Recognised non-UK breeding societies for ovine species
Updated 13 September 2024
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Elevéo ASBL (former name until 29/04/2019: Association wallonne de l’Elevage ASBL) | Ardennes Red, Ardennes Spotted, Bleu du Maine, Dorper, Entre-Sambre-et- Meuse, Hampshire, Ile-de-France, Belgian Milksheep, Mergelland, Rouge de l’Ouest, Soay, Suffolk, Swifter, Texel, Vendeen, Zwartbles | Département du Développement, de la Ruralité et des Cours d’eau, et du Bien-être animal | Rue des Champs Elysées, 4 B-5590 Ciney |
30 Jun 2021 |
Kleine Herkauwers Vlaanderen vzw | Texel, Rouge de L’Ouest, Bleu DU Maine, Suffolk | Department of Agriculture & Fisheries Government of Flanders | Deinse Horsweg 1 B – 9031 Drongen +32-(0)9 362 12 87 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Hrvatski savez uzgajivača ovaca i koza | Tzigai sheep, Cres island sheep, Dalmatian pramenka, Ruda (Dubrovnik) sheep, Ile de France, Istrian sheep, East friesian sheep, Krk island sheep, Lacaune, Lika “pramenka” sheep, Merinolandschaf, Pag island sheep, Rab island sheep, Romanov sheep, Jezersko-Solcava sheep, Suffolk, Travnik pramenka | Ilica 101, 10 000 Zagreb +385 99 499 1129 +385 91 272 7660 Fax +385 1 3903 198 |
Ministastvo Poljoprivrede | 30 Jun 2021 |
Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu | Assaf, Australian merino, Awassi, Charollais, Comisana, Croyal, Dorper, Camerun sheep, Kupres pramenka, German blackhead, German bluehead, Quessant, Sardinian sheep, Texel, Turcana, Berichon du cher, British Milksheep, Clun forest | Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek +385 31 275 186 |
Ministastvo Poljoprivrede | 30 Jun 2021 |
Czech Republic
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Dorper Asociace CZ | Dorper | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic | Vendryně 942, 739 94 Vendryně +420 731 446 881 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Svaz chovatelů ovcí a koz z.s. | Berrichon du cher, Charollais, Hampshire, Oxford Down, Suffolk, Texel, German Black headed, Shropshire, Alpine White, Clun Forest, Kerry Hill, Romney, Bergschaf, Cigaya, Jacob, Jurassic (Swiss Black-Brown Mountain), Cameroon, Lein, Merinolandschaf, Sumavska Sheep, Wallachian Sheep, Graue Gehörnte Heidschnucke, Valachian Improved Sheep, Zwartbles, Romanov Sheep, Olkuska Sheep, Lacaune, Friesian Milk Sheep, Dairy Syntetic Sheep line, Ouessantska, Shetland Sheep, Skudde, Wallis Black-nosed sheep, Bleu du Maine, Racka | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic | Ptašínského 308/5, 602 00 Brno +420 541 243 481 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Danish Agriculture and Food Council | Dorset, Leicester, Oxford Down, Shropshire, Suffolk, Texel, Spelsau (Spel), White-headed Marsh, Landrace, Gotlandsk Pelsfår, Såne Får | Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration | SEGES, Cattle Agro Food Park 15 Skejby 8200 Aarhus N +45 8740 5000 Fax: +45 8740 5010 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Kihnu Native Sheep Society | Kihnu Native Sheep | Food Safety Department, Ministry of Rural Affairs of the Republic of Estonia | Männikuste küla, Pärnu linn, 88113 Pärnu maakond +372 53427359 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Estonian Sheep and Goat Breeders Association | Estonian Whitehead, Estonian Blackhead, Llyen, Texel, Dorper | Food Safety Department, Ministry of Rural Affairs of the Republic of Estonia | Aretuse 2, 61406 Märja Tartu maakond +372 5330 9406 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Organisme De Sélection De La Race Ovine Romane | Romane (Inra 401) | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Les Nauzes - 81580 Soual |
30 Jun 2021 |
Geode | Berrichon de L’Indre, Berrichon du Cher, Charmois, Clun Forest, Dorset Down, Est a Laine Merinos, Finnish Landrace, Hampshire Down, Romanov, Rouge de l’Ouest, Solognot, Suffolk | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 1, avenue de Chauvigny BP 70104 - 86501 Montmorillon Cedex + 33 5 49 91 10 78 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Unité Pour La Race Lacaune | Lacaune- Milk, Lacaune – Meat, Caussenard des Garrigues, Rayole, Rouge du Roussillon | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Carrefour de l’Agriculture 12026 Rodez Cedex 9 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Capel / Ovilot | Caussenard du Lot | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 267, avenue Pierre Sémard 46002 Cahors |
