
Land Charges Act and Rules: Notices, Directions and fees guide

The Land Charges legislation allows for the Chief Land Registrar to give Notices and Directions about arrangements for dealing with land charges applications.

Applies to England and Wales


Land Charges fees guide (effective 2 April 1990)


Under Schedule 3 to the Land Charges Rules 1974, the Chief Land Registrar may, if satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made or will be in place for dealing with applications and the results of applications under the Land Charges Act 1972 or the Rules by means other than post, DX or personal delivery, give notice publicising the arrangements. Under section 17(2) of the Land Charges Act 1972, the Chief Land Registrar may issue Directions that land charges matters are to be dealt with at a specified office of HM Land Registry.

Updates to this page

Published 6 December 2013
Last updated 28 November 2023 show all updates
  1. Notice 1 was withdrawn on Tuesday 28 November 2023.

  2. Suspension of Notice 2 as a result of essential maintenance work on all HM Land Registry electronic services from 16:00 hours on Friday 25 August 2023 until 06:30 hours on Tuesday 29 August 2023.

  3. The Land Charges legislation allows for the Chief Land Registrar to give Notices and Directions about arrangements for dealing with land charges applications. Suspension of notice 2 given under Schedule 3 of the Land Charges Rules 1974.

  4. New Notice 3 added

  5. Variation of notice 1 added

  6. Variation of Notice 1 added giving details of opening hours over Christmas 2018.

  7. Suspension of notice 2 on Saturday 16 June 2018 and Sunday 17 June 2018.

  8. We have added a variation to Notice 1 giving our opening hours over Christmas 2017.

  9. Notice of a suspension of our electronic services on 18 and 19 June 2016 has been removed as this suspension is no longer taking place.

  10. Variation of notice 2 between 1000 hours and 1200 noon on Sunday 29 May 2016

  11. A suspension of notice 2 has been added as a result of a suspension of our electronic services from 8:55am hours on Saturday June 2016 until midnight on Monday 20 June 2016.

  12. A variation to notice 2 has been added as a result of a suspension of our electronic services from 1830 on Friday 4 March 2016 to 0600 on Monday 7 March.

  13. Variation of Notice 1 added to cover opening hours over Christmas 2015.

  14. Updated notice 2 added. Notice 3 withdrawn.

  15. First published.

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