
Graduate employability pilot: Bradford: closing date 29 March 2019

Updated 22 March 2019


Bradford is one of 5 Integrated Community Strategy areas. The Integrated Communities Strategy green paper sets out our shared commitment to identify those communities where people are furthest from the job market and to engage those communities to support more people into work. This will identify which approaches work best and test their feasibility to determine if they can be rolled out more widely and evaluate what works to share the learning. This project is being funded by Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to meet an identified labour market need with this aspect of the funding devolved to DWP.

Research undertaken by the University of Bradford shows that the unemployment and underemployment rate of black and minority ethnic (BME) graduates is of concern. Their analysis also indicates a significant difference in the unemployment profile of graduates 6 months after graduation.

DWP are seeking to commission a pilot graduate employability and enterprise programme which would not duplicate but compliment the work of Bradford University. This will not be limited to BME graduates but will seek to explore how different demographics impact on employment outcomes.

The identification of a specific route way for graduates from any university but living in Bradford to explore and help them address their individual barriers to work will enable them to become more integrated into the Bradford community by supporting their journey into work.

The programme is for 80 unemployed graduates living within the Bradford Metropolitan District Council and in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance, Universal Credit, Income Support or Employment and Support Allowance or who are economically inactive to find and keep a job.

Who can apply

We welcome applications from public and voluntary organisations who are able to deliver the unique nature of the programme.

Funding can only be agreed with and provided to a lead accountable body who is a legal not for profit entity with auditable accounts, for example a voluntary organisation, charity, local authority, community interest company, special purpose vehicle or equivalent.


11 months starting 1 May 2019.

Target number of Participants



Engagement, progression and achievement of social justice outcomes. 20% of participants achieving a job outcome.

Grant value

A maximum of £80,000.00 broken down as follows:

  • Maximum service fee value £72,000
  • Maximum job outcome value £8,000

How to apply

For an application pack (including outcome definitions) e-mail:

For further information contact Nicola Cockshott at:

All proposals must be received no later than 5pm on Friday 29 March 2019.

Send applications for the attention of Peter Vincent to: