
Plans containing non-strategic policies

Updated 10 December 2024

Applies to England

1. Local Plans (other Plans) progress

Local Plans (other Plans) progress - 02 October 2024

Local Council Plan Name Published Submitted Found Sound Adopted
Adur District Council Shoreham Harbour Joint AAP (with Brighton & West  Sussex) Nov-17 May-18 Jul-19 Oct-19
Allerdale District Council Local Plan Part 2 Oct-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Jul-20
Arun District Council Gypsy & Traveller DPD Nov-23      
Ashford District Council Town Centre AAP Mar-09 Jul-09 Feb-10 Feb-10
Ashford District Council Tenterden & Rural Sites Jun-09 Feb-10 Sep-10 Oct-10
Ashford District Council Urban Sites & Infrastructure Dec-10 Feb-12 Sep-12 Oct-12
Ashford District Council Chilmington Green AAP Apr-12 Oct-12 May-13 Jul-13
Barking & Dagenham, London Borough of Site Specific Allocations Jun-09 Oct-09 Jul-10 Dec-10
Barking & Dagenham, London Borough of Town Centre AAP Jun-09 Oct-09 Sep-10 Feb-11
Barking & Dagenham, London Borough of Borough Wide Development Control Policies Nov-08 Jun-09 Dec-10 Mar-11
Barnet, London Borough of Mill Hill East AAP n/a May-08 Dec-08 Jan-09
Barnet, London Borough of Colindale AAP Jun-09 Aug-09 Jan-10 Mar-10
Barnet, London Borough of Development Management policies May-11 Sep-11 Jun-12 Sep-12
Barnet, London Borough of Joint North London Waste Plan Mar-19 Aug-19    
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Education Sites n/a Dec-07 Oct-08 Jan-09
Barnsley, Doncaster & Rotherham Councils Joint waste plan Apr-11 Jul-11 Jan-12 Mar-12
Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council Barrow Port AAP May-09 Aug-09 Jun-10 Jul-10
Bath & North East Somerset Council Placemaking Plan Dec-15 Apr-16 Jun-17 Jul-17
Bedford Borough Council Bedford Town Centre AAP n/a Jul-06 Jul-08 Oct-08
Bedford Borough Council Allocations & Designations Sep-11 May-12 Jun-13 Jul-13
Bedford, Central Beds & Luton Councils Minerals & Waste Core Strategy Dec-11 Aug-12 Oct-13 Jan-14
Bexley, London Borough of          
Birmingham City Council Longbridge AAP n/a Mar-08 Feb-09 Apr-09
Birmingham City Council Aston, Newton & Lozells AAP Feb-11 Oct-11 Mar-12 Jul-12
Birmingham City Council Bordesley Park AAP Mar-17 Nov-18 Aug-19 Jan-20
Birmingham City Council Development Management in Birmingham Jan-20 Jul-20 Sep-21 Sep-21
Blaby District Council Delivery DPD Nov-17 Mar-18 Dec-18 Feb-19
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Local Plan Part 2 Site Allocations & DM Policies Jan-14 Jul-14 Nov-15 Dec-15
Blackpool Local Plan Part 2 Feb-21 Jun-21 Nov-22 Feb-23
Blyth Valley Borough Council DC Policies n/a Apr-06 Aug-07 Sep-07
Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council Site Allocations Jul-13 Nov-13 Sep-14 Dec-14
Bournemouth BC (with Dorset CC & Poole) Minerals Sites Plan Dec-17 Mar-18 Jul-19 Aug-19
Bournemouth BC (with Dorset CC & Poole) Waste Plan Dec-17 Mar-18 Jan-19 Jul-19
Bournemouth Borough Council Affordable Housing Jan-09 Mar-09 Aug-09 Dec-09
Bournemouth Borough Council Town Centre AAP Aug-11 Nov-11 Nov-12 Mar-13
Bracknell Forest Borough Council Site Allocations Jan-12 Jun-12 Jun-13 Jul-13
Bradford District Council Bradford City centre AAP Dec-15 Apr-16 Oct-17 Dec-17
Bradford District Council Shipley & Canal Road corridor AAP Dec-15 Apr-16 Oct-17 Dec-17
Bradford District Council Waste Management DPD Dec-15 May-16 Jul-17 Oct-17
Braintree District Council Site Allocations & DM Policies Feb-14      
Braintree District Council Local Plan Section 2 Site Allocations Jun-17 Oct-17 Jun-22  
Breckland District Council Site Specific Policies & Proposals Feb-11 Apr-11 Dec-11 Jan-12
Breckland District Council Thetford AAP Aug-11 Nov-11 May-12 Jul-12
Breckland District Council Partial Review Sep-22 Nov-22 Aug-23 Sep-23
Brent, London Borough of Site Specific Allocations Jun-09 Jun-10 Mar-11 Jul-11
Brent, London Borough of Wembley AAP Mar-13 Jul-13 Aug-14 Jan-15
Brent, London Borough of Development Management Policies Sep-15 Jan-16 Sep-16 Nov-16
Brighton & Hove Council Shoreham Harbour Joint AAP (with Adur & West Sussex) Nov-17 May-18 Jul-19 Oct-19
Brighton & Hove Council City Plan Part 2 Sep-20 May-21 Jul-22 Oct-22
Bristol City Council Sites Allocations & Dev Man Policies Mar-13 Jul-13 Apr-14 Jul-14
Bristol City Council Bristol Central Area Plan Feb-14 Jul-14 Feb-15 Mar-15
Broadland District Council Development Management Apr-14 Sep-14 Jun-15 Aug-15
Broadland District Council Site Allocations Apr-14 Sep-14 Mar-16 May-16
Broadland District Council Growth Triangle AAP Aug-14 Feb-15 May-16 Jul-16
Broads Authority Development Management Policies Dec-10 Mar-11 Oct-11 Nov-11
Broads Authority Site Specific Policies Jul-13 Sep-13 Jun-14  
Bromley, London Borough of Town Centre AAP Jun-09 Nov-09 Aug-10 Oct-10
Broxtowe Borough Council Local Plan Part 2 Sep-17 Aug-18 Oct-19 Oct-19
Buckinghamshire County Council Minerals & Waste Core Strategy Sep-11 Nov-11 Sep-12 Nov-12
Buckinghamshire County Council Minerals & Waste Local Plan Mar-18 Jun-18 Jun-19  
Cambridgeshire CC & Peterborough M&W Core Strategy Feb-10 Jul-10 Mar-11 Jul-11
Cambridgeshire CC & Peterborough M&W Site Specific Proposals Feb-10 Jul-10 Oct-11 Feb-12
Cambridgeshire CC & Peterborough Joint Minerals & Waste Plan Nov-19 Mar-20 Mar-21  
Camden, London Borough of Development Policies Oct-09 Jan-10 Aug-10 Nov-10
Camden, London Borough of Site Allocations Mar-12 Sep-12 Jun-13 Sep-13
Camden, London Borough of Fitzrovia AAP Dec-12 Apr-13 Feb-14 Mar-14
Camden, London Borough of Euston AAP Jan-14 Apr-14 Dec-14 Jan-15
Camden, London Borough of Joint North London Waste Plan Mar-19 Aug-19    
Canterbury City Council Herne Bay AAP Mar-09 Aug-09 Feb-10 Apr-10
Carrick Balanced Housing n/a Jun-06 Nov-07 Feb-09
Central & Eastern Berkshire Joint Minterals & Waste Plan Sep-20 Feb-21 Oct-22  
