List of Ministers' Interests: November 2024 (HTML)
Updated 6 March 2025
1. It is a key principle of the Ministerial Code that ministers “must ensure that no conflict arises, or could reasonably be perceived to arise, between their public duties and their private interests.” This is an ongoing duty that applies throughout each minister’s period in office. Ministers take personal responsibility for deciding whether and what action is needed to avoid a conflict or the perception of a conflict. They are supported in such decisions by advice from their permanent secretaries and the Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards.
2. The Ministerial Code stipulates that, on appointment to each new office, ministers must provide a full declaration of private interests which might be thought to give rise to a conflict with the minister’s public duties. Ministers are also asked to complete a new declaration whenever there is a substantial change to their portfolio and are expected to inform their department of any substantive change in their circumstances during the intervening period.
3. The declarations that ministers provide are treated in confidence. This allows for the fullest possible disclosure even where matters may not necessarily be relevant. The declaration is reviewed by the permanent secretary, who brings to bear an in-depth understanding of the minister’s portfolio and responsibilities and the associated activity of the department. The permanent secretary provides advice on any action that should be taken, including for example, a minister recusing themselves from decision-making on a particular issue. The declaration together with that advice is then shared with my secretariat.
4. One role of the Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards is to provide independent advice on the arrangement of a minister’s personal affairs so as to ensure that no conflict arises, or appears to arise, between their public duties and their private interests. Ministers are asked to declare interests across a range of categories which are set out in greater detail below and receive advice tailored to their individual responses. The Ministerial Code describes the process by which ministers, on the advice of permanent secretaries and the Independent Adviser, determine the steps needed so that interests that are retained can be managed in a way which does not give rise to a conflict of interest.
5. The Ministerial Code now requires that a statement covering relevant ministers’ interests be published on a quarterly basis. This statement takes the form of a List of Ministers’ Interests. A role of the Independent Adviser is to advise on what it is necessary to publish within the list. The list is not a register of interests and does not therefore include every interest that a minister has declared in relation to themselves and their family members. To do so would represent an excessive degree of intrusion into the private affairs of ministers that would be unreasonable, particularly in respect of their family members. The list instead documents those interests, including of close family, which are, or may be perceived to be, directly relevant to a minister’s ministerial responsibilities. The list also includes where ministers have roles in charities and non-public organisations, for example as a patron or trustee.
6. Ministers are invited to provide information about previous employment that may be perceived to have a bearing on their ministerial portfolio. I consider that requesting details concerning recent previous employment (remunerated or unremunerated) is an important contribution in the process for assessing the experience and connections of ministers which may have relevance to their roles, or be perceived to do so. This is particularly pertinent in the case of ministers whose appointment to the government occurs in close proximity to their election as an MP or their elevation to the House of Lords and where any recent activities in business or other areas will not, as a consequence, have been recorded in the parliamentary registers of interest. Whilst these roles must be disclosed by ministers to their permanent secretaries and myself, I exercise discretion in determining those that should be published in the list, taking account of the views of permanent secretaries and ministers concerning their relevance to particular portfolios and the time since a role ceased.
7. Ministers and their permanent secretaries are asked to consider together whether any recent donations (as published in the parliamentary registers of interests) may have a bearing on the minister’s portfolio and duties and to agree appropriate mitigations. Given their full disclosure in the parliamentary registers, I do not duplicate details of donations (including hospitality and gifts) received in a non-ministerial context in the List of Ministers’ Interests. Information on gifts and hospitality received by ministers as part of their work for government is made public on GOV.UK.
8. A particular theme for this list has been affiliations with charities. It is common for ministers to come into government with roles in charitable organisations. Holding such roles is not necessarily problematic in itself. However, on appointment, I encourage ministers to consider the time commitment involved in combining ministerial office and their parliamentary work with these other roles. Importantly, I also urge ministers, in line with the provisions of the Ministerial Code, to consider carefully whether the work of any organisation with which they are associated may in practice (or be perceived to) conflict either with their ministerial duties or more generally, given their membership of the Government, particularly where a charity receives government funding or lobbies government on particular policy areas.
9. Another area on which I have provided advice has been where ministers have written books before becoming ministers and have commitments relating to any publication, such as engagements at literary festivals.
10. As part of the declaration of interests process, ministers are asked to attest formally that they accept the provisions of the Ministerial Code and their personal responsibility for deciding how to act and conduct themselves in light of the Code. As is customary on assuming office, the Prime Minister has today issued an updated Ministerial Code and accordingly this attestation will form part of the next declaration process.
11. This List of Ministers’ Interests records the relevant interests of all ministers forming part of the government as at 7 October 2024. It should be read alongside the parliamentary registers of interests, in which all ministers maintain entries (House of Commons Register of Members’ Financial Interests and the House of Lords Register of Members’ Interests) and any relevant information published by the Electoral Commission.
12. I am content that any actual or perceived conflicts have been, or are in the process of being resolved, but it is important that ministers and their permanent secretaries remain alert in the context of their respective portfolios if ministers’ interests or their responsibilities change. The ongoing duty of ministers to comply with the Ministerial Code requires any such changes to be disclosed and considered whenever they arise.
Sir Laurie Magnus CBE, Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards
6 November 2024
More information about the Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards is available on GOV.UK
Ministers are asked to declare their relevant interests to their permanent secretaries and the Independent Adviser in a number of categories. Permanent secretaries and the Independent Adviser advise on the management of any interests that may conflict, or appear to conflict, with specific ministerial portfolios. The Independent Adviser also considers which interests require publication in the List of Ministers’ Interests because they may be deemed relevant to a minister’s portfolio and responsibilities.
All government ministers will be members of either the House of Commons or House of Lords and therefore under a duty also to register and declare those interests that have been separately decided by each House to be relevant. The Independent Adviser does not generally duplicate this information in the List of Ministers’ Interests. The Independent Adviser may also request different categories of interest and apply different thresholds for certain types of interest. As a general principle, all list entries should be read alongside the parliamentary registers of interests (House of Commons Register of Members’ Financial Interests and the House of Lords Register of Members’ Interests) and any relevant information published by the Electoral Commission.
There are a number of departments with policy areas that have broad commercial relevance: the Prime Minister’s Office, HM Treasury, Department for Business and Trade, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. In these cases, additional detail may be deemed to be relevant and is therefore included in the list.
1. Financial interests
The list includes financial interests held by a minister that are relevant, or may be perceived to be relevant, to their ministerial portfolio. It is not therefore a register of all financial interests.
