How to apply for a comprehensive project as part of the Laying Hen Housing for Health and Welfare grant round 1 (invited applicants)
Updated 22 January 2025
Applies to England
Only invited applicants can apply for round 1 of the Laying Hen Housing for Health and Welfare grant.
Find out about other grants and funds.
The application process for this grant has 2 stages:
- Stage 1: online checker
- Stage 2: full application
1. Stage 1: online checker
The online checker closed at 11:59pm on 18 September 2024. No new applications can be accepted for this grant.
The online checker was used to make an initial online application.
This service allowed you to check:
- if you were eligible to apply for a grant for your project
- how well your project scored against the grant funding priorities
We will invite eligible applicants who completed the online checker and scored highly enough against the grant funding priorities to make a full application.
If you applied for both a comprehensive project and a veranda-only project, only one of your applications can proceed. If your comprehensive project is successful, we will invite you to make a full application for your comprehensive project. This will be instead of your veranda-only project. If we do not invite you to make a full application for your comprehensive project, we will still progress your veranda-only project.
2. Stage 2: full application
If you’re eligible to apply, and your project scores well enough against the funding priorities at Stage 1, we’ll invite you to make a full application and send you the application form.
You will need to fill in the full application form and email this, with your supporting documents, to the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) at
You must email your application and all supporting documents before 11.59pm on 28 April 2026.
RPA will use these to assess the project in terms of financial viability and delivery.
2.1. What you’ll need for your full application form
You will need to provide more details about your project.
Use the:
- same project that you used in your Stage 1: online application
- project number provided by RPA in your invitation to apply for a full application
We know that some minor project details may change after you complete the online checker, such as changes to project costs as they are finalised. However, the main details of your project should not be significantly different to your online application.
If you need to discuss significant changes to your project, you will need to contact RPA by email before you submit your full application. If the full application is significantly different, the application may be rejected.
2.2. What information you need to provide at full application
The full application form is an Excel spreadsheet.
You’ll need to provide:
- information about you, your business and project
- evidence to show that your business is an egg producing or pullet rearing business with 1000+ birds
- a breakdown of project costs
- supplier details
- an explanation of how the project will be funded
- a detailed specification of the building showing which of the minimum requirements or scoring criteria already exist and which are to be bought as part of the project
- scale plans showing building design and layout
- details of the building insulation - this must include the type of insulating material used (all buildings) and its U-value (new buildings only)
- evidence that the mechanical ventilation system for the proposed housing will have the capacity to meet the required performance level
- the make and model of any multi-tier systems
- the total number of welfare ramps included as part of a multi-tier system
- the specification of the lighting systems
- veranda exemption details (where applicable)
- solar capacity exemption roof details (where applicable)
- evidence of matched housing between rearing and lay (where applicable)
You will also need to provide evidence of the:
- stocking capacity of the housing at the time of application - including the total useable area in square metres (m2) and the usable area at floor level in m2
- stocking capacity of the housing at project completion - including the total useable area in m2 and the usable area at floor level in m2
- maximum stocking density utilised in kilogram per m2 (pullets only)
By applying for this grant, you consent to allow Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to give RPA this information on stocking capacity and density to verify the details in your application.
2.3 Other supporting documents
You will need to provide the following supporting documents, if relevant to your project:
- a copy of a signed and dated tenancy agreement with the owners of the land or buildings at the project location, if the applicant business does not own them
- a letter from your landlord underwriting the application, if using this option
- financial accounts for the most recent 3 years of trading
- latest tax returns, management accounts, or a statement of income and expenses from an accountant, if you have been trading for less than 2 years
- one quote, or reference to a catalogue listing (including online suppliers) for any item valued up to £4,999.99
- 3 quotes, references to catalogue listings or formal tenders for each item valued from £5,000 to £50,000
- 3 quotes or formal competitive tenders for each item valued over £50,000
- evidence of availability of your project funding
- confirmation from the supplier that any second-hand item is expected to last for at least 5 years, is fit for purpose and has not received previous grant funding
- details and (at least draft) agreements between parties where collaborations or partnerships are declared
- evidence where you are eligible to, and intend to, include irrecoverable VAT in your project costs (such as a letter from a Chartered Accountant or HMRC confirming you are not able to recover VAT from HMRC)
- for projects replacing colony cages with a non-cage system, a Feather Cover Action Plan (FCAP), co-written with a veterinary professional
- planning permission approval (where applicable) - when applying for planning permission, please state on your planning application that your project is part of the Defra Laying Hen Housing for Health and Welfare grant
- other relevant permissions and consents (where applicable) – this may require you to apply for a new, or update your existing environmental permit if you have more than 40,000 places for poultry
If you currently have fewer than 40,000 bird places on your site and you will increase the number of bird places to more than 40,000, you will need to apply for an environmental permit.
If your site currently has more than 40,000 bird places and your project will include changes to the permitted activity (for example, housing system, bird numbers or manure management), you will need to apply for an environmental permit variation.
You can use the Environment Agency’s pre-application advice service to make sure your permit application is correct.
3. How your application is assessed
We will assess your application on the following criteria.
3.1 Eligibility and delivery
At the full application stage, we will check to make sure that:
- you and your project are still eligible
- the comprehensive project meets the minimum specifications for the grant
- appropriate planning consents and permissions are in place
- costs are eligible, represent best value for money and are supported by the required number of quotes
- your business is financially viable
- you can fund the project until the grant is claimed
3.2 Funding priorities
We will score how well your project meets the grant requirements and funding priorities. Successful projects will:
- improve laying hen and pullet health and welfare
- enhance environmental sustainability
- introduce innovation
These are set out in more detail in the ‘Laying Hen Housing for Health and Welfare grant round 1 specifications’. The better your project meets these funding priorities, the stronger your application will be.
4. When you’ll find out if you’re successful
We aim to give you a decision on your application within 60 working days from receipt of a complete full application.
If you are offered a grant, we will send a grant funding agreement (GFA) for you to sign and return. This will set out the legal terms and conditions of the grant, including the:
- amount of the grant
- outputs we have agreed for your project
- information we require during the project for monitoring and evaluation activities
If you need to change anything in the GFA over the course of the project, you must get written agreement from RPA first. If you do not, we could end your agreement and reclaim any grant we have already paid. You’ll get more information and help with this if you are offered a grant.
5. If your application is unsuccessful
If your application is unsuccessful, we will write to you to tell you why. If you’re unhappy with the decision, you can follow our complaints procedure. If you remain unhappy with our decision, you may be able to appeal.
6. Contact RPA
Contact the Farming Transformation Fund (FTF) team at RPA if you have any questions about your application.
Telephone: 0300 0200 301 and follow options for the Farming Transformation Fund scheme.
Farming Transformation Fund
Grants Service
Rural Payments Agency
Sterling House
Dix’s Field