30 Jun 2021 |
Races Ovines Des Massifs – Sélection (Rom – Sélection) | Bizet, Blanc du Massif Central, Grivette, Limousin, Velay Black, Rava, South Down | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Route de Thiers - Marmilhat 63370 Lempdes |
30 Jun 2021 |
Société Coopérative Agricole Mouton Vendéen | Mouton Vendéen | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Route de Dompière Les Etablières - 85000 La Roche sur Yon |
30 Jun 2021 |
Organisme De Sélection Des Trois Races Locales De Brebis Laitières Des Pyrénées | Basco-Bearnaise, Black-Faced Manech, Red-Faced Manech | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Centre départemental de l’élevage ovin Quartier Ahetzia - 64130 Ordiarp + 33 5 59 28 05 87 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Organisation De Sélection Ovine Nord | Ill-de-France, Texel | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 15 avenue Euphrasie Guynemer 02400 Verdilly +33 (0)3 23 69 15 94 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Organisme De Sélection De La Race Ovine Du Mouton Charollais | Charollais | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 41, rue Général Leclerc BP 10 - 71120 Charolles + 33 3 85 24 00 18 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Organisme De Selection Cotentin, Avranchin Et Roussin | Avranchin, Cotentin, Roussin de la Hague | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Maison de l’Agriculture Avenue de Paris - 50009 Saint-Lô cedex |
30 Jun 2021 |
Union Pour La Sélection De L’Ovin Martinik (Usom) | Martinik | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Habitation Bonne Mère 97224 Ducos + 33 5 96 56 35 61 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Organisme De Sélection Des Races Ovines Du Sud-Est (Os Rose) (Association Maison Régionale De L’Elevage – Paca) | Prealpes du Sud, Merinos d’Arles, Mourerous, | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Maison régionale de l’élevage 570 avenue de la Libération - Parc d’activité Saint Joseph - 04100 Manosque |
30 Jun 2021 |
Association Mouton Boulonnais | Boulonnais | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Ferme du Héron Chemin de la Ferme Lenglet - 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq | 30 Jun 2021 |
Organisme De Sélection De La Race Ovine Corse | Corsican | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Domaine de Casabianda 20270 Aléria + 33 4 95 57 10 91 | 30 Jun 2021 |
Unité Pyrénéenne Des Races Allaitantes Ovines | Auroise, Baregeois, Castillonais, Lourdais, Montagne Noire, Tarasconnais | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 28, rue des Pyrénées 31210 Montréjeau + 33 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Centre D’Enseignement Zootechnique Bergerie Nationale De Rambouillet | Merinos de Rambouillet | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Parc du Château CS40609 - 78514 Rambouillet cedex |
30 Jun 2021 |
Organisation De Sélection Ovine Ouest-Maine | Bleu du Maine | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Chambre d’Agriculture 15, rue Jean Grémillon - 72013 Le Mans cedex 1 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Union Des Éleveurs De La Race Thônes Et Marthod | Thones-Marthod | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | 39 rue du Terraillet 73190 Saint Baldoph |
30 Jun 2021 |
Conservatoire Des Races D’Aquitaine | Landais, Sasi Ardi | The Ministry of Agriculture and Food | Bordeaux Sciences Agro 1, cours du Général de Gaulle - CS 40201 - 33175 Gradignan |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Bayerische Herdbuchgesellschaft für Schafzucht e.V | Black Headed Meat Sheep, Suffolk, Texel, Dorper, East Friesian Milk Sheep, Coburg Fox Sheep | Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Hessischer Verband für Schafzucht und -haltung e.V. | Alpine Steinschafe, Barbados Blackbelly, Bentheimer Landschafe, Berrichon du Cher, Brown Mountain Sheep, Braune Haarschafe, Brillenschafe, Charollais, Coburg Fox Sheep, Dorper, German Grey Heath, Herdwick, Ile de France, Juraschafe, Cameroon Sheep, Kerry Hill, Bovec sheep, Lacaune Sheep, Leine Sheep, Merino Sheep, Nolana Sheep, East Friesian Milk Sheep, Ouessant Sheep, Pomeranian Coarsewool, Rhönschafe, Romanovschafe, Black Mountain Sheep, Black Headed Meat Sheep, Shropshire, Soayschafe, Suffolk, Swifter, Texel, Tyrolean Mountain Sheep, Hungarian Racka, Walachen Sheep, Waldschafe, Valais Blacknose, White