The list indicates where financial interests are held in a blind trust or similar blind management arrangement. Such arrangements are longstanding mechanisms for protecting ministers in the handling of their interests. They ensure ministers are not involved in decisions on the management, acquisition or disposal of interests held under such arrangements and do not have live knowledge of the contents of such arrangements. The list also provides information on ministers’ involvement with trusts that are not blind, for example certain family trusts if these are considered relevant to their role. The list also includes
information on pensions that are relevant to a minister’s portfolio or the broader work of their department.
2. Directorships and shareholdings
While ministers would not normally retain directorships while in office, the Independent Adviser may advise, in some specific circumstances, that it is acceptable for a directorship to be retained, for example in connection with the management of a residential property or small family enterprise, subject to specific undertakings to avoid any conflict. Directorships of companies established to manage a single share-of-freehold residential building may be excluded from the list for security purposes. Recently appointed ministers sometimes need time to arrange their retirement from private company directorships and, in such cases, the relevant directorships are included in the list. All such positions are generally expected to be unpaid.
Information on shareholdings should be read alongside the relevant parliamentary register. The registers maintained by the House of Commons and House of Lords include details of all shareholdings held by MPs and peers over certain thresholds. The List of Ministers’ Interests does not generally duplicate this information and is not a register of all interests. However, where shareholdings are held by particular ministers that are below the parliamentary thresholds for disclosure, but are deemed to be relevant to their respective portfolios, these are included within the list.
3. Investment property
The list includes investment properties where relevant to the minister’s ministerial portfolio. It is not therefore a list of all investment properties.
4. Public appointments
In line with the Ministerial Code, most public appointments are relinquished on appointment to ministerial office. Where exceptionally it is proposed that such an appointment should be retained, for example, to allow for a replacement to be recruited, ministers are expected to seek the advice of their permanent secretary and the Independent Adviser.
For the purposes of the list, public appointments are those which are regulated public appointments, as found on the Public Appointments Order in Council or any direct appointments made by a minister.
5. Charities and other non-public organisations
The list includes affiliations with charities and non-public organisations, such as where a minister is a patron, trustee, director or adviser. It also includes memberships or other associations if relevant to their ministerial portfolio or the broader work of their department.
6. Any other relevant interests
The list includes other interests which could have relevance to a minister’s specific ministerial responsibilities and broader work in government, for example a business based in their constituency, former employment or roles and membership of trade unions and other groups.
7. Interests of spouse, partner or close family member
Under the Ministerial Code, ministers are expected to disclose to their permanent secretary the interests of their spouse or partner and close family which might be thought to give rise to an actual or perceived conflict. Where a spouse or partner’s interests are deemed to be potentially relevant to a minister’s portfolio, arrangements are put in place to manage this.
Care is taken in considering which interests held by ministers’ family members should be included in the list so as to avoid excessive and unreasonable intrusion into their lives. It is important to recognise the right of these individuals to a degree of privacy over their affairs and also to avoid compromising their ability to continue in gainful trade and/or employment. Accordingly, judgements are made about which interests are directly and significantly relevant and should therefore be included in the list. What counts as “close family” is determined on a case by case basis. Ministers cannot be expected to know the detail of the affairs of all those they are related to, but where they have close and ongoing contact ministers are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure they adhere to their responsibilities under the Ministerial Code.
8. Tax affairs, duty to comply with the law and conduct in light of the Ministerial Code
Ministers are asked to confirm that their tax affairs are up to date and that the arrangement of their affairs is consistent with their overarching duty to comply with the law. As set out above, ministers are also asked to attest that they accept the provisions of the Ministerial Code and their personal responsibility for deciding how to act and conduct themselves in
light of the Code. This attestation will be included in the next declaration process.
The Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC MP, Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury, Minister for the Civil Service and Minister for the Union (member of Cabinet)
3. Investment property
- Owner of let family home
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary Vice President, Civil Service Sports Council
- Honorary Fellow, St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
The Prime Minister’s constituency covers a part of central London which includes HS2 (HS2 station, Euston, Euston Network Rail Station, Euston Housing Delivery Group, HS2 over station development), Network Rail stations (King’s Cross, St Pancras, Euston), Eurostar, Regent’s Canal, major institutions (for example, Crick Institute, Alan Turing Institute), major universities and hospitals (UCL Hospitals NHSFT, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHSFT, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHSFT, North Central London ICB) and major businesses (for example, Google).
Previous employment/roles
- Director, Death Penalty Project
- Associate Tenant, Doughty Street Chambers
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The Prime Minister’s wife works for the NHS
The Rt Hon Pat McFadden MP, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations (member of Cabinet)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Honorary President, Bilston Town Football Club
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
Constituency interests
- Member, Wolverhampton City Investment Board
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a special adviser
The Rt Hon Nick Thomas-Symonds MP, Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet Office
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- President, Blaenavon Blues Football Club
- President, Pontnewydd Male Choir
- President, Torfaen Male Choir
- Vice President, Blaenavon Male Choir
- Patron, Friends of Durham Miners’ Gala
6. Any other relevant interests
- Fellow, Royal Historical Society Member, Fabian Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- Member, Cwmbran Town Investment Board
Previous employment/roles
The minister has previously published books and articles on history and politics and has contributed chapters to four books, three of which will be published in 2024-25.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner works for NHS Wales and is a Council Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
Ellie Reeves MP, Minister without Portfolio
6. Any other relevant interests
- Chair, Labour Party
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s sister is an MP and Chancellor of the Exchequer
The minister’s spouse/partner is a member of the House of Lords and a minister
Georgia Gould MP, Parliamentary Secretary
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Jewish Labour Movement
- Member, Labour Women’s Network
- Member, Labour Socialist Health Association
- Member, Progressive Britain
- Member, SERA - Labour’s Environment Campaign
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Previous employment/roles
The minister was previously a Councillor and Leader of the London Borough of Camden and Chair of London Councils. Associated with this, the minister had roles on a number of boards including: Co-chair of London Partnership Board, a member of Euston Partnership Board and a board member of Euston Improvement District.
