Letters to academy trusts about levels of executive pay
Letters sent from Eileen Milner, chief executive of the Education and Skills Funding Agency, to academy trust chairs of trustees.
Applies to England
On 4 December 2017, Eileen Milner, chief executive of the Education and Skills Funding Agency, wrote to the chair of trustees of trusts that have only one academy and pays a salary in excess of £150k. The first letter is about levels of executive pay. The second letter is about levels of executive pay for trusts at risk of experiencing financial difficulties.
On 23 February 2018, she wrote to the chair of trustees of multi-academy trusts that pay a salary in excess of £150k. The first letter is about levels of executive pay. The second letter is about levels of executive pay for trusts at risk of experiencing financial difficulties.
On 10 April 2018, she wrote to the chair of trustees at academy trusts that pay two or more salaries between £100k and £150k.
On 5 July 2018, she wrote to the chair of trustees at academy trusts paying either salaries of £150k or above or 2 or more between £100k and £150k.
Included is a list of trusts that received letters from ESFA about high executive salaries.
Updates to this page
Last updated 24 May 2019 + show all updates
Removal of North East Learning Trust from the list of trusts receiving letters from ESFA.
Update to add a letter to academy trusts paying either salaries of £150k or above or 2 or more between £100k and £150k.
Updated to include a list of trusts that received letters from ESFA about high executive salaries.
Updated to add a letter sent to academy trusts that pay two or more salaries between £100k and £150k.
Updated to include letters sent to multi-academy trusts.
First published.