CEO letter re 2025/26 RSH data requirements (local authorities)
Published 11 March 2025
Applies to England
Dear Chief Executive
2025/26 RSH data requirements
I am writing to inform you of the arrangements for data collection in the coming year.
Timely and accurate data submission is a cornerstone of the co-regulatory settlement and we rely on the information you supply us to ensure proportionate and risk-based regulation. I would therefore be grateful if this letter can be passed on to the appropriate person within your organisation.
From April 2025, we will be commencing our annual round of data collection from local authority registered providers (‘providers’) via the NROSH+ website.
Data returns
During 2025/26, all providers will be required to submit the following structured returns:
NROSH+ returns | Deadline |
Local Authority Data Return (LADR) (allows us to regulate compliance with the Rent Standard. |
11 July 2025 |
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) Return (including all supporting documentation as specified in the guidance) Note: providers who own fewer than 1,000 units of social housing do not need to submit TSM Returns to us. |
30 June 2025 |
Fire Safety Remediation Survey (FRS) (including the building level supply for the relevant quarter for MHCLG) |
3 weeks after each quarter end (Q4 2024/25 is due 22 April 2025) |
The annual LADR and TSM Returns are both included on the single data list and must be completed by all local authorities registered with us[footnote 1]. In 2025/26, the exception under our current requirements is that providers who own fewer than 1,000 units of social housing do not need to submit TSM Returns to us.
We will let you know in good time if there are any changes or additions during the year to either the information you need to submit or to our deadlines.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) Return
Under our current requirements, we expect all providers who own 1,000 or more units of social housing to submit the TSM Return to us.
To improve data quality there have been some changes to the structure and content of the TSM Return. A summary of these is provided in Annex A. Providers must ensure that the return is completed correctly and that all relevant supporting documents are submitted to us in accordance with the TSM requirements and the TSM Return guidance. A short note summarising the requirements relating to your publication of TSM information and your submission of the TSM Return to us is provided in Annex B. Please note that the requirements for your collection and calculation of the TSMs themselves have not changed.
Fire Safety Remediation Return (FRS)
There are two components to the FRS quarterly collection on NROSH+: the aggregate FRS collection and the MHCLG building level survey. Both components of the survey must be submitted and providers should ensure that data is aligned across the two components.
Providers must ensure all questions are answered for each building, including information about historic remediation works.
We share all data from the FRS collections with MHCLG, including information on submission statuses and data quality. The building level surveys are supplied to MHCLG as submitted to us.
The FRS will not automatically be allocated to providers who own fewer than 1,000 units of social housing, and who have confirmed to us in a previous FRS submission that they are not the responsible entity for any building of 11 metres or more in height (or which has five or more storeys). However, providers must notify us if they acquire a building which they should report within this survey.
For more information regarding all our returns and the changes for 2025/26, please refer to the notes enclosed with this letter.
Submitting data
As each return is launched it will be automatically added to the NROSH+ dashboards of providers from whom we require the return and notification emails will be sent to all active NROSH+ users.
Guidance materials will be released on NROSH+ as they become available. It is essential that guidance notes are reviewed before the completion of each return to take account of any new, moved or revised questions.
Please submit returns as early as possible within each of the survey periods and allow yourself sufficient time to raise any questions regarding your submissions.
User accounts
You must ensure that your organisation maintains at least one active user on the NROSH+ system in order that your organisation continues to receive notifications from the system. Full access users on the NROSH+ system are able to create and maintain users for your organisation. However, if you are having any difficulties, please contact our enquiries team
Query resolution
We aim to respond to all queries within five working days. Please note that queries made to us within five working days of a survey deadline may not receive a response until after the deadline has passed. This may result in submissions which do not meet the survey deadline. Extensions to the deadline will not be granted due to late queries.
During the checking of submissions, we may contact some providers to discuss their data returns before signing them off for further analysis. Subsequently, we may contact a minority of providers where there are any regulatory issues arising from this analysis of the validated data.
Additionally, we remind you that it is your responsibility to correctly categorise and record stock accurately according to the latest applicable legislation and to ensure you understand and apply the rent (and any other) rules correctly.
Organisational and contact details
The NROSH+ website requires your organisation to enter and maintain a suite of organisational and contact details. It is the responsibility of each individual provider to ensure that this contact information is kept updated and accurate throughout the year. This is important because we use this information to contact your organisation on regulatory matters.
It is very important that the organisational and contact details in NROSH+ are kept accurate and up to date by your officers. If they are not:
a. your organisation may not receive important information on statutory consultations and/ or regulatory requirements; and/ or
b. correspondence (which may include information about the provider’s business or regulatory compliance) may be sent to the wrong individuals (who in some cases may no longer work for the provider).
We take our duties in relation to data protection seriously but to do this we rely on providers updating their contact information in a timely fashion. Please see our privacy notice on the NROSH+ site for more details.
We now have a data sharing agreement in place with MHCLG to routinely provide up to date contact details for public task purposes for local authority providers. In addition to our privacy notice on the NROSH+ site, please also see MHCLG’s privacy notice for details.
If you have any queries, please refer to the guidance and FAQs on the NROSH+ website. If further assistance is required, you can contact the referrals and regulatory enquiries team who will assist you with your query.
Yours faithfully,
Will Perry
Director of Strategy
All local authorities who own any social housing stock are required to register with us. The rent standard applies to all providers. ↩