Central Bedfordshire Council Site Allocations Jan-10 May-10 Jan-11 Apr-11
Central Bedfordshire Council Development Strategy Jun-14      
Chelmsford Borough Council Town Centre AAP n/a Nov-06 Jul-08 Aug-08
Chelmsford Borough Council North Chelmsford AAP Oct-09 Jun-10 Jul-11 Jul-11
Chelmsford Borough Council Site Allocations Oct-10 Aug-11 Jan-12 Feb-12
Cheltenham Borough Council The Cheltenham Plan Feb-18 Oct-18 Mar-20 Jul-20
Cheshire East SADPD Oct-20 Apr-21 Oct-22 Dec-22
Cheshire West and Chester Council Local Plan pt 2 Land Allocations and Detailed Policies Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-19 Jul-19
Chichester District Council Site Allocations Dec-16 Mar-17 Oct-18 Jan-19
Chorley Council Sustainable Resources n/a Oct-07 Jul-08 Sep-08
Chorley Council Site Allocations & Dev Management Oct-12 Dec-12 May-15 Jul-15
Colchester Borough Council Development Policies Sep-09 Nov-09 Sep-10 Oct-10
Colchester Borough Council Site Allocations Sep-09 Nov-09 Sep-10 Oct-10
Colchester Borough Council Tiptree Jam Factory Apr-12 May-12 Dec-12 Feb-13
Colchester Borough Council Local Plan Section 2 Site Allocations Jun-17 Oct-17 May-22 May-22
Corby Borough Council Part 2 Local Plan for Corby Aug-19 Dec-19 Jun-21 Sep-21
Cornwall Council Minerals Safeguarding DPD Jun-17 Oct-17 Jul-18 Dec-18
Cornwall Council Site Allocations Jun-17 Oct-17 Apr-19 Nov-19
Cornwall Council Climate Emergency DPD Feb-21 Nov-21 Jan-23 Feb-23
Coventry City Council City Centre AAP Jan-16 Apr-16 Nov-17 Dec-17
Croydon, London Borough of Detailed Policies & Proposals Sep-16 Feb-17 Jan-18 Feb-18
Croydon, Kingston, Merton & Sutton Joint South London Waste Plan Jan-21 Jan-22 Nov-22 Dec-22
Cumbria County Council Generic DC policies n/a Apr-08 Feb-09 Apr-09
Cumbria County Council Minerals & Waste Core Strategy n/a Apr-08 Feb-09 Apr-09
Cumbria County Council Minerals & Waste site allocations Dec-09 Apr-10 Dec-10 Jan-11
Cumbria County Council Minerals & Waste Local Plan May-16 Sep-16 Jun-17 Sep-17
Dacorum Borough Council Site Allocations & DM Policies Sep-14 Feb-16 Apr-17 Jul-17
Dartford Borough Council Development Policies Plan Jan-16 Jun-16 Jun-17 Jul-17
Dartmoor National Park Management & Delivery Feb-12 May-12 Jun-13 Jul-13
Daventry Dictrict Council District Settlements & Countryside Local Plan part 2 Aug-18 Dec-18 Jan-20 Feb-20
Derbyshire CC & Derby City Council Minerals Local Plan Mar-23      
Devon County Council Waste Local Plan Dec-13 Mar-14 Oct-14 Dec-14
Devon County Council Devon Minerals Plan Aug-15 Feb-16 Oct-16 Feb-17
Dorset CC (With Bournemouth & Poole) Waste Plan Dec-17 Mar-18 Jan-19 Jul-19
Dorset CC (With Bournemouth & Poole) Minerals Sites Plan Dec-17 Mar-18 Jul-19 Aug-19
Dorset County Coucil Minerals Core Strategy Jul-12 Jan-13 Dec-13 May-14
Dover District Council Land Allocations Dec-12 Aug-13 Dec-14 Jan-15
Dudley Council Brierley Hill AAP Nov-09 Feb-10 Mar-11 Aug-11
Dudley Council Stourbridge AAP Sep-12 Feb-13 Aug-13 Oct-13
Dudley Council Halesowen AAP Nov-12 Feb-13 Aug-13 Oct-13
Dudley Council Dudley AAP Nov-15 Mar-16 Nov-16 Feb-17
Dudley Council Development Strategy Jan-16 Mar-16 Nov-16 Feb-17
Durham County Council Minerals and Waste Nov-22 Jul-23 May-24 Jul-24
Ealing, London Borough of Development Management Jun-12 Feb-13 Oct-13 Dec-13
Ealing, London Borough of Development Sites Jun-12 Feb-13 Oct-13 Dec-13
Ealing, London Borough of Planning for Schools Feb-15 Jul-15 Mar-16 May-16
East Devon District Council Villages DPD Mar-17 Jun-17 May-18  
East Devon District Council Cranbrook Local Plan Mar-19 Aug-19 Aug-22 Oct-22
East Hampshire District Council Housing & Employment allocations Apr-15 Jul-15 Feb-16 Apr-16
East Lindsey District Council Site Allocation: Settlement Proposals Nov-16 Apr-17 May-18 Jul-18
East London Authorities Joint Waste DPD Sep-10 Nov-10 Nov-11 Feb-12
East Northamptonshire Council Rural North, Oundle & Thrapston AAP n/a Jan-08 Jul-09 Jul-11
East Northamptonshire Council Local Plan Part 2 Feb-21 Mar-21 Jul-23 Dec-23
East Riding of Yorkshire Council Bridlington AAP Oct-10 Apr-11 Aug-12 Jan-13
East Riding of Yorkshire Council Allocations Jan-14 Apr-14 Jun-16  
East Riding of Yorkshire Council & Hull City Council Joint Minerals Plan Apr-18 Jul-18 Jul-19 Nov-19
East Sussex, Brighton & S Downs NPA Waste & Minerals Plan Feb-12 Jun-12 Jan-13 Feb-13
East Sussex, Brighton & S Downs NPA Waste & Minerals Sites Oct-15 Apr-16 Nov-16 Feb-17
East Sussex, Brighton & S Downs NPA Waste & Minerals Local Plan Oct-21 May-22 Apr-24 Oct-24
Eastbourne Borough Council Town Centre AAP Jul-11 Jan-12 Sep-13 Nov-13
Eastbourne Borough Council Employment Land Dec-14 Feb-16 Oct-16 Nov-16
Elmbridge Borough Council Development Management Feb-14 May-14 Feb-15 Apr-15
Enfield, London Borough of North Circular Road AAP Apr-13 Aug-13 Apr-14  
Enfield, London Borough of NE Enfield AAP Jun-14 Oct-14 Mar-16 Jun-16
Enfield, London Borough of Development Management Jul-13 Jan-14 Jul-14  
Enfield, London Borough of Edmonton & Central Leeside AAP Mar-17 Apr-18 Aug-19 Jan-20
Enfield, London Borough of Joint North London Waste Plan Mar-19 Aug-19    
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Plan E Feb-10 Apr-10 Mar-11 Apr-11
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Development Management Policies Apr-13 Nov-14 Jul-15  
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Site Allocations Nov-15      
Essex County Council Minerals Plan Jan-13 Jul-13 Jun-14 Jul-14
Essex County Council Waste Plan Mar-16 Jun-16 Jun-17 Jul-17
Exeter City Council Development Delivery Jul-15      
Fareham Borough Council Development Sites Feb-14 Jun-14 May-15 Jun-15
Fareham Borough Council The Welborne Plan Feb-14 Jun-14 May-15 Jun-15
Folkestone & Hythe District Council Policies & Places Feb-18 Sep-18 Jun-20 Sep-20
Forest Heath DC & St Edmundsbury Joint Development Management Policies Oct-13 Dec-13 Jan-15  
