
Letter to registered providers: RAAC (accessible version)

Published 7 September 2023

Applies to England

Dear Chief Executive, Housing Director or Lead member

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

As you will be aware, the failure of RAAC components has been identified as a risk in some public buildings constructed between the 1950s and 1980s. Our current understanding, based on engagement with sector advisers and stakeholders, is that RAAC is not widespread in social housing. However, it may be present in a small number of buildings dating from this period particularly in flat roof and panel structures.

Ensuring the safety of tenants and residents should be the highest priority for every landlord. We expect landlords to ensure that they have a good understanding of their homes, including building safety issues and whether homes contain RAAC components and the risk to tenant safety arising from these; that you develop proportionate mitigation and remediation plans where required; and seek suitably qualified advice where necessary. You should also ensure you communicate appropriately with tenants where this is an issue. Guidance on investigating and assessing RAAC is available from the Institute of Structural Engineers.

You should inform us if you identify issues which suggest material non-compliance with any of the Regulatory Standards by contacting your regulatory contact or

Yours faithfully

Fiona MacGregor
Chief Executive