Deputy Chair, Local Government Association
Member, Policy Advisory Group, Future Governance Forum
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner is a special adviser
A family member is a member of the House of Lords and Chair of Somerset House
Abena Oppong-Asare MP, Parliamentary Secretary
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Erith Town Football Club
- Patron, Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice Limited
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Women’s Network
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
- Member, Unite the Union
The Rt Hon Rachel Reeves MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer (member of Cabinet)
1. Financial interests
- Third party managed stocks and shares ISA
- Third party managed pension fund
3. Investment property
Owner of let residential property
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Friends of Israel
- Member, Progressive Britain
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner is Second Permanent Secretary in Defra and owns a rental property
The minister’s sister is an MP and minister in the Cabinet Office
A family member is a member of the House of Lords and a minister
The Rt Hon Darren Jones MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury (attends Cabinet)
1. Financial interests
- Third party managed stocks and shares ISA and pension fund Mortgage on home from UK bank
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Director, Henacre Charitable Fund (Henacre Trust), wholly operated by the Quartet Community Foundation
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, British-American Parliamentary Group
- Member, Ditchley Foundation
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
Bristol Port and North Bristol NHS Trust are located in the minister’s constituency. A Malaysian owned investment business, YTL, is undertaking development in areas around the constituency boundaries with associated transport and infrastructure links. There is a cluster of aerospace/defence businesses bordering the minister’s constituency, which includes government contractors such as Rolls Royce and Airbus.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner works for a healthcare and life sciences consultancy
The Lord Livermore, Financial Secretary to the Treasury
1. Financial interests
- Share option in Indico Labs Limited
- Third party managed stocks and shares ISA
- Third party managed pension fund
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner is London Deputy Mayor for Transport and Vice Chair of the Transport for London Board
James Murray MP, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury
1. Financial interests
- Third party managed pension funds
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- Ferrero UK headquarters, Tata Global Beverages and Global Banking School are all located in the minister’s constituency
- Heathrow Airport is a significant local employer
- HS2 is undertaking major works in the minister’s constituency
Previous employment/roles
- Deputy Mayor of London
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner is a civil servant
Tulip Siddiq MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury
1. Financial interests
- Third party managed pension fund
3. Investment property
- Owner of let residential properties
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s aunt was previously Prime Minister of Bangladesh
A family member works for Barclays Bank
Emma Reynolds MP, Parliamentary Secretary and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
1. Financial interests
- Third party managed pension funds
6. Any other relevant interests
- Governor, Ditchley Foundation
- Member, Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Previous employment/roles
- Managing Director, TheCityUK
The minister used to represent to government the concerns of insurance companies and asset managers, and worked closely with the Association of British Insurers.
The Rt Hon David Lammy MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Shares and share options in KLX/Pomeroon Group of Companies (climate credits)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Founder, Sophia Point Rainforest Research Centre, Guyana
- Member, Advisory Board, Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation
6. Any other relevant interests
- Fellow, Birkbeck College, University of London
- Fellow, City Lit (adult education)
- Fellow, St John’s College, University of Durham
- Associate Tenant, Doughty Street Chambers
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Friends of Israel
- Member, SERA - Labour’s Environment Campaign
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
- Member, Unite the Union
Previous employment/roles
- Envoy Extraordinaire, University of Guyana
- Associate Tenant, Doughty Street Chambers
- Professor of Practice, SOAS, University of London
- Visiting Professor in Practice, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Unpaid adviser to Pomeroon Trading Inc
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner is Chair of Trustees, Sophia Point Rainforest Research Centre, Guyana
The Rt Hon Anneliese Dodds MP, Minister of State (attends Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary Professor, Aston University, Birmingham
- Visiting Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford
- Member, Amnesty International
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Fawcett Society
- The minister is in the process of completing contributions to two academic textbooks.
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
- Member, University and College Union
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner is an academic who has previously undertaken work for FCDO
Stephen Doughty MP, Minister of State
6. Any other relevant interests
- Co-Chair, LGBT+ Parliamentary Labour Party (in the process of resigning)
- Member, Jewish Labour Movement
- Member, Labour Campaign for International Development - Member, Labour Friends of the Forces
- Member, Labour Irish Society
- Member, LGBT+ Labour
- UK Labour representative to the Party of European Socialists
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
Constituency interests
CELSA Steel are in the minister’s constituency, as are a large number of BCB employees. As a constituency MP the minister has been supporting constituents who are Falklands Veterans (Welsh Guards), with a campaign to release documents from 1982 currently held in National Archives.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
A family member works for the Government of British Columbia, Canada
Catherine West MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Socialist Education Association
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
As a constituency MP, the minister has campaigned on the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund in her constituency.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
The minister’s spouse/partner works for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The Lord Collins of Highbury, Deputy Leader of the House of Lords, Lord in Waiting (Government Whip), and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Positive East
6. Any other relevant interests
- Patron, LGBT+ Labour
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
Previous employment/roles
The minister was previously a non-executive director of three companies: Embignell Limited, Union Income Benefit Holdings Limited and Union Benefits Service Limited
Hamish Falconer MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Director of, and shareholding in, Upon a Hill Limited (company for consultancy work - no longer trading)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
- Lincoln is home to RAF Waddington, the ISTAR base for the UK and has several defence contractors based in the city, including Leonardo, QinetiQ and SRC UK.
Previous employment/roles
- The minister was previously a civil servant in the FCDO
- The minister previously undertook independent consultancy work with Labour Together and IPPR
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
A family member is a member of the House of Lords
The Baroness Chapman of Darlington, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Honorary President, Cockerton Prize Silver Band, Darlington
6. Any other relevant interests
- Chancellor, Teesside University (in process of resigning)
Trade union memberships
- Member, USDAW
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is an MP
- A family member works for TikTok
The Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- The minister’s constituency is the site of former coalfields
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a former MP and minister, writer, broadcaster (presenter Good Morning Britain and Political Currency podcast), public speaker, academic and Co-Chair of the Holocaust Memorial Foundation
- A family member works for an international consulting group
Dan Jarvis MBE MP, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Barnsley TUC Education Charity (in the process of being wound up)
- Patron, Barnsley Hospice
- Patron, Barnsley Youth Choir
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
Dame Angela Eagle DBE MP, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Humanists UK
6. Any other relevant interests
- Global Ambassador, G7 & G20 Health and Development Partnership
- Honorary Fellow, St John’s College, University of Oxford
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
Previous employment/roles
- Board Member, Institute for Government
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a member of TUC General Council and Vice President of Trades Union Congress (ended in September)
- The minister’s sister is an MP and a minister in the Ministry of Defence
The Rt Hon Dame Diana Johnson DBE MP, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Commissioner, Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- Patron, The Haemophilia Society
- Patron, Hull and East Riding Breast Care Friends
- Patron, National Civilian WW2 Memorial Trust, Hull
- Patron, RSPCA, Hull and East Riding
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Amnesty International
- Member, Fawcett Society
- Member, Labour Friends of Israel
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is a civil servant
The Rt Hon The Lord Hanson of Flint, Minister of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, USDAW
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works for the BBC
- A family member is a police officer
Jess Phillips MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Member, Howard League for Penal Reform
6. Any other relevant interests
Previous employment/roles
The minister is a published author with a book written and submitted prior to appointment as a minister and has commitments for further books that will only be worked on after leaving office.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member runs a drug recovery service at a university
Seema Malhotra MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
1. Financial interests
- Accenture pension
- PWC pension
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- The minister has a shareholding in Accenture
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair of Trustees, Hounslow’s Promise
- Trustee, Dartmouth Street Trust (in the process of resigning)
- Patron, Hanworth Park House Society
- Patron, Heston West Big Local
6. Any other relevant interests
- Vice President and Member, Fabian Society (in the process of resigning as Vice President)
- Member, Fawcett Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
The minister’s constituency is next door to Heathrow Airport and supplies much of the Heathrow-based and airline local workforce. In the local area, there are a number of small local solicitor firms that undertake immigration casework. Some hotels in the constituency house asylum seekers.