Forest Heath District Council Site Allocations Jan-17 Mar-17 Aug-19 Sep-19
Forest of Dean District Council Cinderford Northern Quarter AAP Mar-11 Jul-11 Dec-11 Feb-12
Forest of Dean District Council Site Allocations Mar-15 Aug-15 Jun-18 Jun-18
Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council Making spaces for growing places Oct-18 Apr-19 Nov-20 Feb-21
Gedling Borough Council Local Plan part 2 May-16 Oct-16 Jun-18 Jul-18
Gloucester City Council Gloucster City Plan Nov-19 Nov-20 Nov-22 Jan-23
Gloucestershire County Council Waste Core Strategy Dec-10 Sep-11 Aug-12 Nov-12
Gloucestershire County Council Minerals Local Plan May-18 Dec-18 Dec-19 Mar-20
Great Yarmouth Borough Council Local Plan part 2 Feb-20 Jul-20 Nov-21  
Greater Manchester Authorities Waste Nov-10 Feb-11 Nov-11 Mar-12
Greater Manchester Authorities Minerals Jul-11 Nov-11 Jan-13 Apr-13
Greenwich, Royal Borough of Site Allocations DPD Nov-21      
Guildford Borough Council Development Management Policies Jan-22 Jun-22 Feb-23 Feb-23
Hackney, London Borough of Hackney Wick AAP Jan-12 Apr-12 Aug-12 Sep-12
Hackney, London Borough of Central AAP Sep-11 Feb-12 Aug-12 Oct-12
Hackney, London Borough of Dalston AAP Sep-11 Feb-12 Oct-12 Jan-13
Hackney, London Borough of Manor House AAP Sep-11 Apr-12 Nov-12 Jan-13
Hackney, London Borough of Site Allocations Jul-13 Dec-13 Mar-16  
Hackney, London Borough of Development Management Policies Jul-13 Dec-13 Aug-15 Jul-15
Hackney, London Borough of Joint North London Waste Plan Mar-19 Aug-19    
Hackney, London Borough of Stamford Hill AAP May-24      
Hambleton District Council Development Policies n/a Aug-06 Nov-07 Feb-08
Hambleton District Council Site Allocations Oct-09 Dec-09 Sep-10 Dec-10
Hammersmith & Fulham, London Borough of Development Management Nov-11 Jul-12 Feb-13 Jul-13
Hampshire County Council Minerals & Waste CS n/a May-06 May-07 Jul-07
Hampshire County Council Minerals & Waste Plan Nov-11 Feb-12 May-13 Oct-13
Hampshire County Council Minerals & Waste Plan Jan-24 Jul-24    
Haringey, London Borough of Development Management Jan-16 May-16 Apr-17 Jul-17
Haringey, London Borough of Site Allocations Jan-16 May-16 Apr-17 Jul-17
Haringey, London Borough of Tottenham AAP Jan-16 May-16 Apr-17 Jul-17
Haringey, London Borough of Joint North London Waste Plan Mar-19 Aug-19    
Harrogate New Settlement DPD Oct-22 Mar-24    
Harrow, London Borough of Harrow & Wealdstone AAP Jul-12 Oct-12 May-13 Jul-13
Harrow, London Borough of Development Management Plan Jul-12 Oct-12 May-13 Jul-13
Harrow, London Borough of Site Allocations Jul-12 Oct-12 May-13 Jul-13
Hastings Borough Council Development Management Plan Mar-14 Jul-14 May-15 Sep-15
Havant Borough Council Local Plan (Allocations) Oct-13 Dec-13 Jul-14 Jul-14
Havering, London Borough of Site Specific Allocations n/a Nov-06 Mar-08 Jul-08
Havering, London Borough of Romford AAP n/a Nov-07 Sep-08 Oct-08
Havering, London Borough of Gypsies & Travellers Mar-12 Dec-12    
Herefordshire District Council Travellers Sites Development Plan Nov-17 Feb-18 Jun-19 Oct-19
Herefordshire District Council Minerals and Waste Apr-21 Mar-22 Oct-23 Mar-24
Hertfordshire County Council Waste CS & Dev Control Policies Nov-10 Jun-11 Jul-12 Nov-12
Hertfordshire County Council Waste Site Allocations Feb-12 Jun-13 Mar-14 Jul-14
Hertfordshire County Council Minerals Local Plan Jan-19 Withdrawn 17/12/21    
Hertsmere Borough Council Elstree Way Corridor AAP Feb-14 Jul-14 May-15  
Hertsmere Borough Council Site Allocations & DM Policies Aug-15 Nov-15 Sep-16  
Hillingdon, London Borough of Local Plan part 2 Oct-15 May-18 Oct-19 Jan-20
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council Town Centre AAP Jun-10 Sep-10 Feb-11 Mar-11
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council Earl Shilton & Barwell AAP Aug-13 Dec-13 Aug-14 Jul-16
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council Site Allocations & DM Policies Feb-14 Mar-15 May-16 Jul-16
Horsham District Council Site Specific Allocations n/a Nov-05 Sep-07 Nov-07
Horsham District Council General Dev Control Policies n/a Sep-06 Nov-07 Dec-07
Horsham District Council & Crawley BC West of Bewbush Joint AAP n/a May-08 Apr-09 Jul-09
Hounslow, London Borough of Employment n/a Jul-07 Aug-08 Nov-08
Hounslow, London Borough of Brentford AAP n/a Jul-07 Oct-08 Jan-09
Hounslow, London Borough of Part 1 Review Oct-22      
Hull City Council Kingswood AAP Jun-15 Nov-15 May-16 Sep-16
Hull City Council & East Riding of Yorkshire Council Joint Minerals Plan Apr-18 Jul-18 Jul-19 Nov-19
Huntingdonshire District Council Huntingdon West AAP Dec-09 Apr-10 Dec-10 Feb-11
Hyndburn Borough Council Accrington AAP Aug-10 May-11 Dec-11 Jan-12
Hyndburn Borough Council Development Management Policies Sep-16 Jan-17 Nov-17 Jan-18
Ipswich Borough Council Site Allocation & Policies Dec-14 Dec-15 Jan-17 Feb-17
Islington, London Borough of Site Specific Allocations Oct-11 Aug-12 Jun-13 Jun-13
Islington, London Borough of Development Management Policies Oct-11 Aug-12 Jun-13 Jun-13
Islington, London Borough of Finsbury Local Plan Oct-11 Aug-12 Apr-13 Jun-13
Islington, London Borough of Joint North London Waste Plan Mar-19 Aug-19    
Islington, London Borough of Site Allocations Sep-19 Feb-20 Jul-23  
Islington, London Borough of Bunhill and Clerkenwell AAP Sep-19 Feb-20 Jul-23  
Kensington & Chelsea, Royal Borough of Protection of Public Houses Sep-12 Feb-13 Jul-13 Oct-13
Kensington & Chelsea, Royal Borough of Basements Jul-13 Apr-14 Dec-14 Jan-15
Kensington & Chelsea, Royal Borough of Conservation & Design Jul-13 Apr-14 Nov-14 Dec-14
Kensington & Chelsea, Royal Borough of Diversity of Housing Jul-13      
Kensington & Chelsea, Royal Borough of Miscellaneous Matters Jul-13 Apr-14 Nov-14 Dec-14
Kent County Council Minerals & Waste Plan Jan-24 May-24    