Horned Heath, White Polled Heath, White Headed Meat Sheep, Zwartbles | Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Landesschaf und Ziegensuchtverband e.V. | Jacob, Shetland, Shropshire, Suffolk, Wensleydale | Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Landes-schafzuchtverband Baden Württemberg e. V. | Berrichon du Cher, Black Headed Meat Sheep, Coburg Fox Sheep, East Friesian Milksheep | Ministerium für Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Landesschafzuchtverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. | Berrichon du Cher, Charollais, Dorper, Ile de France, Merino Sheep, Suffolk, Texel | Ministerium für Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Landesschafzuchtverband Niedersachsen | Berrichon du Cher, Black Headed Meat Sheep, Coburg Fox Sheep, East Friesian Milksheep | Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Landes-Schafzuchtverband Weser-Ems e.V. | Berrichon du Cher, Black Headed Meat Sheep, Coburg Fox Sheep, East Friesian Milksheep | Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Regional Association of Thuringian Sheep Breeders e.V. | Barbados Blackbelly, Berrichon du Cher, Black Headed Meat Sheep, Brown Mountain Sheep, Cameroon Sheep, Carniolan Stone Sheep, Charolais, Coburg Fox Sheep, Dorper, East Friesian Milk Sheep, Ile de France, Lacaune Sheep, Linen Sheep, Merino Long Wool Sheep, Merino Sheep, Nolana Sheep, Ouessant Sheep, Pied Mountain Sheep, Rhönschafe, Pomeranian Coarse Wool, Shropshire, Suffolk, Texel, Wallachian Sheep, Walliser Black-Nosed Sheep, White Mountain Sheep, Wiltshire Horn | Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas- TLLR | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Schafzüchtervereinigung Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. | Black Headed Meat Sheep, Shropshire, Southdown, Suffolk, Texel | Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen als Landesbeauftragter | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Stader Schafzuchtverband | Black Headed Meat Sheep | Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen | | 30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Agricultural Cooperative of Sheep breeders of Chios breed “MACEDONIA” | Chiou | Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Rural Development and Food | Address: 7o Κm. Old National Road Thessalonikis Kilkis, PC: 570 08 Ionia Thessaloniki 2310 778 948 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Center of Animal Genetic Resources of Athens | Sfakion, Lesvou, Zakynthou, Kymis, Argous, | Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Rural Development and Food | Address: Veranzerou 46 , PC: 10438 Athens 210 5271613 210 5271650 210 5271611 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Center of Animal Genetic Resources of Ioanninon | Frizarta, Agriniou, Katsika, Oreino Hpeirou | Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Rural Development and Food | End Panepistimiou Ioannina PC: 45110 Ioannina 26510 35881 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Center of Animal Genetic Resources of Thessalonikis | Serron, Florinas – Pelagonias, Roumloukiou | Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Rural Development and Food | Address: Nea Mesimvria Thessalonikis PC: 57011 Thessaloniki 2310 713964 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Center of Animal Genetic Resources of Karditsas | Karagkouniko, Piliou, Glossas Skopelou, Kalarritiko | Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Rural Development and Food | Address: Area «Ampelia», PC: 43100, Karditsa 24410 77360-70 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Center of Animal Genetic Resources of Dramas | Sarakatsaniko, Thrakis | Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Rural Development and Food | Address: End Samothrakis Arkadikos, PC: 66132 Drama 25210 46992 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Magyar Juh- és Kecsketenyésztő Szövetség | Hungarian Merino, German Merino- Meat, German Blackhead, Texel, Lacaune, Hortobágy Racka, Gyimesi racka , Hungarian Cigaja, Hungarian Cikta, Suffolk, Bábolna Tetra, Ile de France, Romney, British Dairy, Charolais, Landschaf Merino, Dairy Cigaja, Berrichon du Cher, Dorper, White Dorper, Shropshire, Romanov, Blanc du Massif Central, Wallisi Black-throated, Hampshire, Blue-headed Meat Sheep, Vendée-I húsjuh, Southdown, English Suffolk, Yellow-headed Berke, White Suffolk, East Friesian | The