Previous employment/roles
The minister previously worked for Accenture and PWC
The Rt Hon John Healey MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair, Rotherham 9th Scouts Group
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Executive Committee, British-American Parliamentary Group
- Treasurer, Parliamentary Research Service
- Chair, Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- Member, Royal British Legion
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
- Member, Goldthorpe Town Deal Board
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is a civil servant and an army reservist
The Lord Coaker, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Gedling Conservation Trust
- Trustee, Gedling Play Forum
- Trustee, Human Trafficking Foundation
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Royal British Legion
- Visiting Professor of Public Policy and Politics, University of Nottingham Rights Lab
Trade union memberships
- Member, National Education Union
- Member, Unite the Union
- Member, USDAW
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is a reservist and works in the aerospace industry with occasional defence work
The Rt Hon Maria Eagle MP, Minister of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s sister is an MP and minister in the Home Office
Luke Pollard MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- President, Royal Devonport Swimming Association
6. Any other relevant interests
Constituency interests
There is a substantial military presence in the minister’s constituency, together with a large number of defence contractors, defence and veteran related charities, and marine science organisations.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
A family member works as a consultant for Babcock International at Devonport Dockyard
Alistair Carns OBE MC MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
1. Financial interests
- Military pension
6. Any other relevant interests
Previous employment/roles
- Military officer
The Rt Hon Shabana Mahmood MP, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary Fellow, Lincoln College, University of Oxford
- Member, Gray’s Inn of Court, School of Law
- Bencher, Gray’s Inn of Court, School of Law
- Bachelor, The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
- HMP Birmingham is in the minister’s constituency
Previous employment/roles
- The minister is a qualified barrister and previously worked at Berrymans Lace Mawer LLP
The Lord Timpson OBE, Minister of State
1. Financial interests
- The minister is a beneficiary of trusts that own Timpson Group
6. Any other relevant interests
- Deputy Lieutenant, Cheshire (inactive)
- Fellow, City and Guilds
- Fellow, Royal Society
- Patron, Halton Chamber of Commerce
- Member, Young Presidents’ Organisation
Previous employment/roles
- CEO, Timpson Group
- Founding Chair, Employers’ Forum for Reducing Reoffending
- Chair, Prison Reform Trust
- Founder, Employment Advisory Board Network
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is Director of Flock Inns, part of Timpson Group
- A family member is a barrister
Heidi Alexander MP, Minister of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
Previous employment/roles
- Deputy Mayor of London and Deputy Chair of Transport for London
- Board Member of Transport for London
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is General Counsel, Ofcom
Alex Davies-Jones MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Musicians’ Union
- Member, UNISON
- Member, Unite the Union
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- Two family members work for the police
The Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Lord in Waiting (Government Whip)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Member and person with significant control, Tri-borough Alternative Provision Trust (in process of being closed)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
Previous employment/roles
- The minister was previously a director of Eastsib Holding Company Limited and RNG Joint Stock Company. The minister resigned after Russia invaded Ukraine.
Sir Nic Dakin MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Junior Lord of the Treasury (Government Whip)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Member, Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce (in the process of resigning)
- Trustee, Lindsey Lodge
- Trustee, North Lincolnshire Mind
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
- Member, National Education Union
The Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
1. Financial interests
- Local Government Pension Scheme
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
- Member, Unite the Union
Matthew Pennycook MP, Minister of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
- The minister’s constituency has significant brownfield regeneration and development taking place including the Greenwich Peninsula and Charlton Riverside Opportunity Areas.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a civil servant
Jim McMahon OBE MP, Minister of State
1. Financial interests
- Greater Manchester Pension Fund
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Chair, Co-operative Party
6. Any other relevant interests
Previous employment/roles
- Councillor and Leader, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works for Transport for Greater Manchester
Rushanara Ali MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
3. Investment property
- The minister owns two residential rental properties
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Sister’s Trust
- Ambassador, Halo Trust
6. Any other relevant interests
- Governor, Ditchley Foundation
- Member, Advisory Board, Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit
Constituency interests
- There are high-rise buildings in the minister’s constituency affected by cladding remediation. Some property developers are based in the minister’s constituency.