Kent County Council Minerals & Waste Plan Jul-14 Nov-14 Apr-16 Jul-16
Kent County Council Minerals Sites Plan Jan-19 May-19 Apr-20  
Kent County Council Minerals & Waste early partial review Jan-19 May-19 Apr-20  
Kettering Borough Council Town Centre AAP Aug-10 Dec-10 May-11 Jul-11
Kettering Borough Council Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan Dec-19 May-20 Jul-21 Dec-21
Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council Site Allocation & DMP Jan-15 Apr-15 Aug-16  
Kingston upon Hull City Council Newington & St Andrews AAP Oct-08 Jun-09 Jan-10 Feb-10
Kingston upon Hull City Council Holderness Road Corridor AAP Nov-09 Apr-10 Dec-10 Mar-11
Kingston Upon Thames, London Borough of Kingston Town Centre AAP n/a May-07 Apr-08 Jul-08
Lake District National Park Allocations of land Oct-12 Mar-13 Sep-13 Nov-13
Lake District National Park Minerals Safeguarding areas Oct-12 Mar-13 Sep-13 Nov-13
Lambeth, London Borough of Site Allocations Mar-24 Oct-24    
Lancashire CC Minerals & Waste Core Strategy n/a Nov-07 Aug-08 Feb-09
Lancashire CC Site Allocations & DM Policies Jan-11 May-11 Jun-13 Sep-13
Lancaster City Council Morecambe AAP Oct-13 Dec-13 Sep-14 Dec-14
Lancaster City Council Development Management Oct-13 Dec-13 Sep-14 Dec-14
Lancaster City Council Local Plan part 2 - Review of the DM DPD Feb-18 May-18 Jun-20 Jul-20
Lancaster City Council Climate Emergency Review of Local Plan Part 2 Jan-22 Mar-22    
Lancaster City Council Climate Emergency Review of Local Plan Part 1 Jan-22 Mar-22    
Lancaster City Council (& South Lakeland) Arnside & Silverdale AONB Nov-17 Feb-18 Jan-19 Mar-19
Leeds City Council Natural Resources & Waste Dec-10 Jul-11 Dec-12 Jan-13
Leeds City Council Natural Resources remitted policies Nov-14 Feb-15 Aug-15 Sep-15
Leeds City Council Site Allocations Plan Sep-15 May-17 Jun-19 Jul-19
Leeds City Council Site Allocations Remitted Sep-15 Mar-21 Jan-24 Jan-24
Leeds City Council Aire Valley Leeds AAP Sep-15 Sep-16 Aug-17 Nov-17
Leeds City Council Local Plan Update: Your Neighbour-
hood, Your City, Your Planet
Leicestershire County Council Minerals CS & DC Policies n/a Jun-08 May-09 Oct-09
Leicestershire County Council Waste CS & DC Policies n/a Jun-08 May-09 Oct-09
Leicestershire County Council Minerals & Waste Plan Nov-17 Mar-18 May-19 Sep-19
Lewes District Council Local Plan part 2 Sep-18 Dec-18 Dec-19 Feb-20
Lewisham, London Borough of Site Allocations Mar-12 Sep-12 Mar-13 Jun-13
Lewisham, London Borough of Town Centre AAP Mar-12 Sep-12 Jan-14 Feb-14
Lewisham, London Borough of Development Management Aug-13 Nov-13 Jul-14  
Lichfield District Council Local Plan part 2 - Allocations Mar-17 May-18 Apr-19 Jul-19
Lincolnshire County Council Minerals & Waste Plan Jan-15 Jun-15 Feb-16 May-16
Lincolnshire County Council Minerals & Waste Local Plan: Site locations doc. Nov-16 Apr-17 Sep-17 Dec-17
Maidstone Borough Council Affordable Housing n/a Mar-06 Oct-06 Dec-06
Maidstone Borough Council Open Space Standards n/a Mar-06 Oct-06 Dec-06
Mendip District Council Local Plan part 2 - Sites & Policies Plan Jan-18 Jan-19 Sep-21  
Merseyside, joint authorities Joint Waste Nov-11 Feb-12 Mar-13 Jul-13
Merton, London Borough of Site & Policies Jul-13 Oct-13 Jun-14  
Merton, London Borough of Estates Local Plan Dec-16 Mar-17 Dec-17 Feb-18
Mid Devon District Council Allocations & Infrastructure Oct-09 Dec-09 Aug-10 Oct-10
Mid Devon District Council Development Management Policies Sep-12 Dec-12 Jul-13 Oct-13
Mid Suffolk District Council Stowmarket AAP Apr-10 Nov-10 Feb-13 Feb-13
Mid Sussex District Council Small scale housing sites n/a May-06 Nov-07 Apr-08
Mid Sussex District Council Site Allocations DPD Aug-20 Dec-20 May-22 Jun-22
Middlesbrough Borough Council Regeneration n/a Jan-08 Feb-09 Feb-09
Middlesbrough Borough Council Housing Nov-13      
Milton Keynes Council Waste DPD n/a Jan-07 Dec-07 Feb-08
Milton Keynes Council Minerals Plan Jan-16 Mar-16 Apr-17 Jul-17
Milton Keynes Council Site Allocations Oct-16 Mar-17 Jun-18 Jul-18
Mole Valley District Council Dorking Town Centre AAP Jan-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Dec-12
New Forest District Council Sites & Development Management Policies Jan-12 Jul-12 Mar-14 Apr-14
Newark and Sherwood District Council Allocations & Development Management Jun-12 Sep-12 May-13 Jul-13
Newark and Sherwood District Council Amended Allocations & Dev’ DPD Nov-22 Jan-24    
Newcastle Upon Tyne City Council Walker Riverside AAP n/a Jul-06 Mar-07 Apr-07
Newcastle Upon Tyne City Council Benwell/Scotswood AAP n/a Aug-08 Jul-09 Nov-09
Newcastle Upon Tyne City Council Local Plan part 2 (Development & Allocations) Oct-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Jun-20
Newham, London Borough of Detailed Sites and Policies Sep-15 Dec-15 Sep-16 Oct-16
Newham, London Borough of Gypsy & Traveller Accomodation Jul-16 Sep-16 Jun-17 Sep-17
Norfolk County Council M&W CS & DM policies May-10 Feb-11 Aug-11 Sep-11
Norfolk County Council Minerals Site Specific Allocations May-12 Dec-12 Jul-13 Oct-13
Norfolk County Council Waste Site Specific Allocations May-12 Dec-12 Jul-13 Oct-13
Norfolk County Council Single Issue Silica Sand Review May-16 Dec-16 Sep-17  
Norfolk County Council Mineral and Waste Plan Review Sep-22 Dec-23    
North Lincolnshire Council Housing & Employment Allocations Apr-14 Jul-14 Feb-16 Mar-16
North Lincolnshire Council Lincolnshire Lakes AAP Nov-14 Mar-15 Apr-16 May-16
North London Waste Joint Waste May-11 Feb-12 Mar-13 Unsound
North London Waste Joint North London Waste Plan Mar-19 Aug-19 Oct-21  
North Norfolk District Council Site Specific Proposals Jun-09 Mar-10 Dec-10 Feb-11
North Somerset Council DMP - Part 1 Sites and Policies Feb-15 Jul-15 Apr-16 Jul-16
North Somerset Council Consequential Changes n/a Jan-16    
