Landfill and deposit for recovery: aftercare and permit surrender
What to do during the aftercare phase and what to include in an application to surrender your permit.
Applies to England
This guide is for operators of permitted landfill sites or deposit for recovery activities. It tells you what to do during the aftercare phase. It also tells you what information you need to send the Environment Agency to support an application to surrender your permit.
There’s related guidance for:
Updates to this page
Updated sections 8 and 9 to add more description of when a surrender report or a surrender site condition report must be completed, what a low risk surrender is, the types of permit application that are required and the charges that apply.
Updated the guidance on permit surrender. It applies to the landfill and deposit for recovery sector. This replaces, 'Landfill (EPR 5.02) and other permanent deposits of waste: how to surrender your environmental permit'. The guidance gives advice on landfill aftercare. It explains the risk assessment process the Environment Agency expects you to follow. It tells you what information you need to support a permit surrender application. The main updates are for landfills that deposited inert waste and deposit for recovery activities. The Environment Agency has improved the wording for landfills that deposited hazardous or non-hazardous waste. They have not changed the regulatory standards.
First published.