Local area performance metrics: health and social care partners
Assessing local partners across the boundary between the NHS and social care.
The NHS social care interface dashboard provides a set of measures indicating how health and social care partners in every local authority area in England are performing.
The dashboard has been developed by the DHSC and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government working with stakeholders.
The dashboard includes a breakdown of delayed days attributable to social care per 100,000 of the population and the equivalent for NHS-attributable delays.
The dashboard should allow areas to compare themselves to similar areas and then have conversations about good practice. It should also provide greater transparency in those local areas that are not performing well to enable improvement support to be targeted.
This dashboard has been updated since December 2017 and the departments will be considering how these metrics could be developed and used in the future.
Updates to this page
Updated the dashboard and the local area performance metrics document. Published the letter from Caroline Dinenage to Ian Trenholm.
Updated details to reflect new guidance and dashboard.
November dashboard and updated guidance added.
Updated to include the letter from Jeremy Hunt inviting CQC to begin the reviews.
Updated the 'Integration and Better Care Fund planning requirements 2017-2019' document.
First published.