North Somerset Council Site Allocations Plan Nov-16 Feb-17 Feb-18 Apr-18
North West Leicestershire District Council Local Plan Review of Policy S1 Nov-19 Feb-20 Feb-21 Mar-21
North York Moors National Park Whitby Business Park Nov-13 Feb-14 Sep-14 Nov-14
North York Moors National Park Helmsley Plan Jan-14 May-14 May-15 Jul-15
North York Moors National Park (+ N Yorks & York) Minerals & Waste Joint Plan Nov-16 Nov-17 Feb-22 Feb-22
Northampton Borough Council Northampton Central AAP Nov-10 May-12 Nov-12 Jan-13
Northampton Borough Council Northampton Local Plan part 2 May-19 Feb-21 Feb-23  
Northamptonshire County Council Minerals & Waste CS Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-10 May-10
Northamptonshire County Council Locations for Waste Development Jan-09 Mar-10 Dec-10 Mar-11
Northamptonshire County Council Locations for Minerals Development Jan-09 Mar-10 Dec-10 Mar-11
Northamptonshire County Council Control & management of development May-10 Aug-10 May-11 Jun-11
Northamptonshire County Council Minerals & Waste Local Plan Sep-13 Nov-13 Aug-14 Oct-14
Northamptonshire County Council Minerals & Waste Local Plan Jun-16 Aug-16 Mar-17  
Norwich City Council Northern Norwich City Centre AAP Dec-08 Jul-09 Jan-10 Mar-10
Norwich City Council Development Management Policies Aug-12 Apr-13 Oct-14 Nov-14
Norwich City Council Site Allocations & Site Specific Policies Aug-12 Apr-13 Oct-14 Nov-14
Nottingham City Council Waste Core Strategy Mar-12 Jan-13 Oct-13 Dec-13
Nottingham City Council Local Plan part 2 Sep-17 Apr-18 Dec-19 Jan-20
Nottinghamshire CC Waste Core Strategy Mar-12 Jan-13 Oct-13 Dec-13
Nottinghamshire CC Minerals Plan Aug-19 Feb-20 Mar-21  
Nottinghamshire CC/
Nottingham City Council
Joint Waste Plan Aug-23 Mar-24    
Nuneaton and Bedworth Town Centre AAP Jun-21      
Nuneaton and Bedworth Gypsy and Traveller Plan Jan-22 Jun-22 Dec-23 Jan-24
Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Town Centre AAP Oct-11 Mar-12 Oct-12 Sep-13
Oxford City Council West End AAP n/a Jun-07 Apr-08 Apr-08
Oxford City Council Barton AAP Feb-12 Apr-12 Nov-12 Dec-12
Oxford City Council Northern Gateway AAP Jul-14 Oct-14 Jun-15 Jul-15
Oxford City Council Sites & Housing Feb-12 May-12 Jan-13 Feb-13
Oxfordshire CC M&W Core Strategy Aug-15 Dec-15 Jun-17 Sep-17
Peak National Park Local Plan part 2: DM Policies Nov-16 Feb-18 Apr-19  
Pendle Borough Council Bradley AAP Aug-10 Dec-10 May-11 Jun-11
Peterborough City Council Site Allocations Feb-11 May-11 Feb-12 Apr-12
Peterborough City Council Planning Policies Feb-12 Apr-12 Oct-12 Dec-12
Peterborough City Council City Centre DPD Jan-14 Apr-14 Nov-14 Dec-14
Peterborough City Council & Cambridgeshire CC Joint Minerals & Waste Plan Nov-19 Mar-20    
Plymouth City Council North Plymstock AAP (incl mins) n/a Aug-06 Jun-07 Aug-07
Plymouth City Council Devonport AAP n/a Oct-06 Jul-07 Aug-07
Plymouth City Council Millbay & Stonehouse AAP n/a Oct-06 Jul-07 Aug-07
Plymouth City Council Waste n/a Aug-07 Mar-08 Apr-08
Plymouth City Council Sutton Harbour AAP n/a Oct-07 May-08 Jul-08
Plymouth City Council Central Park AAP n/a Dec-07 Jul-08 Sep-08
Plymouth City Council City Centre/University AAP Aug-09 Oct-09 Mar-10 Apr-10
Plymouth City Council Derriford & Seaton AAP Jul-12 Dec-12 N/A N/A
Poole (with Bournemouth & Dorset CC) Waste Plan Dec-17 Mar-18 Jan-19 Jul-19
Poole (with Bournemouth & Dorset CC) Minerals Sites Plan Dec-17 Mar-18 Jul-19 Aug-19
Poole, Borough of Delivering Poole’s infrastructure Apr-11 Aug-11 Jan-12 Apr-12
Poole, Borough of Site specific allocations & DM policies Apr-11 Aug-11 Jan-12 Apr-12
Portsmouth City Council Southsea Town Centre AAP n/a Sep-06 Jun-07 Jul-07
Portsmouth City Council Somerstown & North Southsea AAP Apr-10 Jul-10 Jun-12 Jul-12
Preston Borough Council Site Allocations & DM Policies Sep-13 Jul-14 Jun-15 Jul-15
Preston Borough Council City Centre Plan Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-16 Jun-16
Purbeck District Council Swanage Local Plan Sep-15 Mar-16 Apr-17 Jul-17
Reading Borough Council Reading Central AAP n/a Mar-08 Nov-08 Jan-09
Reading Borough Council Affordable Housing Alterartions to Local Plan Mar-14 Aug-14 Dec-14 Jan-15
Reading Borough Council Site & Detailed Policies Feb-10 Jul-11 Sep-12 Oct-12
Redbridge, London Borough of Development opportunity sites n/a Jan-07 Apr-08 May-08
Redbridge, London Borough of Borough wide primary policies n/a Jan-07 Apr-08 May-08
Redbridge, London Borough of Development sites with housing n/a Jan-07 Apr-08 May-08
Redbridge, London Borough of Ilford Town Centre AAP n/a Apr-07 Apr-08 May-08
Redbridge, London Borough of Gants Hill AAP n/a Jul-08 Feb-09 May-09
Redbridge, London Borough of Crossrail corridor AAP Sep-10 Dec-10 Aug-11 Sep-11
Redbridge, London Borough of Minerals Dec-11 Mar-12 Jul-12 Sep-12
Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Development Policies n/a May-06 May-07 Jul-07
Reigate & Banstead District Council Development Management Plan Jan-18 May-18 Jul-19 Sep-19
Ribble Valley Borough Council Housing & Economic DPD Apr-17 Jul-17 Sep-19 Oct-19
Richmond Upon Thames, London Borough of Development Management policies Oct-10 Feb-11 Sep-11 Nov-11
Richmond Upon Thames, London Borough of Twickenham AAP Jul-12 Oct-12 May-13 Jul-13
Richmond Upon Thames, London Borough of Single Issue - Main Modification to Local Plan - OOLTI at St Michael’s Convent, Ham Common Jan-19 May-19 Feb-20  
Richmond Upon Thames, London Borough of Single issue - Main Modification to Local Plan - local Green Space at Udney Park Playing Fields, Teddington Feb-19 Jun-19 Feb-20  
Rochford District Council Allocations Nov-12 Apr-13 Feb-14 Feb-14
Rochford District Council Hockley AAP Nov-12 Apr-13 Feb-14 Feb-14
Rochford District Council Development Management Jun-13 Dec-13 Nov-14 Dec-14
Rochford District Council Rochford Town Centre AAP Jul-13 Nov-13 Mar-15 Apr-15
