Liverpool Harbour Revision Order
Information about the Liverpool Cruise Terminal Harbour Revision Order application.
On 1 August 2018 Bircham Dyson Bell LLP, now named BDB Pitmans LLP, made a formal application to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) under section 14 of the Harbours Act 1964 for the Liverpool Cruise Terminal Harbour Revision Order 2021(“the Order”). The Order was applied for on behalf of Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Limited who is the statutory harbour authority for the Port of Liverpool. The Order authorises construction of a new Cruise Liner Terminal and comprises of construction of a reinforced concrete suspended deck, a cruise liner terminal building, a vehicular and pedestrian linkspan bridge, a new floating pontoon and two steel mono pile mooring dolphins.
The Order also authorises the demolition of the existing timber and concrete decked jetty known as Princes Jetty, as well as modifications to the existing landing stage, including the removal and relocation of the existing pilot boat launch facility.
Details of the authorised works can be viewed in the Order and the rationale behind the powers can be viewed in the accompanying statement in support.
The project falls within Annex II to Council Directive 2011/92/EU (as amended) on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment and therefore constitutes development requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment. Full details of the applicant’s assessment can be viewed within the Liverpool Cruise Terminal Environmental Statement (ES) and associated documents.
Due to file size constraints not all ES documents have been uploaded to the public register. ES documents not included on the public register are detailed within the ‘Public Register Documents list’ included above. If you wish to be provided with any of these documents please contact the harbour orders team via
The MMO approved the making of the Order on 14 January 2021, details of the decision-making process can be viewed in the Harbour Revision Order and Environmental Impact Assessment decision report. The Order will be laid before parliament on 21 January 2021 and will come into force on 12 February 2021.
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