Previous employment/roles
- Member, Inquiry Commission on Kazakhstan
- Member, Franco-British Colloque
- Council of Management, Ditchley Foundation
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works in the housing sector
Alex Norris MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
1. Financial interests
- Local Government Pension Scheme
5. Charities and other non-public organisations
- Chair, Governors of Rosslyn Park Primary School
6. Any other relevant interests
- Labour Friends of Israel
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is an MP
The Baroness Taylor of Stevenage, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Baroness in Waiting (Government Whip)
1. Financial interests
- Hertfordshire County Council pension
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Betty Game Opportunities Trust
- Patron, Stevenage Community Trust
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Retired member, Hertfordshire Police Staff Branch UNISON
Previous employment/roles
- Councillor and Leader, Stevenage Borough Council
- Councillor, Hertfordshire County Council
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works for Wates Group
- A family member works for a housing association
The Lord Khan of Burnley, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- The minister has shareholdings in: EQTEC, Hydrowind, Solivus and QED Naval
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
Previous employment/roles
- Councillor, Burnley Council
- Strategic Adviser, EQTEC PLC
- Board Adviser (unpaid), Hydro Wind Energy Limited
- Ambassador/Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire
The Rt Hon Wes Streeting MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Future Leaders UK
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, British-American Parliamentary Group
- Member, Fabian Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
Constituency interests
- Whipps Cross Hospital serves the minister’s constituency and is part of the New Hospital Programme.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is Executive Director of Policy and Communication, Labour Party
Karin Smyth MP, Minister of State
1. Financial interests
- NHS pension
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Managers in Partnership, a part of UNISON
Previous employment/roles
- NHS Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group
Stephen Kinnock MP, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Bryn and Cwmavon Events
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, UNISON
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a former Prime Minister of Denmark and is active in international advisory work
Andrew Gwynne MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee/Chair, 4th Denton Scouts
- President, Real Friends of Lancashire
- Patron, Home-Start
6. Any other relevant interests
Previous employment/roles
- Director, Great Britain-China Centre
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a Councillor, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
The Baroness Merron, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Ambassador, Smart Works
- Vice President, Liberal Judaism
6. Any other relevant interests
- Visiting Professor, University of Lincoln
Previous employment/roles
- Non-Executive Director, National Grid ESO
- European Co-Chair, World Jewish Congress International
- Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP)
The Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson MP, Secretary of State and Minister for Women and Equalities (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fawcett Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
The Rt Hon Anneliese Dodds MP, Minister of State
See entry under Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
The Rt Hon Baroness Smith of Malvern, Minister of State
1. Financial interests
- Teachers’ Pension Scheme
2. Directorships and shareholding
- Director, Jacqui Smith Advisory Limited (inactive)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary Fellow, Hertford College, University of Oxford
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
Previous employment/roles
- Chair, Sandwell Children’s Trust
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a university professor
- A family member is a teacher
Catherine McKinnell MP, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Honorary Chair, RAF Association
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is a school teacher
Stephen Morgan MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Honorary Patron, National Education Museum
- Honorary Patron of Fundraising Campaign, Royal Marines Museum (now built)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
Previous employment
- Councillor and Labour Group Leader, Portsmouth City Council
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is an early years practitioner
Janet Daby MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner works for a local community charity
Seema Malhotra MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
See entry under Home Office
Dame Nia Griffith DBE MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
See entry under Wales Office
The Rt Hon Sir Stephen Timms MP, Minister of State
See entry under Department for Work and Pensions
The Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary Fellow, Corpus Christi, University of Oxford
Trade union memberships
- Member, USDAW
Constituency interests
- The minister’s constituency includes former coal mines
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a High Court judge
- The minister’s brother is:
- President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee - Member, Advisory Board, Giant Ventures
- Non-Executive Director, Verian
- Member, International Advisory Council, Standard Chartered
- Member of Advisory Board, Sir Bani Yas Forum Member of the Advisory Council, Munich Security Conference
- Member, Board of Advisors, Centre for a New American Security
- Chair of Advisory Board, Atlas of Impunity
Sarah Jones MP, Minister of State
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, British-American Parliamentary Group
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Previous employment/roles
- The minister previously worked on the campaign for a second runway at Gatwick Airport
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works for a company that advises on policy, politics, regulation, and competition issues in European markets
The Rt Hon The Lord Hunt of Kings Heath OBE, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- President, Hospital Caterers Association
- President, Institute of Health and Social Care Management
- Co-President, West Midlands Labour Finance & Industry Group
- Patron, Health Care Supply Association
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
Previous employment/roles
- Self-employed consultant on NHS and wider health issues - Consultant and trainer, Eden & Partners (formerly Cumberlege Connections Limited)
- Advisory Board Member, SweatCo Limited Adviser, Conclusio
- Council Member, General Medical Council President, GS1 UK
- Chair, Advisory Board, Octopus TenXHealth
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member owns Happy Computers
- A family member is a partner at Pen Test Partners LLP
- A family member works for Visy Recycling
- A family member works for Tracsis PLC
Kerry McCarthy MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Children Heard and Seen
- Patron, Music Venue Trust
- The minister has been a donor to Greenpeace
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, The Musicians’ Union
Constituency interests
- Bristol City Leap (BCL) is a significant energy project in the local area where the minister is an MP. There are also many small net zero innovation companies in the minister’s constituency.
Michael Shanks MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee and Director, Epilepsy Scotland
- Trustee, Glasgow Disabled Scouts
- Trustee, Interfaith Glasgow
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, British-American Parliamentary Association
- Member, Christians on the Left
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Friends of Israel
- Member, Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Miatta Fahnbulleh MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
- Visiting Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
- Member, Unite the Union
Previous employment/roles
- Chief Executive, New Economics Foundation
7. Relevant interests of spouse/partner, close family
- A family member works for Renewables UK
The Rt Hon Liz Kendall MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Patron, Labour Indians
- Member, Labour Friends of Israel
- Member, Progressive Britain
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
- As a constituency MP, the minister has campaigned on matters relating to support for carers, support for people with Special Educational Needs, eradicating Child Poverty, ending the need for foodbanks, support for community advice services, support for the Windrush Generation, support for the Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) and Universal Credit.
Previous employment/roles
- Chair, Feeding Leicester
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner works for Santander Asset Management UK
- A family member works for an investment firm. The investor client base includes some local government pension schemes alongside insurance companies and financial institutions.
The Rt Hon Sir Stephen Timms MP, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair of Trustees, Traidcraft Foundation
- Trustee, East 13 Christian Trust
- Trustee, Parliamentary Christian Trust
- Vice President, Scouting in Newham
- Ambassador, Tear Fund
- Ambassador, Tutu Foundation
- Patron, All Saints Chorus, Newham
- Patron, Archbishop Janani Luwum Trust UK
- Patron, Bibi Foundation
- Patron, Dads’n’Lads (local soccer project)
- Patron, Drop In Bereavement Centre
- Patron, East London Childrens’ University
- Patron, Friends of the Diocese of Mbere, Kenya
- Patron, Greenhill Aphasia Group
- Patron, Imps Motorcycle Display Team
- Patron, Islamic Circle Supplementary School
- Patron, Learning Revolution Trust
- Patron, Positive East
- Patron, Premier Christian Radio
- Patron, 7th Newham Salaam Scouts
- Patron, Newham All Star Sports Association
- Patron, Newham Stroke Club
- Patron, Richard House Children’s Hospice
- Patron, Sree Narayana Guru Mission
- Patron, The Vine Trust
- Patron, Trinity Community Centre
- Patron, Your Place
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Labour Tribune MPs
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Previous employment/roles
- Council member, Evangelical Alliance
- Member, Advisory Board, Money A&E
Alison McGovern MP, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Member, Advisory Board, Liverpool Football Club Foundation
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Women’s Network
- Member, Labour Party Irish Society
- Member, the Ditchley Programme Committee (in the process of resigning)
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- Member, Birkenhead Town Deal Board
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a university professor involved with public policy and social policy research
The Baroness Sherlock OBE, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Vice President, Bible Society
- Patron, Christian Enquiry Agency
6. Any other relevant interests
- Priest in the Church of England
- Priest Vicar, Westminster Abbey
- Honorary Fellow, St Chad’s College, University of Durham
- Member, Christians on the Left
Previous employment/roles
- Non-Executive Director and Senior Independent Director, Financial Ombudsman Service
- Chair, Chapel Street Community Foundation
- Non-Executive Director, Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission
Andrew Western MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society Member, Labour Housing Group
Trade union memberships
- Member, CWU
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
Previous employment/roles
- Leader and Councillor, Trafford Council
- Non-Executive Director, L&Q (housing association) Chair of the Resources Board, Local Government Association
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is a Councillor, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council
Emma Reynolds MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
See entry under HM Treasury
The Rt Hon Jonathan Reynolds MP, Secretary of State and President of the Board of Trade (member of Cabinet)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Ambassador, Foundation of Light, the official charity of Sunderland AFC
- Patron, Home-Start
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Christians on the Left
- Member, Fabian Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
- Member, USDAW
Constituency interests
- There are significant manufacturing interests in the minister’s constituency, including aerospace, plastics, chemicals and packaging.