Rochford District Council Southend Airport & Environs AAP Feb-13 Dec-13 Nov-14  
Rochford District Council Rayleigh AAP Jan-14 Dec-14 Aug-15 Oct-15
Rother District Council Local Plan Part 2 (Development & Allocations) Oct-18 Jan-19 Nov-19 Dec-19
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Sites and Policies Plan Sep-15 Mar-16 Apr-18 Jun-18
Rushcliffe Borough Council Local Plan Part 2: Land & Planning Policies May-18 Aug-18 Sep-19 Oct-19
Rushmoor Borough Council          
Rutland Council Minerals CS & DC Policies Sep-09 Jan-10 Jun-10 Oct-10
Rutland Council Site Allocations & Policies Apr-13 Jul-13 Aug-14 Oct-14
Ryedale District Council Helmsley Plan Jan-14 May-14 May-15 Jul-15
Ryedale District Council Local Plan sites & Policies Map Plan Nov-17 Mar-18 Jun-19 Jun-19
Salford Council Local Plan: Development Management Policies & Designations Jan-20 Jun-21 Nov-22 Jan-23
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Tipton AAP n/a Oct-07 Jul-08 Sep-08
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Smethwick AAP n/a Oct-07 Aug-08 Dec-08
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council West Bromwich AAP Aug-11 Oct-11 Sep-12 Dec-12
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Site Allocations & Delivery Aug-11 Oct-11 Sep-12 Dec-12
Scarborough Borough Council Whitby Business Park Nov-13 Feb-14 Sep-14 Nov-14
Sevenoaks District Council Allocations & Development Management Mar-13 Nov-13 Dec-14  
Shropshire Council Site Allocations and Managing Development Mar-14 Aug-14 Oct-15 Dec-15
Slough Borough Council Site Allocations Nov-09 Feb-10 Aug-10 Nov-10
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Gypsy & Traveller Site Allocations Apr-13 Jul-13 Oct-14  
Somerset County Council Mendip Local Plan Part 2 Jun-24 Sep-24    
Somerset County Council Waste Core Strategy Oct-11 Mar-12 Jan-13 Feb-13
Somerset County Council Minerals Plan Mar-14 Jun-14 Jan-15 Feb-15
South Cambridgeshire District Council Development Control Policies n/a Jan-06 May-07 Jul-07
South Cambridgeshire District Council Northstowe AAP n/a Jan-06 Jun-07 Jul-07
South Cambridgeshire District Council Cambs Southern Fringe AAP n/a Jan-06 Oct-07 Feb-08
South Cambridgeshire District Council Site Specific Allocations n/a Jan-06 Sep-09 Jan-10
South Cambridgeshire District Council (& Cambridge City) Cambridgeshire East AAP n/a Jan-06 Dec-07 Feb-08
South Cambridgeshire District Council (& Cambridge City) North West Cambrdige AAP n/a May-08 Aug-09 Oct-09
South Derbyshire District Council Local Plan part 2 Oct-16 Jan-17 Sep-17 Nov-17
South Derbyshire District Council Local Green Spaces Plan Feb-19 May-19 Jun-20 Sep-20
South Downs National Park Joint Minerals Local Plan (with West Sussex) Jan-17 May-17 May-18 Jul-18
South Downs National Park (and West Sussex County Council) Joint Minerals Local Plan Soft Sand Review Jan-20 Apr-20    
South Gloucestershire Council Policies, Sites & Places Plan Jul-16 Nov-16 Sep-17 Nov-17
South Hams District Council Sherford AAP n/a Jun-06 Jul-07 Aug-07
South Hams District Council Affordable Housing n/a Jan-08 Aug-08 Sep-08
South Hams District Council Development Control Core Policies May-09 Nov-09 May-10 Jul-10
South Hams District Council Dartmouth AAP Apr-10 Jul-10 Jan-11 Feb-11
South Hams District Council Kingsbridge AAP Apr-10 Jul-10 Jan-11 Feb-11
South Hams District Council Ivybridge AAP Apr-10 Jul-10 Jan-11 Feb-11
South Hams District Council Rural Areas Apr-10 Jul-10 Jan-11 Feb-11
South Hams District Council Totnes/Dartington AAP Apr-10 Jul-10 Jan-11 Feb-11
South Kesteven District Council Site allocations & policies Oct-11 Jan-12 Feb-14 Apr-14
South Lakeland District Council Land allocations Mar-12 May-12 Nov-13 Dec-13
South Lakeland District Council Development Management Plan Nov-17 Feb-18 Jan-19 Mar-19
South Lakeland District Council (& Lancaster) Arnside & Silverdale AONB Nov-17 Feb-18 Jan-19 Mar-19
South London Waste Joint Waste Dec-10 Apr-11 Oct-11 Mar-12
South Norfolk Council Village Cluster Allocations Aug-24      
South Norfolk Council Site Specific Allocations Nov-13 Apr-14 Sep-15 Oct-15
South Norfolk Council Development Management Nov-13 Apr-14 Sep-15 Oct-15
South Norfolk Council Wymondham AAP Nov-13 Apr-14 Sep-15 Oct-15
South Norfolk Council Long Stratton AAP Aug-14 Mar-15 Apr-16 May-16
South Northamptonshire Council Local Plan Part 2 Oct-18 Jan-19 Jun-20 Jul-20
South Ribble Borough Council Site Allocations & Development Management Jul-12 Oct-12 Jun-15 Jul-15
South Staffordshire District Council Site Allocations Jan-17 Sep-17 May-18 Sep-18
South Tyneside MBC Hebburn Town Centre AAP n/a Jul-07 Sep-08 Oct-08
South Tyneside MBC South Shields Town Centre & Waterfont AAP n/a Jul-07 Sep-08 Nov-08
South Tyneside MBC Central Jarrow AAP Nov-08 Apr-09 Jun-10 Sep-10
South Tyneside MBC Development Management policies Jul-10 Dec-10 Aug-11 Dec-11
South Tyneside MBC Site specific allocations Feb-11 Jun-11 Nov-11 Apr-12
South Tyneside MBC (with Sunderland) International Advanced Manufactoring Park Aug-16 Feb-17 Nov-18  
South Worcestershire Traveller Plan Nov-22      
Southampton City Council City Centre AAP Sep-13 Dec-13 Dec-14 Mar-15
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Development Management Apr-14 Jul-14 Mar-15 Jul-15
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Southend Airport & Environs AAP Feb-13 Dec-13 Nov-14  
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Waste Plan Mar-16 Jun-16 Jun-17  
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Southend Central AAP Nov-16 Mar-17 Dec-17 Feb-18
Southwark, London Borough of Aylesbury AAP Mar-09 May-09 Nov-09 Jan-10
Southwark, London Borough of Canada Water AAP Jan-10 Mar-10 Dec-11 Mar-12
Southwark, London Borough of Canada Water AAP Revised Jan-14 May-14 Jun-15 Nov-15
Southwark, London Borough of Peckham & Nunhead AAP Sep-12 Mar-13 May-14  
