KAGF projects: year 2 financial year 2022 to 2023
Updated 23 September 2024
Explore: £0 to £25,000
Call deadline: August 2022 (Summer call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
British Geological Survey | Building and evaluating the potential case-study for British Geological Survey (BGS) data to be served via the Ordnance Survey data hub | £24,970 |
National Physical Laboratory | Sonoreactor – Building processes to assist the food industry with sustainably increasing production | £24,632 |
National Physical Laboratory | HIDRA: Understanding the use of hyperspectral imaging (a wide range of light) on semiconductors | £24,999 |
National Physical Laboratory | Optimum market study: Enhancing manufacturing methods with digital technology | £24,985 |
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust | Exploring the predictive power of NHS workforce data on work-related wellbeing | £24,672 |
Call deadline: October 2022 (Autumn call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
National Physical Laboratory | Novel dosimetry (radiation measurements) for ultra-high dose rate radiation therapy | £24,964 |
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust | Digital simulation toolkit: Improving patient outcomes in mental health | £24,538 |
Call deadline: December 2022 (Winter call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Environment Agency | Land use choices tool market exploration | £25,000 |
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust | A device to prevent multi-resistant bacteria in hospital sink u-bends from entering sinks | £24,734 |
Health Education England | Exploration of the implementation of a global system for cataloguing digital learning | £17,782 |
Health and Safety Executive | Market viability of risk management products | £25,000 |
National Physical Laboratory Microtraps | A device to trap ions in quantum computing | £24,632 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Passive neutron spectrometer: A device to overcome nuclear radiation across industries | £16,850 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Modular BioShield: A structure to protect nuclear reactor workers from radiation | £23,572 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Surface wave source: Improving outcomes in radiation experimentation | £16,607 |
UK Health Security Agency | Bespoke market intelligence to enhance and generate commercial opportunities for UKHSA immunotherapy research activities | £24,577 |
Expand: £25,001 to £100,000
Call deadline: August 2022 (Summer call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
National Physical Laboratory | Non-contact, in line electrical characterisation of 2D, thin film materials to enable quality control in advanced manufacturing | £99,912 |
National Physical Laboratory | Investigating the use of Waveguides for All Optical Atom Chips (AOAC) | £90,535 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | Depleted monolithic active pixel sensor (DMAPS) for X-ray detection | £96,076 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Diffusion bonded windows for high performance applications | £85,063 |
Call deadline: October 2022 (Autumn call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Homerton Healthcare NHS Trust | Verbo: Increasing reach for school age children and young people to access speech & language therapy | £99,961 |
Northwest Anglia NHS Trust | Adjustable dose safety syringe development | £43,598 |
St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | Merseyburns: Rebuilding and gaining compliancy of a tool used to analyse patients with burn injuries | £85,738 |
Call deadline: December 2022 (Winter call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
British Geological Survey | eTOMRAP: Extended Tool for Multi-hazard Risk Assessment in Python | £82,604 |
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust | Pharmacy digital prioritisation software | £99,664 |
National Physical Laboratory | Improving drug discovery with quantum detection for enhanced sensitivity mass spectrometry | £99,584 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | Developing an enhanced broadband static FT spectrometer with modified optical geometry | £84,590 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Nimbus: An advanced instrumentation platform | £92,746 |
Extend: £100,001 to £250,000
Call deadline: August 2022 (Summer call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
National Physical Laboratory | Hydrogen emission measurement services | £249,312 |
National Physical Laboratory | Ultrasound breast density assessment device concept formulation and validation | £199,312 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | High-rate colour x-ray imaging: Enhancing quality and image resolution in x-ray behaviour | £202,812 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | Microwave driven excimer lamp: Optimising a gas discharge lamp that emits UV radiation | £188,339 |
Call deadline: October 2022 (Autumn call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
South London and Maudsley NHS Trust | Maudsley Learning virtual reality education project | £214,267 |
Call deadline: December 2022 (Winter call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust | Opticord: A novel equipment to facilitate neonatal optimal cord clamping during birth | £130,379 |
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | Harnessing real-world imaging data for development and delivery of artificial intelligence assisted clinical workflows in Radiology | £249,430 |
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | Cancer tissue tracking and imaging system | £249,994 |
National Physical Laboratory | High fidelity thermal imaging data for healthcare (Celsius Health) | £203,890 |
NHS England | Geothermal tool: A feasibility assessment for ground source heat pumps | 249,855 |