Previous employment/roles
- Director, Make Votes Count (company dissolved)
- Director and member, Stamford Park Trust (multi-academy trust) (resigned August 2024)
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a special adviser and previously worked for Labour Women’s Network
- A family member works for Green Steel, Australia
The Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP, Minister of State
6. Any other relevant interests
- Governor, Ditchley Foundation
- Vice President, British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Jewish Labour Movement
- Member, Labour Movement for Europe
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, USDAW
Constituency interests
- The Torness Nuclear Power Station and Tarmac Cement are significant employers in the minister’s constituency.
Previous employment/roles
- Director, Consequitur Limited (consultancy)
- Visiting Professor, New York University, Abu Dhabi
- Writer and presenter, BBC Radio 4
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is Director of Consequitur Limited
- A family member is Trade and Investment Envoy for Higher Education for the Scottish Government, Board Member of the British Council and a member of the Department for Education’s Education Sector Advisory Group.
Sarah Jones MP, Minister of State
See entry under Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Justin Madders MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair of Trustees, Ellesmere Port Helping Hands
- Patron, Leasehold Knowledge Partnership
- Patron, Men in Sheds, Ellesmere Port
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- There are a number of manufacturers in the minister’s constituency including Stellantis.
Previous employment
- Previously worked for a firm of solicitors and represented trade unions.
Gareth Thomas MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Communication Workers Union
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
The Baroness Jones of Whitchurch, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
Previous employment/roles
- Chair, Rothamsted Enterprise Board
- Member, Advisory Board, Q-Bot Limited
- Member, South Downs National Park Authority
- Member, Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
The Rt Hon Peter Kyle MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Director, The Argument Limited (in the process of being wound up)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Martlets Hospice, Hove
- Patron, Sussex Beacon
- Fellow, Royal Geographical Society
- Member, Association of Advanced Drivers
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Movement for Europe
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
The Lord Vallance of Balham KCB, Minister of State
1. Financial interests
- The minister has investments in two venture capital funds
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Director and shareholder, SARL Dexter/Vallance (French company established to own single personal property in France)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair of Trustees, Queen Elizabeth II Prize for Engineering Foundation
6. Any other relevant interests
- Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences
- Fellow, Royal College of Physicians
- Fellow, Royal Society
- Honorary Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering
Previous employment/roles
- Strategic Counsellor, Tony Blair Institute
- Member, International Advisory Council, Singapore National Research Foundation Human Health and Performance
- Chair, British Heart Foundation CureHeart programme Board Member, ARIA (Advanced Research + Invention Agency)
- Advisor, Isomorphic (DeepMind)
- Government Chief Scientific Adviser
- UK National Technology Adviser
- Global President, GSK
- Chair, Natural History Museum
- Honorary Chair, Manchester University
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works for a sustainable packaging company
Sir Chris Bryant MP, Minister of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Melanoma Focus
- Patron, Melanoma UK
- Trustee, Mabon Trust
- Associate, National Youth Theatre
6. Any other relevant interests
- Patron, Ferndale RFC
- Fellow, Society of Antiquaries
- Member, Fabian Society
- Honorary member, Rhondda Golf Club
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
- As an MP, the minister has championed use of the Rhondda Tunnel as a cycle track
- The Park and Dare Theatre and the Rhondda Heritage Museum are in the minister’s constituency
Previous employment/roles
- The minister is a published author with books written and submitted prior to appointment to government that will be published in due course.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner works for Entain
Feryal Clark MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Jewish Labour Movement
- Member, Labour Friends of Kurds
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, UNISON
Previous employment/roles
- The minister was previously Deputy Mayor and Councillor, London Borough of Hackney
- Advisory Board Member, Kurdish Peace Institute (in the process of resigning)
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is director of a communications and consulting company
The Baroness Jones of Whitchurch, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
See entry under Department for Business and Trade
The Rt Hon Louise Haigh MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
The Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill CBE, Minister of State
1. Financial interests
- TfL pension fund
- First Group pension fund
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, The Hendy and Pendle Charitable Trust
- Honorary President, UITP (International Union of Public Transport)
- Patron, Great Western Society
6. Any other relevant interests
- Fellow, Institute of Civil Engineers
- Fellow, Institute of Highways and Transportation
- Fellow, Chartered Institute of Transport
- Member of a number of heritage railway and transport bodies, including London Bus Museum, Sustrans, Ffestiniog Railway Society, Talyllyn Railway and Severn Valley Railway
Previous employment/roles
- Chair, Network Rail
- Chair, London Legacy Development Corporation
- Deputy Chair, Great British Railways Transition Team Limited
- Chair, Heritage Railway Association
- Trustee, Science Museum Group
- Trustee, London Transport Museum
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works for Mace
Simon Lightwood MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
Constituency interests
- Pelican, the appointed importer of Yutong buses, is based in a neighbouring constituency
- There is an Arriva depot in the minister’s constituency
- As a local MP, the minister has previously discussed the West Yorkshire Mayoral Authority’s progress on the West Yorkshire metro and their bus franchising plans.
Previous employment/roles
- Councillor and Cabinet Member for Public Health, Calderdale Council
- Worked for the NHS
Lilian Greenwood MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and other non-public organisations
- Patron, Nottinghamshire Deaf Society
- Member, The Ramblers
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
7. Relevant interests of spouse/partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner works for UNISON
- A family member is a civil servant
- A family member works for an MP
Mike Kane MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair, Initiatives of Change UK (in the process of resigning)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, UK Cycling
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- Manchester Airport is in the minister’s constituency
Previous employment/roles
- Convenor, Catholic Legislators Network UK
The Rt Hon Steve Reed OBE MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Palace for Life Foundation
- Member, National Trust
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary President, Co-operative Councils Innovation Network (in the process of resigning)
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Constituency interests
- There is fly-tipping in various parts of the minister’s constituency. The River Graveney runs through the constituency.