Spelthorne Borough Council Allocations of land n/a Jun-07 Jun-09 Dec-09
St Edmundsbury Borough Council Bury St Edmunds Vision 2031 Jun-13 Oct-13 Jul-14 Sep-14
St Edmundsbury Borough Council Haverhill Vision 2031 Jun-13 Oct-13 Jul-14 Sep-14
St Edmundsbury Borough Council Rural Vision 2031 Jun-13 Oct-13 Jul-14 Sep-14
St Edmundsbury Borough Council Joint Development Management Policies Oct-13 Dec-13    
St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council Bold Forest AAP Jan-16 May-16 Feb-17 Jul-17
Stafford Borough Council Local Plan Part 2 Site Allocations Nov-15 Apr-16 Dec-16 Jan-17
Staffordshire County Council Minerals Local Plan Jun-15 Jan-16 Nov-16 Feb-17
Staffordshire County Council & Stoke Waste Core Strategy Sep-11 Jan-12 Feb-13 Mar-13
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council Biddulph Town Centre AAP n/a Jan-06 Jan-07 Feb-07
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Regeneration & Environment Local Plan Feb-15      
Stratford on Avon District Council Site Allocations Aug-19      
Suffolk Coastal District Council Felixstowe Peninsula AAP Apr-16 Jun-16 Jan-17 Jan-17
Suffolk Coastal District Council Site Allocations & Area Specific Policies Apr-16 Jun-16 Jan-17 Jan-17
Suffolk County Council Minerals CS n/a Oct-07 Jun-08 Sep-08
Suffolk County Council Minerals Site Specific Allocations n/a Aug-08 Jun-09 Sep-09
Suffolk County Council Waste CS Jan-10 Mar-10 Dec-10 Mar-11
Suffolk County Council Minerals & Waste Plan Jun-18 Dec-18 Mar-20 Jul-20
Sunderland City Council (with South Tyneside) International Advanced Manufactoring Park Aug-16 Feb-17 Nov-17  
Surrey County Council Waste CS n/a Jun-06 Dec-07 May-08
Surrey County Council Waste Development n/a Jun-06 Dec-07 May-08
Surrey County Council Waste Dc Policies n/a Jun-06 Dec-07 May-08
Surrey County Council Minerals CS Nov-09 Jun-10 May-11 Jul-11
Surrey County Council Primary aggregates Nov-09 Jun-10 May-11 Jul-11
Surrey County Council Aggregates Recycling Aug-11 Dec-11 Nov-12 Feb-13
Surrey County Council Waste Plan Jan-19 Apr-19 May-20 Dec-20
Surrey Heath Borough Council Camberley Town Centre AAP May-13 Aug-13 May-14 Jul-14
Sutton, London Borough of Site development policies Mar-11 Jun-11 Nov-11 Mar-12
Swindon Borough Council Swindon Central AAP n/a Dec-07 Nov-08 Feb-09
Swindon Borough Council Development Management policies Mar-11      
Tandridge District Council Local Plan Part 2 Detailed Policies Jun-13 Sep-13 May-14  
Taunton Deane Borough Council Taunton Town Centre AAP n/a Oct-07 Jul-08 Dec-08
Taunton Deane Borough Council Site Allocations & DMP Jan-15 Jul-15 Nov-16 Dec-16
Tees Valley Authorities Joint M&W Core Strategy Aug-09 Nov-10 May-11 Sep-11
Tees Valley Authorities Joint M&W policies & sites Aug-09 Nov-10 May-11 Sep-11
Telford and Wrekin Council Central Telford AAP Jun-09 Sep-09 Jan-11 Mar-11
Tendring Local Plan Section 2 Site Allocations Jun-17 Oct-17 Nov-21 Jan-22
Tendring & Colchester Garden Borders DPD May-23 Sep-23    
Tewkesbury Borough Council Tewkesbury Borough Plan Oct-19 May-20 Apr-22  
Thanet District Council Cliftonville Jun-09 Oct-09 Feb-10 Feb-10
Three Rivers District Council Development Management Policies Jul-12 Dec-12 May-13 Jul-13
Three Rivers District Council Site Allocations Nov-12 Jun-13 Sep-14 Nov-14
Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council Tonbridge Central AAP n/a Sep-06 Feb-08 Apr-08
Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council Development Land Allocations n/a Sep-06 Mar-08 Apr-08
Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council Managing Development & the Environment Mar-09 Jul-09 Feb-10 Apr-10
Tower Hamlets, London Borough of Fish Island AAP Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Sep-12
Tower Hamlets, London Borough of Development Managament Jan-12 May-12 Dec-12 Apr-13
Trafford Civic Quarter AAP Jan-21 Nov-21 Dec-22  
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Site Allocations Feb-15 Jun-15 Jun-16 Jul-16
Vale of White Horse District Council Local Plan part 2 Oct-17 Feb-18 Jun-19 Oct-19
Wakefield Council Development Policies n/a Jan-08 Mar-09 Apr-09
Wakefield Council Wakefield Central AAP n/a May-08 Apr-09 Jun-09
Wakefield Council Waste Mar-09 Apr-09 Oct-09 Dec-09
Wakefield Council Site specific policies Feb-11 Aug-11 Jun-12 Sep-12
Wakefield Council Retail & Town Centre Oct-15 Feb-16 Oct-16 Jan-17
Wakefield Council Leisure, Recreation & Open Space Oct-15 Feb-16 Oct-16 Jan-17
Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council Site Allocations Mar-16 Jun-17 Nov-18 Jan-19
Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council Town Centre AAP Mar-16 Jun-17 Aug-18 Jan-19
Waltham Forest, London Borough Blackhorse Lane AAP Mar-13 Feb-14 Oct-14 Jan-15
Waltham Forest, London Borough Walthamstow Town Centre AAP Mar-13 Sep-13 Jun-14  
Waltham Forest, London Borough of Development Management Policies Jul-12 Dec-12 Aug-13 Nov-13
Waltham Forest, London Borough of Joint North London Waste Plan Mar-19 Aug-19    
Wandsworth, London Borough of Site specific allocations Oct-14 Mar-15 Dec-15 Mar-16
Wandsworth, London Borough of Development Management policies Oct-14 Mar-15 Dec-15 Mar-16
Wandsworth, London Borough of Employment & Industry Local Plan Mar-17 Oct-17 Aug-18 Dec-18
Warwick DC Net Zero Carbon DPD Apr-22 Oct-22 Apr-24 May-24
Warwickshire CC Waste Core Strategy Mar-12 Oct-12 Jun-13 Jul-13
Warwickshire CC Warwickshire Minerals Plan Dec-16 Nov-19 Jun-22  
Watford Borough Council Local Plan part 2 Aug-16      
Waveney District Council Development Management Policies Feb-10 Jun-10 Dec-10 Jan-11
Waveney District Council Site Specific Allocations Feb-10 Jun-10 Dec-10 Jan-11
Waveney District Council Lake Lothing & Outer Harbour AAP Nov-10 Feb-11 Nov-11 Jan-12
Waverley Borough Council Local Plan Part 2 Nov-20 Dec-21 Mar-23  
