
List of English speaking Lawyers in Gabon.

Contact details of English speaking lawyers in Gabon.


List of English speaking lawyers in Gabon

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Adv. Arcadius allogo, Cabinet PQE BP 1925 Libreville-Gabon Tel 00 (241) 07041007 email:

SANDRA CHAMBRIER OMANDA BP 160181, Libreville Tel: 44-52-21, 06-24-08-26 Children issues, business, civil, and criminal, law. French spoken, understand some English

JEAN PAUL MOUMBEMBE BP 6879, Libreville Tel: 06-20-45-88 Child custody, business, civil, commercial, criminal and divorce law French spoken

FIDELE GOMES BP 11517, Libreville Tel: O7-37-77-55 Children issues, business, civil, commercial, criminal, divorce, estate and human rights law. English spoken

JUSTINE NOTHY AGONDJO RETENO BP 14409, Libreville Tel: 76-41-44, 07-67-76-27 Fax: 74-51-01 Child custody, civil, commercial, criminal, divorce, human rights, labor and real estate law English, French and Spanish spoken

ALADE ITCHOLA MANO BP 8286, Libreville Tel: 77-44-84,06-26-89-12, 06-23-51-64, 06-20-64-48 Fax: 77-49-20 Child custody, civil, commercial, criminal, divorce, human rights and real estate law English and French written and spoken,

REGINE D’ALMEIDA MENSAH BP 1246, Port Gentil Tel/Fax: 56-59-61, Cell: 07-52-88-40 French spoken

TATY, HOMA MOUSSAVOU & BP 143, Sobraga Libreville Tel: 06 24 94 94 Child custody, business, civil, commercial, criminal, divorce, human rights and real estate law French spoken, some English,

ALBERT BIKALOU BP 840, Libreville Tel: 44-49-68, 06-04-04-08, 07-89-62-62 Business, civil, commercial, criminal and divorce law English spoken

JEAN RAYMOND ZASSI-MAKALA BP 15299, Libreville Tel: 76-40-68/07-16-28-77/ 06-83-10-21 Fax: 77-26-90 Childrens issues, business, civil, commercial, criminal, divorce, estate and human rights law English and French written and spoken

LUBIN NTOUTOUME BP 2565, Pont de Guégué, Libreville Tel: 44-50-53, 07-29-60-61 Fax: 44-50-54 Business, civil and criminal law English spoken

GERARD NOEL OYE MBA BP 120805, Libreville Tel: 20-80-82, 06-05-32-84 Civil, commercial and social law Some English

GILBERT ERANGAH BP 6677, Ancien Sobraga, Libreville Tel: 73-88-73/06-26-41-57, 07-26-20-56 Fax: 73-84-99, 07-34-22-59, 07-53-71-25 Business, civil and commercial law French, some English spoken,

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Published 17 April 2014

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