance service.

A guide to accessing Analyse School Performance video

Discounting may be required in a number of situations, for example:

  • a pupil resits a qualification before the end of key stage 4, possibly with a different awarding organisation. Discounting then ensures that only one result is counted in the calculation of key stage 4 school performance measures

  • the school provides a single course of study but then enters the pupil for 2 or more very similar qualifications. Discounting ensures that the achievement from this single set of teaching hours is counted only once

Discounting is governed by the allocation of discount codes to qualifications with similar curriculum content. In relation to codes:

  • two qualifications will discount if they have the same discount code
  • codes may be updated at any time during the year to improve the accuracy of discounting
  • this update can affect the current cycle without prior notice

Discounting is only applied to qualifications which count in the school and college performance measures in a given year. There is a restricted list of qualifications which count in key stage 4 school performance measures, and each qualification counts for no more than the equivalent of one GCSE.

The number of qualifications that are not GCSEs or AS levels that can count towards a pupil’s Attainment 8 or Progress 8 key stage 4 performance measures is restricted to 3.

Expiry or review date

This advice will next be reviewed before September 2025.

Who is this advice for?

This guidance is for:

  • senior leaders working in secondary schools and trusts, including maintained schools, academies, alternative provision, free schools and special schools
  • independent schools or colleges with provision for students aged 14 to 16 seeking information on secondary accountability measures
  • governors and trustees
  • local authorities

Principles of discounting

Once 2 or more qualifications are known to have the same discount code, the following principles are applied to determine which one is discounted:

  • if a level 3 qualification is taken in the same subject with the same discount code as a level 1/level 2 qualification, the lower level qualification is discounted. For example an AS discounts a GCSE – see the AS level exception discounting section for further information

  • where a pupil has more than one qualification in the same subject with the same discount code, only the one taken first counts (this also applies where the first qualification is level 1 and the second qualification is level 2)

  • for qualifications which discount and are taken on the same day, the best result counts. However, schools should not vary the published starting time for an examination if there is a clash between papers of different awarding bodies or specifications in the same subject. For more information please see Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) instructions

  • where a pupil moves schools in year 9, 10 or 11 and has previously certificated a qualification whilst enrolled at another school, 2 scenarios can occur:
    • If the school re-enters the pupil, the grade from that later attempt counts in performance measures, regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the previous attempt
    • If the school does not re-enter the pupil, the original qualification will count in performance measures
  • where a pupil has certificated a qualification in winter 2021 or earlier for 2024 key stage 4 performance measures, the first entry rule does not apply. In most cases this will apply to pupils in years 8 and below. In these cases performance measures count the best grade achieved, either from before the 3 year cut-off point or the first entry after the cut-off point

  • The principles of discounting do not change for COVID-19 impacted qualifications taken in 2020 or 2021, however the results achieved from these qualifications do not count in performance measures. For example, if a pupil enters GCSE Art in 2021 then re-enters in 2024, this is from before the 3 year cut-off point. Therefore if the 2024 entry had the best grade this would count in performance measures, while if the 2021 entry had the best grade, this would discount the 2024 entry and neither result counts in performance measures.
  • For more information on COVID-19 impacted qualifications see the section on Discounting for COVID-19 impacted qualifications

Discount codes

A qualification is assigned a discount code on the basis of the subject area it covers. The purpose of a discount code is to group qualifications with similar content together allowing comparisons to be made between qualifications with the same discount code.

There is a list of qualifications that count in 2024 key stage 4 performance measures in key stage 4 qualifications, discount codes and point scores.

Using this list, schools can see where 2 qualifications discount one another. The list provides descriptions of the discount codes and covers each year up until 2026.

Codes may be updated at any time during the year to improve the accuracy of discounting. This can affect the current cycle without prior notice.

Pupils taking multiple qualifications which discount

Discounting only applies to the results of a school in the performance measures, not to the qualifications awarded to pupils.

There are a number of educational reasons why a pupil might undertake qualifications which discount each other. A common one would be to recognise their progression through a course of study, for example, by taking a GCSE qualification before progressing to an AS level qualification.

In this scenario the AS level would discount the GCSE in the performance measures but the pupil would still get recognition for both.

Defining the first entry date

The date of the first (or only) examination for a qualification is taken as the entry date.

These dates are used to decide which qualification counts as the first entry. Examination dates are available from the respective exam boards. In cases where exams in the same subject are scheduled for different days in the same series, only the qualification with the earlier exam counts in performance measures.

In cases where qualifications have no formal examination date, the certification date or coursework deadline date is used as the examination date. Further information on these dates can be obtained from the respective exam boards.

