
Lessons Management Best Practice Guidance: Annexes (HTML)

Published 30 September 2024

ANNEX 1: Linked Documents and Resources

1.1 - Linked doctrine and guidance:

1.2 - Helpful reading and resources to support lessons analysis

1.3 - Helpful reading and resources to support lesson implementation and evaluation

ANNEX 2: Glossary

Term Explanation
After Action Reviews (AARs) A method of evaluation used to collate and examine learning when outcomes of an event have been particularly successful or unsuccessful, to avoid a particularly successful or unsuccessful event, to avoid failure and promote success in the future.[footnote 1]
Analysis The study of a whole by thoroughly examining its parts and their interactions[footnote 2], to identify patterns, trends and themes in data.
Cold Debrief A structured event or meeting, ideally held within days of the event, to review experiences, outcomes, and capture learning.
Deep dive Internal group sessions that offer space for detailed consideration and exploration of specific issues or thematic areas.
Hot debrief An event or meeting held straight after an exercise or incident to capture any urgent feedback, important observations and immediate actions, before those involved disperse.
Focus groups Facilitated group discussions to examine and explore shared, lived experiences of an event or views on a topic.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) A measurable target that can be used to track progress toward a specific organisational objective, as an indicator of performance.
Lesson An update in knowledge or understanding that has been gained through experience.[footnote 3]
Embedded Lesson A change implemented in response to a lesson identified, that has since been integrated and consolidated in context, evidenced as retained over time, and is consistently demonstrated in practice.
Embedding The process of monitoring, assessing, and assuring the integration and retention of implemented learning to consolidate, normalise and habituate changes in response to a lesson identified.
Lesson Identification The process of capturing, analysing, reviewing, validating, reporting, and sharing lessons evidenced by information captured from an experienced event, exercise or emergency.
Lesson Identified An evidenced conclusion, based on analysis of observations and insights, describing a problem/issue, details a root cause, and sets out a course of action to achieve positive improvements in practice.[footnote 4]
Lesson Implementation The process of leading, planning and acting on lessons identified to achieve improvements that can be evidenced through monitoring, evaluation and reporting on objectives, outputs and outcomes.
Lesson Implemented (‘Learned’) An identified lesson that has been actively addressed through a lesson implementation process, resulting in measurable change(s) and positive, evidenced improvements in behaviour and practice.
Lessons Management A strategic, organised approach to, and oversight of, planned processes and procedures to achieve evidenced learning from experience, in a continual, consistent manner.
Lesson Prioritisation The process of organising lessons identified, assessing the risk of recurrence and agreeing a priority level for implementation action.
Notable Practice A practice observed as an effective way of doing something, resulting in a beneficial and/or better than expected outcome that could be replicated or scaled to strengthen future resilience.
Observation A singular, documented perspective or opinion on a noteworthy problem or practice, in the content of a specific incident, exercise, project or report.[footnote 5]
Recommendation A proposed, viable course of action based on an evidenced lesson, that has been constructed in a SMART manner, and can be acted upon either to reinforce a positive finding or drive improvement.
Transactional Recommendations A resolvable challenge with tangible/known cause(s) and a clear course of action (e.g., process improvement opportunities,changes to existing plans). Implementation: 1-12 weeks.
Situational Recommendations A situation-specific challenge with an identified organisation or people group. Implementation method is clear (e.g., training), but action requires situational awareness, or has situational constraints (e.g., existing training schedule). Implementation: 3-12 months.
Transformational Recommendations A significant, complex challenge spanning network(s) or system(s). Causal factors tend to be less well defined, viable actions require strategic ‘bigger picture’ delivery mechanisms and increased stakeholder engagement. Implementation: 12-24 months +
Validation The action of checking or confirming the accuracy, integrity, and quality of a lesson identified.[footnote 6]

ANNEX 3: Example Learning Capture Templates

1. Observation Capture Template (E.g., for capturing individual observations)

Date -
Event / Exercise  
Observer details (*) (*)Optional, depending on any instructions for anonymity or requirement for contact details
Title Short, concise, one sentence summary of a significant issue or practice
Observation Description of the problem or practise experienced and/or observed
Discussion Details relating to situational context, consequences, wider impacts
Conclusion and Recommendation Summary of views on the observation, including any proposed actions and/or prescriptions to the problem, for consideration

2. Cold Debrief Template (E.g. for capturing observations in a group context)

Date of Incident / Event: -
Type of event  
(e.g., incident, exercise, training, other)  
Name(s) of debrief team:  
Location of debrief:  
Time and date of debrief:  

Names of attendees and the organisations they represent can also be recorded.

