
Large-scale applications and calculation of fees (PG33)

How to prepare an application for a large number of properties and calculating the fees involved (practice guide 33).

Applies to England and Wales



This guide gives information on how to prepare an application with a large number of properties. It also contains information about the calculation of fees for large scale applications under Article 6 of the current Land Registration Fee Order. It is aimed at conveyancers and other legal advisers and you should interpret references to ‘you’ accordingly.

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Updates to this page

Published 13 October 2003
Last updated 31 January 2022 show all updates
  1. The guide has been amended as a result of the Land Registration Fee Order 2021 coming into force.

  2. The guide has been amended as we have revised the number of registered titles and unregistered properties that constitute a large-scale application. We have also amended the ways in which you contact us.

  3. Section 2 has been amended to clarify how you should contact us.

  4. Section 17.3, which deals with fees, has been amended to include a further example. This is where a single lease comprises land out of registered titles and also out of unregistered land.

  5. The guide has been updated as a result of a review of our practice on large-scale applications. Section 12 has been updated to reflect the introduction of Land Transaction Tax for transactions affecting land in Wales completed on or after 1 April 2018.

  6. Sections 3 and 15 have been amended to take account of a Chief Land Registrar’s Direction on large scale voluntary applications for first registration.

  7. Section 20 has been amended as a result of a change to our email addresses.

  8. Section 19 has been amended to reflect that we will no longer accept applications by fax.

  9. Link to the advice we offer added.

  10. Welsh translation added.

  11. First published.

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