The following do not count in performance measures now that all new GCSEs (9 to 1) have been introduced:

  • unreformed GCSEs (A* to G)
  • International GCSEs
  • level 1/level 2 certificates

Exception discounting for science qualifications

There are occasional situations where discount codes alone are not sufficient to achieve accurate discounting. In these circumstances rules about specific qualifications are applied.

Exception discounting applies only to science qualifications which count in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc). Qualifications which count as science in EBacc-related performance measures are detailed on the English Baccalaureate: eligible qualifications list. This includes details on the criteria for entering and achieving the science pillar of the EBacc.

The following provides an overview of the exception discounting process. Examples have been provided to explain how exception discounting is applied.

Timetabling of exams means some of these examples may not occur in practice, but are for illustrative purposes. The tables show whether qualifications count or not in the school and college performance measures.

From 2018, there are 2 science pathways:

  • individual sciences (biology, chemistry, physics)
  • combined science

To meet the criteria for entry into the science pillar of the EBacc, a pupil must either take 3 individual sciences or combined science.

Prior to 2018, there were 3 science pathways. The third science pathway included entries to core science, additional science and further additional science.  From 2018, these qualifications no longer count in secondary school performance measures due to the introduction of reformed 9 to 1 GCSEs.

Since 2014 computer science has counted as an individual science in the performance measures. However it can also count alongside combined science so it is not involved in science pathway discounting.

To achieve the EBacc threshold measure at grade 5 or above, pupils must achieve:

  • two grades at 5 or above if they have entered 3 single sciences or,
  • a grade 5-5 or above in combined science

The EBacc threshold measure is no longer a headline measure from 2018 in performance measures and is replaced with EBacc average point score. This is where a pupil’s points in each EBacc pillar are accepted and is regardless of whether they reach a certain threshold.

The first qualification a pupil enters determines the pathway they are on, and subsequent entries to qualifications from a different pathway do not count in the school and college performance measures.

For example, if a pupil takes biology, the only science qualifications that can count alongside in performance measures are:

  • physics
  • chemistry
  • computer science

Therefore if a pupil takes biology and then combined science subsequently, the combined science grade would not count in the performance measures.

Science example 1

A pupil takes the following:

Date 17 May 2024 24 May 2024 June 2024
Subject biology (4) combined science (5-5) chemistry (4)
Status counts does not count counts

Only the biology qualification taken in May and the chemistry qualification taken in June 2024 count in the performance measures as the pupil is on the individual sciences pathway, and subsequent qualifications in the combined science pathway do not count.

As this pupil has not taken another individual science, they do not meet the entry requirement for the science pillar of the EBacc so their science grades will not be used towards the EBacc APS measure. However the biology and chemistry grades may count towards Progress 8 and Attainment 8.

Science example 2

A pupil takes the following:

Date 17 May 2024 24 May 2024 June 2024
Subject biology (6) chemistry (7) astronomy (4)
Status counts counts does not count

The biology qualification taken on 17 May 2024 determines that the pupil is on the individual sciences pathway, therefore the chemistry entry also counts. As astronomy is not in a science pathway, it counts alongside the individual sciences as an extra qualification.

However, astronomy is not counted as one of the 4 individual sciences that count towards the EBacc science pillar, therefore this pupil does not count as having entered the science pillar of the EBacc as 3 individual sciences have not been taken.

Individual sciences are:

  • biology
  • chemistry
  • physics
  • combined science

Since 2014 computer science has counted as an individual science in the performance measures. However it can also count alongside combined science so it is not involved in science pathway discounting.

Computer science does count as an individual science in the EBacc. However, computer science can also sit alongside the combined science pathway. Therefore if computer science is a pupil’s first science qualification it does not determine a pathway, and the 2 science pathways are still open.

Science example 3

A pupil takes the following:

Date May 2024 June 2024
Subject computer science (7) combined science (9)
Status counts counts

The computer science qualification taken in May 2024 does not determine the science pathway and the 2 pathways are still open. Therefore the science pathway is determined by the next qualification taken, for example the combined science in June 2024.

The pupil meets the entry criteria for the science pillar of the EBacc with the combined science qualification and computer science also counts.

Science example 4

A pupil takes the following:

Date May 2024 June 2024
Subject combined science (6-6) Computer science (5)
Status counts counts

The combined science taken in May 2024 determines that the pupil is on the combined science pathway. The pupil meets the entry criteria for the science pillar of the EBacc and both qualifications can count in the EBacc slots for the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 measures.

As this pupil has entered combined science, they count as entering the EBacc science subject area so their grade will also count towards EBacc APS.

The combined science grades can also count towards Progress 8 and Attainment 8, with up to 2 grades counting in either the EBacc slots or the open slots, where this represents the highest relevant grades achieved.

