Statutory guidance

Licence to sell animal specimens taken before October 1981 (CL07)

Get a licence to sell dead specimens of protected species legally taken from the wild before 30 October 1981.

Applies to England



You can sell dead specimens of certain protected species with this licence, as long as they were legally taken from the wild before 30 October 1981.

This licence permits you to:


You must register to use this licence and meet all its terms and conditions. To register, email with:

  • your name, or the person who will be responsible as licensee
  • contact address, phone number and email address

How to record and report your use of the licence

You must keep written records for at least 2 years after each sale. Your records need to show:

  • who you got the specimen from
  • who you sold the specimen to
  • the specimen’s species, the cause of death (if known) and when and where it was taken from the wild
  • confirmation that the specimen was taken legally from the wild

You must be able to show these records to Natural England if requested.

Updates to this page

Published 31 December 2013
Last updated 1 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Updated this licence to cover the period 1 January to 31 December 2025. Reworded several sections to make the information clearer, including updated wording added to licence condition 4.

  2. There is an update to this licence for 1 January 2024.

  3. Annual licence update, valid from 1 January 2023.

  4. Annual licence update, valid from 1 January 2022.

  5. Annual licence update

  6. Accessible version of licence added - HTML.

  7. Replaced licence with new version issued 1 January 2020

  8. Replaced licence with new version issued 1 January 2019

  9. Replaced licence with new version issued 1 January 2018

  10. Annual licence update 2017.

  11. Replaced licence with new version issued 1 January 2016.

  12. Added updated class licence. New version valid from 1 January to 31 December 2015.

  13. First published.

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