
CEO letter Annex B - Tenant Satisfaction Measures (large providers and local authorities)

Published 11 March 2025

Applies to England

All registered providers (‘providers’) that own 1,000 or more social housing units are required to report TSM information to the regulator through the NROSH+ website as well as publish information in line with the Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard1. Providers that own fewer than 1,000 homes are not currently required to report TSM results to the regulator but are required to publish certain information.

In the Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023/24 headline report, we noted that many providers had not published required information at the time of our initial review. We will continue to monitor this as part of the annual TSM Review. We have summarised the requirements relating to publication and submission below.

In summary, all providers are required to:

  • annually publish TSMs and supporting information in a manner that is timely, clear, and easily accessed by tenants.

  • publish and report performance for all TSMs. This includes those relating to building safety BS01-BS05 and others generated from management information (CH01, CH02, NM01, RP01, RP02) as well as the TSMs collected from tenant perception surveys (TP01-TP12).

  • publish and report both parts of a TSM where required (e.g. for CH01, CH02, RP02 and NM01). The requirements for this are provided in the TSM Technical Requirements, paragraphs 6-7, 22-23.

  • publish and report the target timescales used to generate repairs (RP02) and complaints (CH02) TSMs. The specific requirements for this are provided in the TSM Technical Requirements, RP02 and CH02.

  • publish and report a summary of the survey approach used to generate tenant perception measures. The requirements for this are provided in the TSM Survey Requirements, paragraphs 35 to 38. This includes the full list of items a to k in paragraph 35. You must ensure that your summary of survey approach includes those elements shown in the TSM Tenant Survey Requirements as a minimum. For example, this must include a summary of the collection method(s) and an assessment of the representativeness of the survey responses used to generate tenant perception measures.

  • publish and report the questionnaire(s) used to generate tenant perception measures, including any additional questions and introductory or explanatory wording communicated to tenants. The requirements for this are provided in the TSM Survey Requirements, paragraph 36.

It is ultimately the responsibility of Boards of private registered providers and governing bodies of local authority registered providers to ensure that TSMs have been calculated accurately and reported in accordance with regulatory requirements.

For more information on requirements, see: ​Transparency, Influence and Accountability (including Tenant Satisfaction Measures)