Ministry of Agriculture | 1134 Budapest, Lőportár u. 16. |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia (ASSONAPA) | Appenninica, Bergamasca, Comisana, Delle Langhe, Fabrianese, Massese, Merinizzata Italiana, Pinzirita, Sarda, Valle del Belice Alpagota, Altamurana, Bagnolese, Barbaresca (Siciliana), Biellese, Brentegana, Brianzola, Brigasca, Brogne (Brogna), Ciavenasca, Cornella Bianca, Cornigliese (Corniglio) Di Benevento (Quadrella), Finarda, Frabosana, Garessina, Garfagnina Biance, Gentile di Puglia, Istriana (Carsolina), Juraschaf (Pecora Giurassica), Lamon (Lamonese) Laticauda, Leccese, Marrane (Marrana), Matesina, Nera di Arbus, Nostrana, Noticiana, Pecora Ciuta, Pecora del L’Amiata, Pecora di Corteno, Plezzana, Pomarancina, Pusterese Rosset, Saltasassi, Sambucana (Demontina), Sampeirina, Savoiarda, Schnalserschaf, (Pecora di Val Senales), Schwarz Braunes Bergschaf (Pecora Nero Bruna), Schwarznasenschaf Sciara (Moscia Calabrese), Sopravissana, Tacola, Tiroler Bergschaf (Pecora Alpina Tirolese), Tiroler Steinschaf (Pecora Della Roccia Tirolese), Trimeticcia di Segezia, Turchessa, Varesina, Vicentina (Foza), Villnoesserschaf (Fiemmese O Tingola), Zerasca, Berrichon, Friesian, Ile de France, Lacaune, Romanov, Suffolk, Texel, Assaf | Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali | Via XXIV Maggio, 44 - 00187 Roma +39 06 854511 +39 06 85451260 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Irish Rouge de L’Ouest Sheep Society | Rouge de L’Ouest | The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine | Irish Rouge de L’Ouest Sheep Society, Seeorum, Bailieboro, Co Cavan |
12 July 2024 |
Irish Suffolk Sheep Society | Suffolk | The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine | Irish Suffolk Sheep Society Smithstown, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Clun Forest Schapenvereniging | Clun Forest | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Goorstraat 34 6027 NC Soerendonk +31 (0)342-490739 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Zwartbles Fokkersgroep | Zwartbles | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Slengweg 23 5966 RD America +31 (0)77-4642056 |
30 Jun 2021 |
De Stamboekvereniging Het Veluws Heideschaap | Veluws heideschaap | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Molenstraat 37 7957 CH De Wijk +31 (0)6-50854842 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Oos Mergelland Sjaop | Mergelland Schaap | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Kerkplein 10 6243 NC Geulle +31 (0)43-3640161 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Nederlandse Fokkersvereniging het Drentse Heideschaap | Schoonebeeker Heath Sheep Drenthe Heath Sheep | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Goedleven 7 4508 PE Waterlandkerkje +31 (0)117-301995 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Schapenstamboek Texelaar Elite Schapen (Schapenstamboek TES) | Texel | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Oude IJsselweg 18 7075 DL Etten (GLD) +31 (0)315-323323 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Vereniging van Speciale Schapenrassen | Cambridge, Castlemilk Moorit, Coburger Fuchs, Devon and Cornwall, Longwool, Herdwick, Leicester Longwool, Portland, Ryeland, Scottish Blackface, Shetland, Solognote, Valaise Balcknose, Wiltshire Horn, Norfolk Horn | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Hengeloseweg 4 7261 LV Ruurlo +31 (0)573-453596 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Het Texels Schapenstamboek in Noord-Holland | Texel | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Dorpsstraat 6 1769 HB Haringhuizen +31 (0)244-217008 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Het Nederlands Zwartbles Schapenstamboek | Zwartbles | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Gageldijk 1 7241 RJ Lochem +31 (0)573-252556 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Rasvereniging Hampshire Down Nederland | Hampshire Down | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Harderwijkerweg 480 8077 RM Hulhorst +31 (0)341-451283 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Vereniging Suffolk Stamboek Nederland: ‘SSN’ | Suffolk | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Bickerslaan 18 1871 AT Schoorl +31 (0)570-563286 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Fokkersvereniging Ouessantschapen | Ouessant | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Dorpsweg 87 8051 XT Hattem +31 (0)38-4441550 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Fokkersvereniging ‘Het Nederlands Flevolander Schapenstamboek’ (N.F.S.) | Flevolander | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Dijkweg 207 1619 JB Andijk +31 (0)6-52001407 |