Wealden District Council Affordable Housing Delivery Dec-14 Mar-15 Feb-16 May-16
Wealden District Council Strategic Sites Local Plan        
Wellingborough Borough Council Town Centre AAP n/a Jun-08 May-09 Jul-09
Wellingborough Borough Council Local Plan Part 2 Sep-17 Jan-18 Nov-18 Feb-19
West Berkshire District Council Site Allocations Nov-15 Apr-16 Apr-17 May-17
West Berkshire District Council Minerals and Waste Jan-21 Jul-21 Oct-22 Dec-22
West London Waste Plan West London Waste Plan (Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon,Hounslow, Old Oak & Park Royal Development Corporation, Richmond Upon Thames) Feb-14 Jul-14 Mar-15 Jul-15
West of England Partnership Joint Waste Core Strategy Jan-10 Jul-10 Feb-11 Mar-11
West Oxfordshire District Council Salt Cross Garden Village AAP Aug-20 Feb-21 Mar-23 n/a
West Oxfordshire District Council Salt Cross Garden Village AAP - Remitted Aug-20 Apr-24    
West Sussex Waste Local Plan Nov-12 Mar-13 Feb-14 Apr-14
West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan (with South Downs NPA) Jan-17 May-17 May-18 Jul-18
West Sussex (with Adur & West Sussex) Shoreham Harbour Joint AAP Nov-17 May-18 Jul-19 Oct-19
West Sussex (with South Downs NPA) Joint Minerals Local Plan Soft Sand Review Jan-20 Apr-20 Feb-21  
West Wiltshire Leisure & Recreation n/a Oct-07 Oct-08 Feb-09
Westminster, City of Basement Revisions Jul-15 Dec-15 Jun-16 Jul-16
Westminster, City of Mixed Use Revisions Jul-15 Dec-15 Jun-16 Jul-16
Westminster, City of Special Policy Areas & Policies Map Revision Dec-15 May-16 Aug-16 Nov-16
Wiltshire CC Chippenham Site allocations Feb-15 Jul-15 Feb-17 May-17
Wiltshire CC Site Allocations Plan Jul-17 Jul-18 Jan-20 Feb-20
Wiltshire CC (& Swindon) Minerals Core Strategy n/a Mar-08 Mar-09 Jun-09
Wiltshire CC (& Swindon) Waste Core Strategy n/a Mar-08 Apr-09 Jun-09
Wiltshire CC (& Swindon) Waste DC Policies n/a Jul-08 May-09 Sep-09
Wiltshire CC (& Swindon) Minerals DC Policies n/a Jul-08 May-09 Sep-09
Wiltshire CC (& Swindon) Waste site allocations Jun-11 Feb-12 Nov-12 Feb-13
Wiltshire CC (& Swindon) Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations Jan-12 Jul-12 Feb-13 May-13
Winchester City Council Local Plan part 2 Oct-15 Mar-16 Jan-17 Apr-17
Winchester City Council Traveller Plan Jan-18 May-18 Jan-19 Feb-19
Windsor & Maidenhead, Royal Borough of Maidenhead Town Centre AAP Oct-10 Dec-10 May-11 Sep-11
Woking Borough Council Development Management Plan Oct-15 Feb-16 Aug-16 Oct-16
Woking Borough Council Site Allocations Nov-18 Jul-19 Aug-21 Oct-21
Wokingham District Council Managing Development & Delivery Jun-12 Dec-12 Jan-14 Feb-14
Wolverhampton City Council Stafford Road Corridor AAP Jun-13 Nov-13 Jun-14 Sep-14
Wolverhampton City Council Bilston Corridor AAP Aug-13 Nov-13 Jun-14 Sep-14
Wolverhampton City Council City Centre AAP Jun-15 Sep-15 Jul-16  
Worcester City Council Balanced Housing market n/a Oct-06 Sep-07 Dec-07
Worcestershire County Council Waste Core Strategy Mar-11 Nov-11 Jul-12 Nov-12
Worcestershire County Council Minerals Local Plan Aug-19 Dec-19 May-22 Jul-22
Wycombe District Council Delivery & Site Allocations Jun-12 Sep-12 Jun-13 Jul-13
Wyre Borough Council Fleetwood/Thornton AAP n/a Mar-08 Aug-09 Sep-09
Wyre Forest District Council Kidderminster AAP Jul-12 Oct-12 May-13 Jul-13
Wyre Forest District Council Site Allocations & Policies Jul-12 Oct-12 May-13 Jul-13
York City Council (+ N Yorks & N Yorks Moors NPA) Minerals & Waste Joint Plan Nov-16 Nov-17    
Yorkshire Dales National Park Housing & Mixed use Mar-11 Oct-11 May-12 Jun-12

2. Glossary

The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012 set out the process for preparing a Local Plan. Below are the basic steps needed to put in place an up-to-date Local Plan.

  • Initial Evidence Gathering and Consultation: Council to formulate initial aims and objectives for Local Plan. Begin evidence gathering process, including addressing requirements for Strategic Environmental Assessment reports. Hold initial discussions and consultation with local communities and businesses, Duty to Cooperate partners, and other relevant bodies or organisations (no legal format for this).

  • Publication: Council formally publishes the Local Plan for consultation. Consultation must be for a minimum of 6 weeks. The council will need to be able to show how it has taken account of the views (representations) given through the consultation, and may make changes to the Local Plan before proceeding to the next stage.

  • Submission: The council submits the Local Plan, alongside the consultation representations and other required documents, to the Planning Inspectorate. The Inspectorate then arrange for the Local Plan to be scrutinised through an Examination in Public. During the Examination, the Inspector will be testing the Local Plan for soundness; legal procedural compliance and whether the Council has met the duty to co-operate. The Inspector will consider any representations made on the plan. The National Planning Policy Framework contains further information on the Government’s policy for sound Local Plans.

  • Found Sound: The Inspector will write a report, setting out whether he or she is satisfied that the Local Plan is sound; meets the legal procedural requirements and the duty to co-operate. The report may recommend main modifications (changes) to the submitted plan, where requested by the Council, to make the Local Plan sound and compliant with the legal procedural requirements. Note: the Inspector cannot make main modifications in relation to the duty to co-operate.

  • Adoption: After the council has received the Inspector’s report, it must formally adopt the Local Plan before it can become part of the Development Plan for the local area.

Read the full Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012)