
Letter to small providers: TSM small provider data pilot [accessible version]

Published 11 July 2023

Applies to England

Tenant Satisfaction Measures small provider data pilot

Dear Chief Executive

I am writing to invite you to take part in the Regulator of Social Housing’s small provider Tenant Satisfaction Measures data pilot.

As you will be aware, all registered providers are required to collect and publish TSM data in line with the TSM Standard that we introduced on 1 April 2023.

Large registered providers with 1,000 or more homes are also required to submit their TSM data to us annually. When we published our Decision Statement in September 2022, we committed to running a pilot with small providers to consider the potential options for collecting their TSM data as well.

We are now launching this pilot, and the main aims are to:

  • Understand from small providers their experience so far in collecting the TSMs and any issues they may have encountered.
  • Understand the potential benefits and challenges of RSH collecting small provider TSM data.
  • Test potential approaches for the regulator to collect TSM data from small providers in a robust and proportionate way.

The results of the pilot will inform our decision on whether to collect TSM data from small providers and the design of any data return.

We expect the pilots to run from autumn 2023 to summer 2024, and we will ask participants to submit their TSM data for 2023/24 to us at the end of the pilot.

We will ensure that the process is not time consuming for providers. We expect the pilots to involve, at the most, a few hours of engagement with us each quarter, with the potential for some voluntary additional interviews and focus groups throughout the process to help us understand providers’ experiences.

We would like to hear from a range of small providers, with a variety of different sizes and organisational structures. To register your interest in the pilot scheme, please complete our online form by Friday 8 September. We will contact providers after they have registered to explain more about the pilots and what is involved in taking part.

For more information about the TSMs and guidance on the requirements, please visit the TSM page.

If you have any questions, please contact our team via I encourage you to sign up for the pilot, and I look forward to working with you.

Yours sincerely

Will Perry
Director of Strategy at the Regulator of Social Housing