
Notice 27: Applications for inspection of registered titles, individual caution registers and caution plans through HM Land Registry’s Search for land and property information service (effective 10 February 2022)

Updated 16 August 2024

Applies to England and Wales

Notice given by the registrar under Schedule 2 to the Land Registration Rules 2003


1.In this Notice:

(a) ‘the Rules’ means the Land Registration Rules 2003 (SI 2003/1417), as amended from time to time,

(b) expressions used have, unless the contrary intention appears, the meaning which they bear in the Rules.

Currency of Notice

2.This Notice is made under rule 132 of and Schedule 2 to the Rules and shall be current for the purposes of Schedule 2 at and after 20.00 hours on 10 February 2022. On that date, this Notice replaces the Notice of 27 October 2021 in respect of inspection of individual registers and individual caution registers through HM Land Registry’s Search for land and property information service.

Service available under this Notice

3.Arrangements have been made for dealing with applications under section 66(1) of the Land Registration Act 2002 to inspect and make copies of registered titles, individual caution registers and caution plans through HM Land Registry’s Search for land and property information service.

When the service is available

4.(a) HM Land Registry’s Search for land and property information service will normally be available for 24 hours every day.

(b) On occasions the service may not be available due to essential maintenance and improvement work. The registrar will endeavour to undertake such work at times when it will have minimal impact.

(c) The registrar will aim to provide a continuous service but does not guarantee that the service will be available at all times. Faults may occur in the service, which the registrar will endeavour to repair as soon as practicable.

Who may deliver an application

5.Applications may only be delivered by a person who:

(a) has a current user account set up by HM Land Registry to use HM Land Registry’s Search for land and property information service, and

(b) complies with the Search for land and property information terms of use current at the time of the application.

General limitation

6.Applications may only be made in respect of registers and plans kept by the registrar in electronic form.

Particulars to be provided by the applicant

7.The applicant must provide or confirm:

(a) a property description of the land in respect of which the application is made, or

(b) the title number of the registered title or caution title number in respect of which the application is made.

Emily d’Albuquerque

Deputy Director for Central Legal Services

Dated: 9 February 2022