
Practice guide 40: guide overview of Land Registry plans

Updated 25 June 2015

Applies to England and Wales

Please note that HM Land Registry’s practice guides are aimed primarily at solicitors and other conveyancers. They often deal with complex matters and use legal terms.

1. Supplement 1: the basis of HM Land Registry plans

Supplement 1 describes the origins and scales of Ordnance Survey mapping and how this relates to plans prepared by HM Land Registry.

The main headings in this supplement are:

  1. Introduction
  2. Ordnance Survey mapping
  3. Scale and accuracy of Ordnance Survey mapping
  4. Feature representation on Ordnance Survey mapping
  5. Availability of Ordnance Survey mapping
  6. Copyright
  7. Contacting Ordnance Survey

2. Supplement 2: preparing plans for HM Land Registry applications

Supplement 2 has been designed to assist in the preparation of deed plans.

The main headings in this supplement are:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why good quality plans are important
  3. Plans for specific application types or situations
  4. Plans for first registrations
  5. Plans for transfers/leases of part of a registered estate
  6. Plans for unusual extents of land
  7. Use of verbal descriptions
  8. Completion of the title plan as an alternative to raising requisitions
  9. Guidelines for preparing plans for HM Land Registry applications
  10. E-lodgement of plans

3. Supplement 3: boundaries

Supplement 3 gives an overview of boundaries including general boundaries and boundary ownership and maintenance.

The main headings in this supplement are:

  1. Introduction
  2. Definition of a boundary
  3. Difficulties in showing the precise position of physical boundaries on plans
  4. Identifying the position of the legal boundary
  5. General boundaries
  6. Fixed boundaries
  7. Boundary agreements and determined boundaries
  8. Ownership and/or maintenance of boundaries
  9. Party Wall etc Act 1996
  10. Accretion and diluvion: non-tidal rivers and streams
  11. Legal presumptions

4. Supplement 4: boundary agreements and determined boundaries

Supplement 4 deals with boundary agreements and determined boundaries in particular explaining what they are and when they may be appropriate.

The main headings in this supplement are:

  1. Introduction
  2. Boundary agreements
  3. Determined boundaries
  4. Applying for a determined boundary
  5. Transfers and determined boundaries without an application

5. Supplement 5: title plan

Supplement 5 describes the purpose, creation and maintenance of title plans.

The main headings in this supplement are:

  1. Overview
  2. The purpose of a title plan
  3. Types of title plan
  4. Creating a title plan
  5. Title plan scales
  6. Title plan size
  7. What a title plan must always show
  8. Leasehold floor level title plans
  9. Dimensions
  10. Colour references
  11. Other information on a title plan
  12. Updating a title plan
  13. Sub dividing a title register and plan
  14. Surveys
  15. Appendix 1: title plan conventions
  16. Appendix 2: examples of title plans

Supplement 6 describes other plans related services and other sources of mapping guidance.

The main headings in this supplement are:

  1. Searches of the index map
  2. Illustrative plans
  3. Electronic extent data (polygons)
  4. HM Land Registry practice guides

7. Things to remember

More information and top tips for avoiding requisitions can be found on HM Land Registry Plans - Webinars and Practice Guides.

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