KAGF projects: year 3 financial year 2023 to 2024
Updated 23 September 2024
Explore: £0 to £25,000
Call deadline: March 2023 (Spring call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Health and Safety Executive | Market feasibility of HSE’s reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations dashboard | £25,000 |
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | Healthcare voice assistant to reduce cognitive load in acute clinical care | £24,884 |
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency | Exploring the commercialisation and development potential of high-fidelity synthetic data | £24,903 |
Ordnance Survey | National Centre for verified ground truth data: Improving net zero outcomes in land use | £24,975 |
Call deadline: June 2023 (Summer call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
British Geological Survey | Using AI natural language processing to unlock data from hidden geological records to aid Net Zero | £24,933 |
Government Internal Audit Agency | Large language model report writing application | £24,998 |
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust | Extracting coded medical information from unstructured outpatient correspondence using commercially available tools - releasing knowledge from data assets | £24,852 |
Office for National Statistics | Exploring how to make training provision sustainable | £25,000 |
Office for National Statistics | Exploring alternative data sources for travel and tourism statistics | £18,900 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Modelling the effects of electro-magnetic and magnetic fields on quantum computers | £24,983 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Simvue: A framework to improve outcomes in machine learning experimentation | £24,481 |
Call deadline: September 2023 (Autumn call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Forest Research | Market and use testing of TreeAlert data | £24,683 |
Health and Safety Executive | Safety data diagnostic tool: Helping organisations safely and effectively manage their health and safety data | £24,841 |
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew | Exploring ontologies to develop an accessible, interoperable resource for plant-based health products | £24,981 |
Call deadline: December 2023 (Winter call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Government Internal Audit Agency | AI supported risk assessment and control creation | £24,810 |
Health and Safety Executive | Determining the Market Potential for a Design Risk Management Readiness Assessment Tool | £24,625 |
National Physical Laboratory | Strategy for Enabling Clinical Confidence in Breath Analysis | £24,952 |
National Physical Laboratory | Optical Interferometer for ultra-precision measurement | £25,000 |
The Coal Authority | Geothermal resource development through enhanced data sharing | £24,873 |
Expand: £25,001 to £100,000
Call deadline: March 2023 (Spring call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust | PerfAct BreCon study: A prospective case control study to compare PERFusion (tissue circulation) between retrACTors and non-retractors during immediate BREast reCONstruction | £99,637 |
Dudley Group NHS Trust | QI Notify-EmLap (emergency laparotomy) feedback for multi-site implementation and real-world evaluation: A tool to enhance training for medical professionals | £99,723 |
Call deadline: June 2023 (Summer call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust | An innovative new device and procedure for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in women | £70,242 |
Homerton Healthcare NHS Trust | Verbo: Improving user experience to access speech and language therapy for children and young people | £99,846 |
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) | Novel phosphor thermometer: A device to measure surface temperatures | £30,000 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Recovery of radioactive volatiles from waste | £97,193 |
Call deadline: September 2023 (Autumn call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
British Geological Survey | Common Ground: Improving the value of ground investigation data | £99,365 |
Environment Agency | Developing our targeted flood warning service | £86,000 |
Health and Safety Executive | Expansion of the national population database | £98,656 |
Medical Research Council | Advancing UK biomedical research by exploiting the National Mouse Archive | £99,395 |
National Archives | Pathfinder to commercially exploit the National Archives’ legal document toolkit | £99,664 |
National Physical Laboratory | Prototype novel dosimetry for flash radiotherapy: Improving outcomes in cancer diagnosis | £99,447 |
Natural England | Health, wellbeing, nature and sustainability (HNWS) tool | £99,990 |
Ordnance Survey | Expanding the use of the OS Data Hub with the British Geological Survey | £88,877 |
Call deadline: December 2023 (winter call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
British Antarctic Survey (NERC) | Groundwater detection and monitoring through ApRES (Autonomous phase-sensitive Radio Echo Sounder) | £99,782 |
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency | Improved detection and surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) genes by NGS through biological standardisation | £98,795 |
UK Atomic Energy Authority | Corrugated Evacuated Waveguide: Commercialisation Strategy and Waveguide Testing | £99,746 |
British Geological Survey | Groundwater flood risk under climate change | £99,971 |
Extend: £100,001 to £250,000
Call deadline: March 2023 (Spring call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
National Physical Laboratory | HIDRA 2 – NPL Hyperspectral Imaging technology, which captures high resolution images on semiconductor materials | £249,844 |
Call deadline: June 2023 (Summer call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust | Little hearts at home: A digital toolkit to monitor cardiovascular behaviour in paediatric patients | £206,374 |
Geospatial Commission | Maximising the value of the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) knowledge asset: Testing the feasibility of additional use cases that go beyond ‘safe digging’ | £228,750 |
St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | Merseyburns: Creating a sustainable solution for national usage - a tool used to analyse patients with burn injuries | £179,397 |
Call deadline: September 2023 (Autumn call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Health and Safety Executive | Using a health and safety sandbox system to create use cases to accelerate regulatory compliance in the construction sector | £249,580 |
National Physical Laboratory | Implementation of an NPL ion trap (microtrap) at the National Quantum Computing Centre. | £249,580 |
National Physical Laboratory | Improving outcomes for 5G/6G communications. | £250,000 |
National Physical Laboratory | Optimum Demonstrator: Developing manufacturing methods with digital technology in practice. | £249,980 |
National History Museum | Creating a sustainable biodiversity modelling service: A Plant knowledge asset to support habitat restoration. | £248,808 |
Call deadline: December 2023 (Winter call)
Organisation | Title | Award |
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency | DataGen.AI: A Self-Service Synthetic Data Generation Platform | £245,301 |
National Physical Laboratory | Advancing NPL’s Breast Density Assessment Knowledge Asset for Commercialisation | £247,151 |
National Physical Laboratory | Electrical property characterisation for precision 2D material manufacture: Resmeas Pilot Line Analysis | £183,802 |
Science and Technology Facilities Council | The next generation of the CCP-electron microscopy software suite: seeing proteins in their native environment | £209,965 |