Daniel Zeichner MP, Minister of State
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary Associate, British Veterinary Association
Trade union memberships
- Member, UNISON
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- In the minister’s constituency, the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University both have significant research roles relating to climate and environment. Many environmental NGOs are also based in the constituency, including at the David Attenborough Centre.
Emma Hardy MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisation
- Patron, HEY Endo, Hull and East Riding Endo Support Group
- Patron, STAND Hull Fishermen’s Memorial
- Patron, Daisy Appeal
- Species Champion for the Brimstone Butterfly for RSPB
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- The minister has previously campaigned for flood defences in her constituency, as well as for the National Flood Resilience Centre (Ark).
- A Biowise/Wastewise waste management and recycling facility operates in the minister’s constituency.
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works for the Environment Agency
Mary Creagh CBE MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Director, Westwood Strategies Limited
6. Any other relevant interests
- Visiting Honorary Professor, Cranfield University
- Honorary Fellow, Chartered Institute of Linguistics
- Member, Royal Horticultural Society
Constituency interests
- The headquarters of Severn Trent Water is in the minister’s constituency
Previous employment/roles
- Director and Chair, Ethical Trading Initiative
- Director, London Transport Museum
- Adviser, Primark/ABF
- Senior Counsel, Lexington
- Media work for BBC and Times Radio
The Baroness Hayman of Ullock, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisation
- Chair, Royal School of Church Music
- Trustee, Parliament Choir
- Vice President, Hospice at Home, West Cumbria
- Patron, Upstairs at the Gather
- Member, Cumbria Wildlife Trust
- Member, National Trust
- Member, Friends of the Lake District
- Member, RSPB
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Labour Animal Welfare Society
- Member, SERA - Labour’s Environment Campaign
Previous employment/roles
- Partner, Marron Consulting (communications consultancy)
- Adviser, Timber Development UK Limited
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a communications consultant and a trustee of West Cumbria Rivers Trust
- A family member is a civil servant
- A family member works for the Marine Conservation Society
The Rt Hon Lisa Nandy MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary Fellow, Birkbeck College, University of London
- Member, Amnesty International
Trade union memberships
- Member, Communication Workers Union
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- The Tote is headquartered in the minister’s constituency
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a communications consultant
Sir Chris Bryant MP, Minister of State
See entry under Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
Stephanie Peacock MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, BIADs - Barnsley Dementia Support
- Patron, Grimethorpe Colliery Band
6. Any other relevant interests
- Policy Fellow, Centre of Science and Policy, University of Cambridge
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Constituency interests
- ASOS is a significant employer in the minister’s constituency
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is Chief Executive of Labour Together
- A family member works as a Thai boxing promoter within the UK
The Baroness Twycross, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Member, National Trust
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Women’s Network
- Member, Labour Housing Group
- Member, Labour Friends of Israel
- Member, Peers for the Planet
- Affiliate Member, Jewish Labour Movement
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
Previous employment/roles
- Deputy Mayor for Fire & Resilience, Greater London Authority
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is a lecturer on digital media
- A family member is founding trustee and chair of a charity
The Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- President, Hunslet Hawks Rugby League Club
- President, Middleton Railway
- Patron, Holbeck Together
- Patron, Leeds Development Education Centre
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Amnesty International
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Socialist Education Association
- Member, SERA - Labour’s Environment Campaign
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
Fleur Anderson MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
The Rt Hon Ian Murray MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Director, 100MPH Events Limited (dormant)
- Director, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (in the process of resigning)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
- Trustee, McCrae’s Battalion Trust
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, USDAW
Previous employment/roles
- Director, IM Campaigns Limited (dissolved)
Kirsty McNeill MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
6. Any other relevant interest
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Fawcett Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
Previous employment/roles
- Executive Director, Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns, Save the Children UK
- Chair of the Advisory Board, Our Scottish Future Non Executive Board Member, Larger Us
- Non Executive Board Member, Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
- Non Executive Board Member, Labour Climate and Environment Forum (LCEF)
- Non Executive Board Member, The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH)
- Chair of the Board, Civic Power Fund (CPF)
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is Co-Director, Round Our Way as well as Chair of the Economic Change Unit and a non-executive board member of the think tank Future Governance Forum
The Rt Hon Jo Stevens MP, Secretary of State (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
Dame Nia Griffith DBE MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
1. Financial interests
- City and County of Swansea pension
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair of Trustees, Llanelli Railway Goods Shed Trust (in the process of resigning)
- Chair of Committee, Llanelli Sea Cadets (in the process of resigning)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, National Education Union
- Member, USDAW
Constituency interests
- The minister’s constituency includes locations where there has been controversy over the siting of pylons. The Trostre Tata Steel plant is in the minister’s constituency.
The Rt Hon Lucy Powell MP, Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons (member of Cabinet)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Friends of Israel
- Member, Labour Friends of Palestine
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
The Rt Hon Baroness Smith of Basildon, Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Lords (member of Cabinet)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Airship Heritage Trust
- Member, Hansard Society
6. Any other relevant interests
- Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees, Chevening Trust (Ex Officio)
Trade union memberships
- Member, USDAW
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a Councillor, Bognor Regis Town Council
The Lord Collins of Highbury, Deputy Leader of the House of Lords, Lord in Waiting (Government Whip), and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
- See entry under Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
The Rt Hon The Lord Hermer KC, Attorney General (attends Cabinet)
1. Financial interests
- Judicial pension scheme
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Director (ex officio), Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Chatham House
- Dormant Member, Matrix Chambers
- Member, Middle Temple
- Member, Wales and Chester Circuit
Previous employment/roles
- Barrister, Matrix Chambers
- Deputy High Court Judge
Sarah Sackman KC MP, Solicitor General
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Director (ex officio), Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Jewish Labour Movement
- Member, Labour Movement for Europe
- Member, Society of Labour Lawyers
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
- Dormant Member, Matrix Chambers
Previous employment/roles
- Barrister, Matrix Chambers
- Barrister, Francis Taylor Buildings
- Visiting lecturer, London School of Economics
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a barrister at Matrix Chambers
The Attorney General’s Office has an established system in place for ensuring, where relevant, that there are no conflicts of interests arising from the Law Officers having represented individuals or organisations as part of legal practice prior to their appointment.
