Policy paper

Local Environmental Management Plans for HS2 Phase One

These plans set out the site-specific control measures for HS2 contractors working within local authorities along the Phase One route.


Birmingham City Council Local Environmental Management Plan

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Lichfield District Council Local Environmental Management Plan

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Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Local Environmental Management Plan

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Warwick District Council Local Environmental Management Plan

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High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd and its consultant have produced Local Environmental Management Plans (LEMPs), a requirement under the Code of Construction Practice (CoCP). These plans are specific to each local authority area along the Phase One route. The LEMPs are based on environmental information currently available to the project, as reported within the Environmental Statement (including Supplementary and Additional Provision Environmental Statements).

The contractors working for HS2 Ltd will be required to comply with the LEMPs during construction works and must meet the High Speed Rail (London to West Midlands) Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs). The EMRs set out high-level environmental and sustainability commitments to be carried out during the planning and implementation of works along the Phase One route. The CoCP forms part of the EMRs.

Are the LEMPs finalised?

HS2 Ltd has been consulting with local authorities during the production of the LEMPs. The most up to date version of the LEMPs are published on this page. If, up to and during detailed design, new environmental baseline information comes to light (such as the identification of new sensitive receptors), then the LEMPs will be updated to reflect these changes.

What happens next?

Engagement events will be carried out to introduce and brief communities on local environmental information, management and mitigation. If local communities have comments relevant to the content of the LEMPs, they will be reviewed and updated, as required.

Updates to this page

Published 5 July 2017
Last updated 28 November 2024 + show all updates
  1. Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Local Environmental Management Plan - file attachment updated

  2. Birmingham City Council Local Environmental Management Plan - file attachment updated

  3. Warwick District Council Local Environmental Management Plan - file attachment updated

  4. Lichfield District Council Local Environmental Management Plan - file attachment updated

  5. North Warwickshire Borough Council Local Environmental Management Plan - file attachment updated

  6. Updated Buckinghamshire LEMP

  7. Updated London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Local Environmental Management Plan.

  8. Updated Brent, Camden, Ealing, Hillingdon, Kensington and Chelsea and City of Westminster.

  9. Updated Stratford-on-Avon, Cherwell and West Northamptonshire and added Buckinghamshire whilst removing Aylesbury, Chiltern and Wycombe and Three Rivers and South Bucks.

  10. Local Environmental Management Plans updated for: Brent, Camden, Ealing, Hillingdon, Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster

  11. 4 x LEMPs updated with revised KESWMPs: Aylesbury, Chilterns, South Northamptonshire, Three Rivers.

  12. London Boroughs plans updated

  13. All LEMPs updated

  14. First published.

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