30 Jun 2021 |
De Vereniging ‘Het Nederlands Texels Schapenstamboek’ | Texel | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Paaldersteeg 3 7261 KL Ruurlo +31 (0)573-461234 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Rasvereniging Kerry- Hill | Kerry Hill | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Rambonnetweg 1 8091 PJ Wezep |
30 Jun 2021 |
Fokkersvereniging van het Swifter Schaap | Swifter | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Voorstraat 8 4033 AD Lienden +31 (0)570-563286 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Frysk MelkskieppeStamboek | Friesian Milk Sheep | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Foijingaweg 57 9293 LR Kollumerpomp +31 (0)511-408817 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Fokkerijorganisatie Groot Heideschaap | Groot Heideschaap | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Kappelaarsdijk 5 7475 PN Markelo +31(0) 6-53977107 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Schapenfokkersverenigi ng de Noordhollander | North Holland | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Panderweg 2 4033 AR Lienden +31 (0)344-662334 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Stamboek Blauwe Texelaars | Texel (Blue, Badgerface) | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Zuiderweg 93 1461 GG Zuidoostbeemster |
30 Jun 2021 |
Stamboek Fokkersvereniging Skuddeschaap | Skudde | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Nieuweweg 40 9682 RM Oostwold Gem Oldbambt +31 (0)6-16010339 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Nederlandse Schapen- en Geitenfokkers Organisatie | Bleu du Maine | Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | Postbus 160 5300 AD Zaltbommel +31 (0)418-561712 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Norsk sau og geit | Norwegian white sheep, Spælsau, Cheviot, Pelssau Norsk | Norwegian Food Safety Authority | Postboks 104 1430 Ås |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Polski Związek Owczarski | Berrichon du Cher, Polish Lowland, Pomeranian, Corriedale, Czarnogłówka, Friesian, Polish Mountain Sheep, Ile de France, Kamieniecka, Leine, Polish Merino, Charollais, Olkuska, Polish pogórze, Romanowska, Białogłowa owca mięsna, Suffolk, Świniarka, Wielkopolska, Wrzosówka, Le Blanc du Massif – Central, Polish Mountain – Colour Varieties, Polish Merino – Colour Varieties, Polish Lowland – Uhruska Variety, Polish Lowland - Zelazna variety, Polish Merino – old type, Cakiel Podhalański, BCP, SCP | Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Baśniowa 3, lok 415, 02-349 Warszawa, Polska +48 22 659 58 18 +48 22 659 58 13 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Associação dos Criadores de Bovinos da Raça Barrosã (AMIBA) | Bordaleira de Entre Douro e Minho | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Quinta do Penedo Lugar do Souto Apartado 54 – Lanhas 4730-260 Vila Verde +351 253 559720 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação de Agricultores do Sul (ACOS) | Campaniça | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Rua Cidade de S. Paulo Apartado 296 7801 – 904 Beja +351 284 310350 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação de Criadores de Gado do Algarve (ASCAL) | Churra Algarvia | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Rua da Alegria nº25 A/B – Odiáxere 8600 – 250 Odiáxere +351 282 799 618/9 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Raça Churra Badana | Churra Badana | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Recinto da Cooperativa Vale d’Arcas 5340 -279 Macedo de Cavaleiros +351 278 426 383 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Cooperativa Agrícola e de Desenvolvimento Rural, C.R.L. (MEIMOACOOP) | Churra do Campo | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Estrada Nacional 233, nº 70 Maimôa 6090 -385 Penamacor +351 277 377 482 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação dos Criadores de Bovinos da Raça Barrosã (AMIBA) | Churra do Minho | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Quinta do Penedo Lugar do Souto Apartado 54 – Lanhas 4730-260 Vila Verde +351 253 559 720 