The Baroness Smith of Cluny KC, HM Advocate General for Scotland
1. Financial interests
- Judicial Pension Scotland
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair, John Smith Centre, University of Glasgow (in the process of resigning as chair; will remain as board member)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Faculty of Advocates
Previous employment
- Practising advocate
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is a member of the House of Lords
The Rt Hon Sir Alan Campbell MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury (Chief Whip) (attends Cabinet)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Patron, Kaleidoscope, part of Gillian Quin School of Dance
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
The Rt Hon Mark Tami MP, Treasurer of HM Household (Deputy Chief Whip)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Unite the Union
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member works for a public relations company which engages with members of Parliament
Samantha Dixon MP, Vice Chamberlain of HM Household (Government Whip)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
Previous employment/roles
- Councillor, Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council and worked for the Labour Party
Chris Elmore MP, Comptroller of HM Household (Government Whip)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Honorary President, YMCA Barry
- Trustee and Director, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (in the process of resigning)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner works for the Labour Party
Sir Nic Dakin MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Junior Lord of the Treasury (Government Whip)
See entry under Ministry of Justice
Vicky Foxcroft MP, Junior Lord of the Treasury (Government Whip)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Chair and Trustee, Deptford First
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, Unite the Union
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner works for the Labour Party
Jeff Smith MP, Junior Lord of the Treasury (Government Whip)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Drug Science
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, USDAW
Anna Turley MP, Junior Lord of the Treasury (Government Whip)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Governor, Whale Hill Primary School (in the process of resigning)
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, UNISON
Constituency interests
- PD Ports, a Statutory Harbour Authority, and Teesworks and associated companies are in the minister’s constituency.
Previous employment/roles
- As a self-employed consultant, the minister worked with clients including Arden Strategies and Woburn Communications.
Taiwo Owatemi MP, Junior Lord of the Treasury (Government Whip)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Albany Theatre Trust (in the process of resigning) - Trustee, Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (in the process of resigning)
- Trustee, Sky Blue in the Community (in the process of resigning)
- Trustee, Terrence Higgins Trust (in the process of resigning)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Strategic Adviser, Cancer Prevention Trials, Kings College Hospital
- Executive Committee Member, Fabian Society (in the process of resigning)
- Registered Pharmacist, General Pharmaceutical Council
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
Christian Wakeford MP, Assistant Whip
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, USDAW
Gen Kitchen MP, Assistant Whip
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Labour Women’s Network
- Member, SERA - Labour’s Environment Campaign
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Previous employment/roles
- Councillor, London Borough of Newham
Keir Mather MP, Assistant Whip
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, UNISON
Constituency interests
- Drax Power Station is located in the minister’s constituency. The constituency includes several farming communities and areas affected by flooding.
Previous employment/roles
- Confederation of British Industry
Gerald Jones MP, Assistant Whip
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Trustee, Phillipstown Residents and Community Association
6. Any other relevant interests
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
Anna McMorrin MP, Assistant Whip
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, SERA - Labour’s Environment Campaign
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
Martin McCluskey MP, Assistant Whip
6. Any other relevant interests
- Doctoral researcher, University of Edinburgh (on leave of absence)
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
Previous employment/roles
- Councillor, Inverclyde Council
- Director, Greenock Arts Guild (Beacon Arts Centre)
- Director, IM Campaigns Limited (dissolved)
- Chair, Scottish Fabians
- Advisory Board Member, Our Scottish Future
- Board Member, Inverclyde Integration Joint Board
- Trustee, Watt Institution Trust Fund
- Trustee, Birkmyre Trust
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a civil servant
Kate Dearden MP, Assistant Whip
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Board Member, United Against Malnutrition and Hunger
- Trustee/Board Member, Unions 21
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Labour Business
- Member, Labour Women’s Network
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
- Member, GMB
Previous employment/roles
- Head of Research, Policy and External Relations, Community Trade Union
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is a civil servant
The Rt Hon The Lord Kennedy of Southwark, Captain of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms (Lords Chief Whip)
2. Directorships and shareholdings
- Director and shareholder, Crimmond Partners Limited (non-trading)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Amnesty International
- Member, Fabian Society
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
The Baroness Wheeler MBE, Captain of The King’s Bodyguard of the Yeoman of the Guard (Lords Deputy Chief Whip)
No relevant interests
The Lord Collins of Highbury, Deputy Leader of the House of Lords, Lord in Waiting (Government Whip), and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
See entry under Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
The Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Lord in Waiting (Government Whip)
See entry under Ministry of Justice
The Baroness Taylor of Stevenage, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Baroness in Waiting (Government Whip)
See entry under Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
The Baroness Jones of Whitchurch, Baroness in Waiting (Government Whip)
See entry under Department for Business and Trade
The Baroness Anderson of Stoke-On-Trent, Baroness in Waiting (Government Whip)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Honorary Captain, Royal Navy
- Member, Jewish Labour
- Member, Labour Women’s Network
- Member, Labour Irish Society
- Member, Socialists Health Association
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
- Member, USDAW
Previous employment/roles
- CEO, Index on Censorship (Writers and Scholars International Limited)
- Director, Clayduck Limited (in the process of being closed down)
- Strategic Adviser, Stonehaven Campaigns Limited
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is an MP
The Baroness Twycross, Baroness in Waiting (Government Whip)
See entry under Department for Culture, Media and Sport
The Lord Leong CBE, Lord in Waiting (Government Whip)
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Chatham House
- Member, East and South East Asian Society
- Member, Fabian Society
- Member, Institute of Directors
Trade union memberships
- Member, Community
Previous employment/roles
- Chief Executive, Director and sole shareholder, Civil Service College Limited
- Director and sole shareholder, Academy for Parliamentary and Policy Studies Limited
- Director, Civil Service Leadership Academy Limited
- Director, Public Sector Training
- Director, Bentley Asset Management Limited
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- The minister’s spouse/partner is sole shareholder of Civil Service College Limited
The Baroness Blake of Leeds, Baroness in Waiting (Government Whip)
5. Charities and non-public organisations
- Honorary Patron, Middleton Railway, Leeds
6. Any other relevant interests
- Member, Labour Infrastructure Forum
Trade union memberships
- Member, GMB
Previous employment/roles
- Honorary Patron, Royal Armouries Trust, Leeds
- Honorary Patron, Thackray Museum of Medicine, Leeds Councillor and Leader, Leeds City Council
- Mentor, Local Government Association
- Consultancy work for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
7. Relevant interests of spouse, partner or close family member
- A family member is an MP