Land Registry annual report and accounts 2013 to 2014
Land Registry's annual report and accounts for the financial year 2013 to 2014.
Applies to England and Wales
This report outlines Land Registry’s main achievements over the financial year 2013 to 2014, along with the risks and issues that it faced.
It presents information on:
- Business e-services: customers can now bypass the post room by sending us their applications electronically
- Virtual Post Room
- Property Alert
- the new Citizen Centre at our Wales Office which is already receiving all paper applications from members of the public
- how we coped with the workload created by the October 2013 deadline for registering overriding interests in manorial rights and chancel repair liability
- our flagship electronic Document Registration Service (e-DRS) which went from strength to strength, including earning a commendation at the Real IT Awards as runner-up in the Delivering Business Value category
The financial statements and notes set out Land Registry’s expenditure for the 12 months and the financial position as at 31 March 2014.
Report presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 101 of the Land Registration Act 2002. Accounts presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 4(6)(a) of the Government Trading Funds Act 1973 as amended by the Government Trading Act 1990.