Recognised non-UK breeding bodies for hybrid breeding pigs
Updated 13 September 2024
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
RA-SE Genetics NV | Lijn 12 Landras, Lijn 36 Large White, Lijn 23 | Zwaantjesstraat 12 B – 8710 Ooigem Tel. +32(0)56 673 715 Fax +32(0)56 673 697 |
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Government of Flanders Département du Développement, de la Ruralité et des Cours d’eau, et du Bien-être animal | 30 June 2021 |
Czech Republic
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
AgramM, spol. s r.o. | Hybrid pigs | Ludkovická 374, 763 26 Luhačovice +420 577 132 179 577 132 295, 557 131 196, +420 577 131 466 |
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic | 30 June 2021 |
Česká PIC, s.r.o. | PIC 408, PIC®337, PIC®410, Camborough | Žampachova 12, 613 00 Brno +420 777 602 848 |
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic | 30 June 2021 |
HYPOR CZ a.s. | Hybrid pigs | Poděbradská 2026, 288 72 Nymburk | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic | 30 June 2021 |
Service4farmers s.r.o. | Hypor Maxter | Těšínská 258, 735 43 Albrechtice +420 603 513 849 +420 603 834 874 |
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic | 30 June 2021 |
Topigs Norsvin CZ, s.r.o. | TN60, TN70, Topigs 20, Norsvin Duroc, TN Select, TN Tempo, TN Talent | Poděbradova 1036, 664 42 Modřice +420 530 505 565 |
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Središnji savez udruga uzgajivača svinja Hrvatske | crossbreed large white x landrace, ∙ F1 landrace x large white | Ilica 101, 10000 Zagreb +385 98 930 3538 |
Ministastvo Poljoprivrede | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Danish Pig Genetics | D (L Y): Danish Landrace, Danish Yorkshire, Danish Duroc | Ladegårdsvej 2 DK 7100 Vejle +45 8140 2610 |
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration | 30 June 2021 |
Avlscenter Møllevang | L04, L05 : Danic, L04, L05 : Camborough X54 L15, L17: PIC-800 | Møllevej 3 DK 6670 Holsted +45 26291340 http://www.mø |
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration | 30 June 2021 |
Danish Agriculture & Food Council (DanAvl | Danbred Hybrid: Danish Landrace, Danish Yorkshire, Danish Duroc | Axeltorv 3 DK 1609 København V /Copenhagen V +45 3339 4000 |
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Estonian Pig Breeding Association | Eesti maasiga/Estonian Landrass (L), Eesti suur valge/Estonian Yorkshire (Y) Djuurok/Duroc (D) | Aretuse 2, 61406 Märja, Tartu maakond + 372 749 3144 + 372 749 3127 |
Food Safety Department Ministry of Rural Affairs of the Republic of Estonia | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Axiom | Axiom French Landrace, Axiom French Large White, Axiom French Pietrain, Axiom French Duroc, Axiom French Pietrain NN, Tai Zumu, Adenia, Junior, Rekor, Label 48, Stargen, Youli, Youna | La Garenne, 37310 Azay-sur-Indre + 33 2 47 59 95 21 |
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Bretagne Porc Selection | Large White x French Landrace, Pietrain x Large White | Route de Saint-Brieuc 22800 Saint-Donan | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Choice Genetics France | M3 Large White, P90, M6 Landrace, P81, CG36, P98 | Rue Maryse Bastié Bât. AK3 - Campus de Ker Lann - 35170 BRUZ +33 2 99 92 07 00 |
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Cooperative des Producteurs de Porcs de la Reunion | Cadina, Titan | 1 allée du Petit Paris 97410 Saint Pierre | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Danavl France | Danbred Yorkshire, Danbred Hybrid | 52 boulevard de Sébastopol - 75003 PARIS | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Horizon + | Pietrain Horizon + | ZA La Bourdinière 28330 Coudray au Perche | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Hypor France | Hymax, Hypor Landrace, Hypor Large White, Hypor Magnus, Hypor Maxter, Libra, Maxya | 1, rue Jean Rostand 22440 Ploufragan | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Nucleus | Duroc by Nucleus, Landrace by Nucleus, Large White by Nucleus, Pietrain by Nucleus, Kador by Nucleusm, Vigor by Nucleus, Vigor 2.0 by Nucleus | 7, rue des Orchidées 35650 Le Rheu +33 2 99 14 64 81 |
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
PIC France | GP 1010, Gp 1020, GP 1120 (OU PIC 408), GP 1125 (OU PIC 337 OU Chronos), Camborough, PIC 410, Stargen | 68 Chemin des Molières Parc d’activité du Charpenay - 69210 Lentilly | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Topigs Norsvin France | TN 70, Topigs 20, TN 60, Traxx | 1620 rue Henri Laborit CS 80 004 – 29470 Loperhet | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
