Local Authority Treescapes Fund application form round 4
Use the application form and guidance to apply for round 4 of the Local Authority Treescapes Fund (LATF).
Applies to England
LATF closed on 30 June 2024 and we are not accepting further applications.
You need to provide the following information to complete the application, and submit it with your project cost calculator:
- Section 1: Lead applicant and contact details
- Section 2: Evidence of need
- Section 3: Benefits of the planting
- Section 4: Project delivery and natural colonisation
- Section 5: Declarations
- Section 6: Privacy notice
Send the completed forms to LATF@forestrycommission.gov.uk.
Once you have applied you should expect to receive emails from LATF@forestrycommission.gov.uk. Check your junk folder and accept emails from this address. We recommend you reply directly to emails from this address.
When to use the biosecure procurement exception form
If you are not purchasing your trees from a commercial supplier, use this form to request an exception from the biosecure procurement requirement.
LATF Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
The Memorandum of Understanding underpins the relationship between the Forestry Commission and the local authority (LA) as permitted under Section 31 (Local Government Act 2003). This will be sent to the lead applicant once Section 31 funding has been approved.
The MoU must be signed and submitted to us to receive funding. You will not receive funding without signing an MoU.
Project cost calculator
You must complete the project cost calculator. This Excel spreadsheet requires the quantity and unit value of trees (standards, feathers and whips) and other items that support the project. It forms part of the agreement once the offer of funding is accepted. For more details see the LATF grant manual.
You must set out the costs for each planting year within your LATF project cost calculator. Grant payments will be based on this information.
Instructions for how to complete the project cost calculator are embedded in the spreadsheet, and can be found in the ‘LATF additional guidance’.
LATF claim forms
Claim forms are available at LATF claim forms and guidance. Send the relevant claim form to: LATF@forestrycommission.gov.uk.
The LATF payments process is detailed in the LATF grant manual.
Post-planting report (PPR)
The lead local authority must submit a PPR. Completion of the PPR is a LATF reporting requirement as set out in the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). You must submit the PPR by 31 March following each year of planting.
You should also use this form to submit claim 2 and claim 4 (where applicable) to us for the LATF.
You can find the PPR, with guidance on completing the form, at LATF claim forms and guidance.
The LATF payments process is detailed in the LATF grant manual.
Contact us and further information
If you have any queries contact us at LATF@forestrycommission.gov.uk.
You may receive emails from us from the following email address: forestry@ukemail.icasework.com.
For further information on Forestry Commission grants, news and regulations, subscribe to our newsletter.
Updates to this page
Published 2 July 2023Last updated 24 December 2024 + show all updates
Updated the LATF grant manual to reflect the updated photo evidence requirements.
Updated the page to reflect that the fund is now closed.
Added a new version of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU): Force Majeure section has been updated.
Updates made to the grant manual: New maintenance paragraph added in the 'How to claim' section. New section added called 'Final maintenance payments and beat-up survey'.
Added a note to the grant manual that bids are more likely to be successful if they include a diverse range of planting that delivers good value for money.
Added a new version of the application form. The application form has a new paragraph in section 4d relating to nursery supplier information.
Additional guidance document added, updated Project Cost Calculator, updated application form, updated Grant Manual (including new example Post-Planting map for guidance), replaced references from ‘Guidance to Applicants’ to ‘LATF Grant Manual’.
LATF is supported by our Grants Management System (GMS), an internal tool which supports management of some of our grants. Going forwards applicants will receive emails relating to their LATF application from the following email address: forestry@ukemail.icasework.com. This information has been added to the page.
First published.