KAGF projects: year 1 financial year 2021 to 2022
Updated 23 September 2024
Explore: £0 to £25,000
Call deadline: October 2021
Organisation | Title | Award |
Government Internal Audit Agency | Insights Engine – Using AI, natural language processing, to read documents at pace | £24,793 |
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust | The feasibility of creating combined genetic, clinical and quality of life datasets in patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer | £24,930 |
Call deadline: November 2021
Organisation | Title | Award |
Ministry of Defence | Raman spectroscopy for traumatic brain injury (TBI) diagnosis | £25,000 |
Ministry of Defence | Three new patents: Enclosure for a pressure vessel, device and method of laser pulse measurement, improved tourniquet (a device to stop blood flow from war-related injuries) | £25,000 |
National Physical Laboratory | Fast measurement of precision tubing market study | £20,650 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | Upgrade of cryogenic detector system (XH) data acquisition unit (DAQ unit) | £21,090 |
Call deadline: December 2021
Organisation | Title | Award |
Environment Agency | Covid-19 Wastewater sampling next steps | £24,995 |
Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust | Project get talking: A mental health project designed to improve outcomes in speech and language therapy for young people | £24,733 |
Office for National Statistics | Conjoint analysis for valuing official statistics | £24,363 |
HM Courts and Tribunal | Executing Strategy and Enabling Complex Change (ExSECC) Framework | £23, 724 |
Call deadline: January 2022
Organisation | Title | Award |
National Nuclear Laboratory | Electrolytically assisted surface decontamination | £24,743 |
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust | Emergency role allocations (ERA) systems | £23,982 |
Expand: £25,001 to £100,000
Call deadline: October 2021
Organisation | Title | Award |
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory | Exploitation of UK DSTL sepsis biobank & genomic dataset to mitigate Covid-19 impact & enhance infectious disease care in the NHS | £99,975 |
National Physical Laboratory | Noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical-heterodyne molecular spectroscopy (NICE-OHMS) for methane detection | £67,755 |
National Physical Laboratory | Autonomous Atomic Sensors | £64,370 |
Office for National Statistics | Support for the business community in reporting achievements and progress against the UN Sustainable Development Goals | £89,794 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | New user interface (UI) for collaborative computational project for electron cryo-microscopy (CCP-EM) software | £100,000 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | Novel vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) light source for gas and water treatment | £66,350 |
Call deadline: November 2021
Organisation | Title | Award |
National Physical Laboratory | NPL breast scanner: Ultrasound imaging technology for breast cancer diagnosis | £93,954 |
Call deadline: December 2021
Organisation | Title | Award |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Fusion controls software for industry 5.0 | £98,400 |
Call deadline: January 2022
Organisation | Title | Award |
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust | Maudsley Learning 360 VR/ XR training programme | £89,200 |
Extend: £100,001 to £250,000
Call deadline: October 2021
Organisation | Title | Award |
National Physical Laboratory | Celsius Health – a digital health company developing a high-fidelity thermal imaging platform for clinical diagnostics | £248,502 |
Call deadline: November 2021
Organisation | Title | Award |
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory | Sentinel – Prevention and protection against laser attacks | £183,200 |
National Physical Laboratory | Graphene biosensors: Investigating the measurement of biological and chemical reactions in food control, medicine and other industries | £226,824 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | NOOR Image Sensor: Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) ultra-high-speed camera for cutting edge scientific research applications | £125,462 |