Incident / Event overview (summary of what happened)
Who was involved? (departments/organisations/agencies)
Who took the lead? (departments/organisations/agencies)
What went well and why? (Summary of successful and/or notable practices)
What were the notable areas for improvement? (Description and detail of issues, gaps and challenges experienced)
How could things be done differently next time? (Optional early thinking on potential options to address/resolve/improve issues can be included)

Key Points of Learning

(Key findings to support identification of lessons)

No. Learning Point Observer Organisation Thematic Area Action Required Progress Update
Lead debriefing organisation/department -
Lead debriefer name  
Lead debriefer signature  

Governance of Debrief Report:

Report sent to:


Report reviewed by:


ANNEX 4: Worked Example - High-Quality Lesson Identified

Three components of a high-quality ‘Lesson Identified’

Category Explanation
Context What was observed and where?
Problem (or Practice) What were the underlying cause, issue or influencing factors? What did the notable practice involve and why was it effective? What is the rationale for updating or amending existing ways of doing things?
Proposed action (prescription) What action is required for improvement? How could/why might positive improvements be achieved in response?

Worked Example

Category Explanation
Context: The provision of agreed, accurate and timely information to the public during a response plays a vital role during an emergency response. There is a requirement for the organisation to maintain arrangements to warn the public and keep them informed in the event of an emergency.
Problem: During the response, limited knowledge of senior communication clearance processes, and inconsistent lines of communication to those with authority to clear, led to frustration and delay in the release of timely, accurate information to the local community. This had a negative impact on the response, with members of the public congregating at the scene instead of avoiding the area. It also created space for misinformation to spread on social media, and resulted in the perception that the organisation was slow to respond. If unaddressed the problem could recur and hamper future responses, impacting the ability to warn and inform the public, maintain safety at the incident location and avoid negative reputational perceptions.
Proposed action: (prescription) A review of communication clearance processes is required. Stepped procedures should be agreed, documented and made visible in the operations centre to mitigate the risk of this problem recurring.

ANNEX 5: Lessons Management Register and Implementation Action Tracker

Date Lesson source (Event) Lesson owner (PoC) Lesson Identified Threat/ Hazard (NRR) Thematic Learning area (category) Unique REC ID (number) REC (Detail) Priority level Status* As applicable As applicable As applicable
                    Oversight (Senior/ accountable PoC) IMP Action wonder (PoC) Notes/ document links (e.g., IMP Action Plan) Progressed to EMB? (Y/N)

Event prefix suggestions EX– Exercise (+number) e.g.,EX674; IN – Incident (+number); EV - Event/Training (+number)

(*) Status suggestions

No action Pending Assessing Active Implemented Embedding
Reviewed but no taken forward Reviewed but not prioritised for        
action at this time Lesson/ Recommendation in prioritisation process or planning appraisal Lesson being actively implemented at present time Implementation Action Plan delivered and evaluated Implementation evaluation successful, progressed to consolidation and integration  

Implementation Action Tracker

Date Event ID Lesson ID REC detail Priority level Status IMP Action Owner (Senior/ Accountable) IMP Delivery Lead (PoC/ Responsible) Key Contacts Action start date Review date(s) Est. end date M&E details/ IMP progress Key docs (link)

ANNEX 6: Example Lessons Management Maturity Matrix[footnote 7]