PIC Deutschland GmbH | Camborough, Camborough-X43, Camborough-X52, Camborough-X54, Camborough-X99, Danic, PIC-337, PIC-408, PIC-410, PIC-800 | | Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
IATROU PAPAIOANOU & SIA O.C. | Yorkshire X, Landrace (F1 Y/L) | 3 Tagm. Velisarious str., Ammotopos, 48200 FILIPPIADA +30 26830 22161 |
Helllenic Republic Ministry of Rural Development and Food | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Holland - Genetics Kft. | Hypor Hybrid Pig | 7400 Kaposvár, Fő utca 7. I. em. 107. |
The Ministry of Agriculture | 30 June 2021 |
RA-SE Genetics Kft. | Rattlerow Seghers Hybrid Pig | 2040 Budaörs, Gyár u. 2. |
The Ministry of Agriculture | 30 June 2021 |
Topigs Norsvin Közép-Európa Kft. | Topigs Norsvin Hybrid Pig | 2053 Hercegfish (carp)om, Gesztenyés út 1. |
The Ministry of Agriculture | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
PIC Genetics DAC | Camborough, Camborough-12, Camborough-22, Camborough-50, Danic, PIC-260, PIC-280, PIC-327, PIC-337, PIC-359, PIC-380, PIC-408, PIC-410, PIC-800, Camborough-X54 | PIC Genetics DAC, Hermitage Technologies DAC, Sion Road, Kilkenny, Ireland, R95 XF34 |
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Hypor Italia S.R.L Socio Unico | Hypor Rocky Duroc, Hypor Lybra, Hypor Large White | Via Enrico Fermi 2 25025 Manerbio (BS) +39030903803 |
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | 30 June 2021 |
Verde Alimentra SRL SOC.AGR. | Suino della Marca | Via Luigi Einaudi 108, 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) |
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | 30 June 2021 |
SOC.AGR. F.LLI Pagliara SNC DI Pagliara D.D. | Femmina Imperiale, Maschio Impero | VIA Contrargine Nord 1, 46010 Marcaria (MN) +39037696162 |
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | 30 June 2021 |
PIC ItaliaA SRL | Camborough 22, L 1050, PIC Italia 03, PIC Italia 02, PIC Italia 04 C43 | Strada dei Loggi 22, 06135 Perugia (PG) +39075599005 |
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | 30 June 2021 |
Gorzagri S.S. | Verro Goland C21, Verro Gorzagri, Verro Goland R+, Verro Goland Meticcio, Goland GP Sintetico, Verro Storico Sintetico 19A, | Via G. Marconi 31 32030 Fonzaso (BL) +39043956716 |
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | 30 June 2021 |
Topigs Norsvin Italia S.R.L. | Topigs 20, Fomeva11, Line Z, Talent Italiano, TN60, Line A, Line L, TN70, Verro Classico TN65 | Via dei Polessi 15/B 25025 Mnerbio (BS) +39030938336 |
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | 30 June 2021 |
Associazione Regionale Allev.Emilia Romagna | F1 Nazionale Scrofetta Morenicas Verro Benacua | Viale Della Mercanzia 240 40050 FUNO (BO) +39051760600 |
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | 30 June 2021 |
Bompieri Allevamenti S.S. SOC.AGR. | BM71 Scrofetta ZP BM Storico Scrofetta ZP03 | Via San Martino 105 46040 Ceresara (MN) +39037665517 |
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Coöperatie Topigs U.A. | A-lijn, B-lijn, L-lijn, N-lijn, T-lijn, Z-lijn, BelPi, D-lijn (TN Talent), E-lijn (TN Tempo), P-lijn (TN Select), U-lijn (TN Duroc IMF), | Postbus 86 5268 ZH Helvoirt +31 (0)411-648870 |
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | 30 June 2021 |
Hypor B.V. | Hypor Maxter, Pietrain, Hypor Magnus Duroc, Hypor Kanto Duroc, Hypor Large White, Hypor Landras, Hypor Rocky Duroc, Hypor Libra F1 (name of cross) | Postbus 30, 5830 AA Boxmeer +31 (0)485-801911 http:// |
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Polski Związek Hodowców i Producentów Trzody Chlewnej - POLSUS | Duroc x Hampshire, Duroc x Pietrain, Hampshire x Pietrai,n Polish Large White x Polish Landrace, Puławska x Polish Landrace, Puławska x Polish Large White | Ryżowa 90, 02-495, Warszawa, Polska +48 22 723 02 13 +48 22 723 08 06 +48 22 723 00 83 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | 30 June 2021 |
Pig Trik Sp. z o.o. | Duromax, Pixel, Tytan, Mister, Lola Fi, EFka | Andrzejów, ul. Wrocławska 43 98-432 Łubnice + 48 62 783 66 93 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Association of Pig Breeders in Slovakia (Zväz chovateľov ošípaných na Slovensku – družstvo) | Individually for: 1) paternal breeds of origin Yorkshire, Pietrain, Duroc, Hampshire 2) maternal breeds of origin Slovak white improved pig, Landrase and their lines | Hlohovecká 2 951 41 Lužianky |
Rural Development of the Slovak Republic | 30 June 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of breed | Contact details for the breeding body | Official supervising body | Date of approval |
Sveriges Grisföretagare | Lantras, Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc | Sigurdsgatan 21, SE-721 30 VÄSTERÅS +46 (0)8 787 51 57 |
Jordbruks verket (The Swedish Board of Agriculture) | 13 February 2024 |