GCSEs in core, additional and further additional science have not counted in the performance measures since 2018.

For an example of how science pathways are handled for COVID-19 impacted (2020 and 2021) qualifications see: Discounting for COVID-19 impacted qualifications section.

Science pathway discounting

Here is a summary of discount codes and qualifications for each science pathway.

Pathway 1

Pathway Name Qualification discount code(s) Qualifications included
Individual sciences RC1, RH3, RD1 physics (RC1), biology (RH3), chemistry (RD1)

Pathway 2

Pathway Name Qualification discount code(s) Qualifications included
combined science RA1E combined science (RA1E)

All other science qualifications

Pathway Name Qualification discount code(s) Qualifications included
N/A RA14, CK1, QA3 applied science (RA14), computer science or computing (CK1), Any other science qualifications, such as astronomy (RE1)

Since 2014 computer science and computing have been included in the science pillar of the EBacc, and count in addition to the other separate sciences.

If computer science is a pupil’s first science qualification, the 2 available science pathways are still open. For example, a pupil may take the computer science GCSE and then go down the individual science pathway and take 3 individual science qualifications – in which case all 4 science qualifications count.

Moving schools

The early entry policy states that if a pupil previously certificated a qualification whilst enrolled at another school, this grade will only count in performance measures if the new school chooses not to re-enter the pupil. If the school decides to re-enter the pupil (in a reformed qualification), the grade from that attempt counts, regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the previous attempt.

For exception science discounting purposes, this means that if a pupil starts a new pathway at a new school, the previous qualifications are discounted. However, if a pathway is continued, the whole pathway counts.

Moving school example 1

A pupil takes the following:                                

Date Old School New School
Subject biology (6) combined science (5-5)
Status does not count counts

As a new pathway has been started at the new school, the biology qualification is discounted.

Moving school example 2

A pupil takes the following:

Date Old School New School
Subject biology (4) chemistry (5)
Status counts counts

As the same pathway has been continued at the new school, both qualifications count.

If these qualifications were taken in 2020 or 2020 to 2021 then the same discounting principles would apply and the pathway remains as per the examples above, but the results achieved from 2020 or 2020 to 2021 exams do not count in performance measures.

AS level exception discounting in English and mathematics

After early entry discounting has been carried out, exception discounting is carried out across levels for English and mathematics qualifications, for example between AS levels and level 1 or level 2 qualifications.

The AS level(s) always discount the lower level qualifications as per the first discounting principle. For example, an AS mathematics discounts the GCSE, and an AS English language and literature discounts GCSE English language and, or GCSE English literature.

AS level exception discounting is not applied to science qualifications. For example, a pupil could have GCSEs in combined science and an AS level in an individual science. However, AS level exception discounting does apply to both computer science and environmental science, as they are not subjects which can determine a student’s science pathway. If a pupil were to take a GCSE and AS level in computer science, the GCSE would be discounted by the AS level.

GCSEs in environmental science no longer count in performance measures from 2019.

If you require more detailed information for a specific situation, please contact the Department for Education.

Discounting for COVID-19 impacted qualifications

Following the exam disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made it clear that results data from 2020 and 2021 will not be used in school and college level performance measures in future years.

When calculating key stage 4 (KS4) performance measures in 2023 to 2024, we will count entries but not results from 2020 and 2021. For more information, see the Secondary accountability measures guide for maintained secondary schools, academies and free schools.

Where a pupil has been entered early in a subject in 2020 or 2021 and is then re-entered for the same subject in 2024, the best entry rule will apply as the earlier entries are from before the cut-off point at which first entry rules apply. If the 2024 re-entry has a better grade than the 2020 or 2021 entry, then the 2024 entry will count towards KS4 performance measures for 2024. While if the earlier entry has the highest grade, this will discount the 2024 re-entry and neither will count in 2024 KS4 performance measures.

The below example explains how science pathways are handled for COVID-19 impacted 2020 and 2021 qualifications.

Science example 5

A pupil takes the following:

Date 17 May 2021 24 May 2024 24 June 2024 25 June 2024
Subject biology (5) combined science (7-7) chemistry (7) physics (6)
Status does not count does not count counts counts

The biology qualification taken in May 2021 determines that the pupil is on the individual sciences pathway and the subsequent entry in combined science does not count. As the biology qualification was taken in 2021, the result for this qualification does not count in performance measures.

This pupil does meet the entry requirement to the science pillar for the EBacc, however only their chemistry and physics science grades will be used towards the EBacc APS measure. Their chemistry and physics grades may also count towards Progress 8 and Attainment 8.