
Licence Dispensation Notices (LDNs): guidance and forms

SIA licence dispensation: what the rules are and how to ask for permission to issue more LDNs.


Licence dispensation: Lifting the 15% limit form


SIA approved contractors can deploy security operatives while they are still going through the licence application process.

Use the ‘Guidance on the use of licence dispensation’ to understand what you need to do if you if you want to issue a licence dispensation notice to a member of your staff.

The guide explains:

  • when you can issue an LDN
  • the conditions that apply to your use of licence dispensation

Use the ‘Lifting the 15% limit form’ to ask for permission to issue LDNs to more than 15% of your licensable staff.

Updates to this page

Published 8 September 2020
Last updated 24 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Updated to reflect the new rules around issuing licence dispensation notices. We have removed the personal LDN template and the LDN check form, and updated our guidance on the use of licence dispensation.

  2. Replaced the 'Guidance on the use of licence dispensation' document with an updated version. Removed the 'Guidance on issuing personal LDNs' document, as we've included this information in the new 'Guidance on the use of licence dispensation' document.

  3. Added the 'Guidance on issuing personal LDNs' document.

  4. First published.

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