Local transport capital block funding
Funding allocations and supporting information for the local transport capital block settlement.
The integrated transport (IT) block provides funding support for transport capital improvement schemes costing less than £5 million.
Integrated transport block data used to work out funding allocations for 2015 to 2016 through to 2017 to 2018
The CSV files in our ‘Integrated transport block data’ zip file contain the data that will be used to work out integrated transport block funding allocations for 2015 to 2016 through to 2017 to 2018. These files can be used by local authorities to check the accuracy of data prior to funding allocations being finalised.
Ten of the CSV files included in the zip file contain data corresponding to an element used in the funding formula. The funding elements include:
- element A: Objective One area funding
- element B: public transport
- element C: accessibility
- element D: reducing pollution
- element E: road safety
- element F: congestion
- element G: carbon
- element H: road safety
- element I: congestion
- element J: carbon
In addition, there are 2 CSV files included which include underlying small area data for
- accessibility
- congestion
The zip file’s explanatory note includes web links to published data that will be used and explains how each element in the formula has been derived.
Gearing up for efficient highway delivery and funding
The document ‘Gearing up for efficient highway delivery and funding’ is supporting material for a series of regional road-shows which are being held by the Department for Transport and the Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme on the topic of highways maintenance efficiencies and funding.
It sets out ideas on how funding could be distributed from 2015 onwards to maximise benefits. This includes looking at the existing formula for block grant to each local highway authority and considers whether a top slice of the funding should be used for a competition bid fund for major maintenance schemes.
Local transport capital block allocations
The publications ‘Additional highways maintenance funding allocations, December 2012’ and ‘Additional local highways maintenance funding formula: explanatory note’ concern funding allocations and supporting information for the local transport capital block settlement. Settlement letters have been issued to individual local transport authorities. All funding is in capital grant, not supported borrowing.
Final local transport capital funding allocations for the integrated transport and highways maintenance block grants are available for the financial years: 2011 to 2012, 2012 to 2013, 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015:
- 2011 to 2012 (final) (PDF, 40KB)
- 2012 to 2013 (final) (PDF, 42KB)
- 2013 to 2014 (final) (PDF, 46KB)
- 2014 to 2015 (final) (PDF, 46KB)
Integrated transport block top up
Example local authority transport settlement letter
Template of the settlement letter issued to individual local transport authorities.
Response to consultation on local transport funding
Summary of responses and next steps for the local transport funding consultation undertaken between August and October 2010.
The summary of responses to the consultation committed to establishing working groups to review the formula for both the integrated transport (IT) and highways maintenance blocks.
Two groups, chaired by DfT, have now been established to advise on the structure of the formula. The groups comprise representatives from across the sector including: Local government Association (LGA); Association of Directors of the Environment, Planning and Transport (ADEPT); UK Roads Liaison Group (UKRLG); Central and Local government Information Partnership (CLIP); Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting (CIPFA); Highways Asset Management Financial Information Group (HAMFIG); Local government Technical Advisors Group (TAG); Passenger Transport Executive Group (pteg); Association of Transport Co-ordinators (ATCO).
If you would like to feed into the reviews, please contact the relevant person in your representative organisation.
IT review group
IT review group minutes
Highways maintenance review group
- Membership (PDF, 20KB)
- Terms of reference (PDF, 25KB)
- Code of practice on transport infrastructure assets: the story so far and future plans (PDF, 60KB)
- Highways maintenance block funding review: discussion paper (PDF, 29KB)
Highways maintenance review group - minutes
Formulae explanatory notes
Explanatory notes for the integrated transport block and highway maintenance block formulae.
- Integrated transport block formula: explanatory note (PDF, 347KB)
- Maintenance block formula: explanatory note (PDF, 108KB)
Formulae data
Local authority raw data used in the integrated transport block and highway maintenance block formulae.
- Integrated transport block local authority raw data (XLS, 70KB)
- Maintenance block local authority raw data (XLS, 69KB)
Further information
For further information please contact lt.plans@dft.gov.uk.
Related documents
Updates to this page
Published 13 December 2010Last updated 31 March 2014 + show all updates
Added 'Integrated transport block data' zip file.
Added the document 'Gearing up for efficient highway delivery and funding'
First published.
Additional highways maintenance funding allocations added