Maturity Approach Passive Assumed (1) Reactive Subjective (2) Managed Objective (3) Adaptive Reflective* (4) Generative Reflexive** (5)
Identification Lessons assumed as ‘learned’ during the event. Ad-hoc lesson identification, according to requirement. Lessons reliably identified/overseen, with planned, documented approach. Lesson identification integrated into wider governing and policy arrangements. High-level interest and upward reporting of identified lessons and reviews.
Identification Potential for issues to recur is minimised. Identification by assumption, not analysis. Analysis and validation reliably support objective, quality lessons. High-quality, credible lessons are reliably identified and used to inform foresight/ innovation. High quality, reliable processes extend to inform credible capture of lessons from near misses/ normal work.
Identification No/minimal process for and documentation of identified lessons. Variable documentation, according to preference. Consistent documentation demonstrates focus on finding and fixing problems. Thresholds are in place to direct proportionate documentation, based on event scope/scale. Proportionate dentification process proactively extended to wider reports, events and reviews.
Prioritisation Failure to assess the risk of issues recurring in the future. Assessment of risk is minimal, subjective and ad-hoc. Assessment of risk is consistent, reliable and objective. Objective assessment of risk is informed by expert insights and/or wider partners. High risk, priority actions are aligned and integrated with wider strategic objectives to help expedite action.
Prioritisation No prioritisation Focus on blame over improving the response. Minimal/ ad-hoc prioritisation. Focus on reputational impacts. Priority levels agreed to inform organised action. Decisions documented. Focus on safety/security. Prioritisation considers common consequences in other risk areas. Focus includes wider resilience. Accountable prioritisation that is regularly reviewed. Focus includes wider resilience and horizon scanning.
Implementation Lessons rarely considered for action Unstructured/ ad-hoc action according to requirement Action is organised, agreed, tracked and delivered in line with documented plans Action is comprehensive and collaborative change is well communicated and managed. Implementation action is fluent, reliable and agile, with established processes and success in managing change
Implementation No oversight or senior leadership interest. Oversight, senior buy-in and authority to enact change is inconsistent. Reliable support for implementation action is evident. Ownership and authority for change is in place. Strategic, top-down approach consistently provides proportionate responsibility, accountability, and ownership for actions Invested, senior oversight extends to continually improve implementation action and management of change
Implementation No behaviour changes. No/minimal records of implementation planning and action tracking. Minimal change evidenced. Action consistently documented, monitored and evaluated. Some behaviour changes evidenced/validated. Behavioural changes consistently achieved, evidenced, validated and assured. Behavioural changes routinely validated, assured and matured in line with wider organisational activity.
Embedding Embedding not considered, or assumed to be passive/ organic Active embedding considered but ad- hoc, and difficult to evidence. Active embedding is understood, valued, planned and delivered to retain learning and normalise change. Embedding progress is monitored/ assessed at strategic and operational levels. Established embedding processes are agile and integrated across the organisation.
Embedding No indicators of embeddedness apparent Few indicators of embeddedness apparent. Indicators of embeddedness can be evidenced. Multiple indicators of embeddedness are consistently evidenced and proactively monitored Multiple indicators of embeddedness are present over time, indicting permanence of change.

ANNEX 7: Process Pillars: Aide Memoires

Process Pillar 1: Lesson Identification

Step 1: Capture

  • Observe
  • Record
  • Collate

Step 2: Analyse

  • Trends
  • Themes
  • Insights

Step 3: Identify

  • Context
  • Problem
  • Prescription

Step 4: Validate

  • Review
  • Check
  • Challenge

Step 5: Report

  • Findings
  • Lessons Identified
  • Recommendations

Step 6: Share

Disseminate - Communicate - Connect

Process Pillar 2: Lesson Prioritisation

Step 1: Organise

  • Record
  • Store
  • Share

Step 2: Appraise

  • Authenticated
  • Supported
  • Actionable

Step 3: Assess

  • Risk
  • Likelihood
  • Impact

Step 4: Assign

  • Discuss
  • Agree
  • Own

Step 5: Review

  • Summarise
  • Conclude
  • Disseminate

Process Pillar 3: Lesson Implementaiton

Step 1: Lead

  • Responsibility
  • Accountability
  • Ownership

Step 2: Plan

  • Strategy
  • Design
  • Baseline

Step 3: Act

  • Communicate
  • Deliver
  • Practice

Step 4: Monitor

  • Measure
  • Record
  • Validate

Step 5: Evaluate

  • Objectives
  • Outputs
  • Outcomes

Step 6: Report

  • Describe
  • Discuss
  • Share

Process Pillar 4: Embedding Change

Step 1: Plan

  • Map
  • Align

Step 2: Integrate

  • Educate
  • Enable

Step 3: Monitor

  • Track
  • Check

Step 4: Assure

  • Test
  • Exercise

Step 5: Review

  • Assess
  • Evaluate

Step 6: Mature

  • Retain
  • Refine