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Raça Churra da Terra Quente (ANCOTEQ) | Churra da Terra Quente | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Quinta Branca Torre de Moncorvo 5160-111 Larinho +351 279 258090/91 +351 935011043 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação Nacional dos Criadores de Ovinos da Raça Churra Galega Bragançana (ACOB) | Galega Bragançana, Preta, Galega Bragançana Branca | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Largo Coronel Salvador Teixeira Lote 69/70 – R/c Dto 5300-044 Bragança +351 273 329454 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação de Produtores Agropecuários (OVIBEIRA) | Merina da Beira Baixa | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Rua José Cifuentes, nº 11 D/E 6000-244 Castelo Branco +351 272 347 564 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Raça Merina (ANCORME) | Merina Branca Merina Preta | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Sala EE01 Maré 7005-873 Évora +351 266 744 287 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Agrupamento de Produtores da Raça Ovina Churra Mondegueira (APROMEDA CRL) | Mondegueira | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Avenida Gago Coutinho e Sacadura Cabral, 520 6430-191 Meda +351 964 160 166 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação dos Criadores e Reprodutores de Gado do Oeste (ACRO) | Saloia | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Av. Moçambique, 4 2530-111 Lourinhã +351 261 411 163 +351 261 414 020 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos Serra da Estrela (ANCOSE) | Serra da Estrela | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Quinta da Tapada – Bobadela 3405 - 006 Oliveira do Hospital +351 238 600 720 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Raça Churra Galega Mirandesa (ACOM) | Galega Mirandesa | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Posto Zootécnico de Malhadas Malhadas 5210-150 Miranda do Douro +351 273 417066 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação Portuguesa de Criadores da Raça Ovina Ile de France (ACIF) | Île-de-France | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Apartado 192 7104 - 909 Estremoz +351 268 333950 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação Portuguesa de Criadores de Ovinos da Raça Merina Precoce | Merina Precoce | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Apartado 31 7440-999 Alter do Chão |
30 Jun 2021 |
Associação de Produtores de Bovinos, Ovinos e Caprinos da Região de Montemor-o-Novo (APORMOR) | Suffolk | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Gabinete de Recursos Genéticos Animais | Apartado 31 7440-999 Alter do Chão | 30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Association of Sheep and Goat Breeders in Slovakia (Zväz chovateľov oviec a kôz na Slovensku –družstvo) | Assaf, Askanian, Berrichon du cher, Bleu du maine, German Mountain, Tsigai, Charollais, Ile de France, Lacaune, Merino German Blackheaded, Mutton, Oxford Down, Ouessant, Romanov), Romney, Suffolk, Texel, East Friesian, Improved Valachian, Clun forest, Slovak Dairy Sheep, Dorper, Weißes Alpenschaf, Zwartbles, Jacob, Kerry hill, Merino | Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic | Skuteckého 19 Banská Bystrica 974 01 |
30 Jun 2021 |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Svenska Fåravelsförbundet | Ostfriesiskt mjölkfå (East Friesian Dairy Sheep), Wensleydale, Poll Merino, Kerry Hill, Vit Suffolk (White Suffolk), Border Leicester, Fjällnäsfår (Fjällnäs Sheep), Gestrikefår (Gestrike Sheep), Helsingefår (Helsinge Sheep), Roslagsfår (Roslagen Sheep), Svärdsjöfår (Svärdsjö Sheep), Tabacktorpsfår (Tabacktorp Sheep), Värmlandsfår (Värmland Sheep), Åsenfår (Åsen Sheep), Klövsjöfår (Klövsjö Sheep) | Jordbruks verket (The Swedish Board of Agriculture) | Dalsängsvägen 53 SE-812 93 Kungsgården +46 (0)70-8546303 |
30 June 2021 22 Aug 2023 (Dala-fur and Valais Blacknose) |
Breeding body | Name of the breed | Official supervising body | Contact details | Date of approval |
Schweizerischer Schafzuchtverband (Swiss Sheep Breeders’ Association) | Swiss White Mountain sheep, Brown-headed Meat sheep, Swiss Black-Brown Mountain sheep, Valais Blacknose sheep, Charollais Suisse, Texel, Suffolk, Shropshire, Rouge de l’Ouest, Dorper, Ile-de-France Suisse, Nolana Suisse | Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) | Industriestrasse 9, 3362 Niederönz, Switzerland |
2 Sep 2024 |