Longitudinal study of child and family social workers
Findings from a 5-year study of local authority child and family social workers in England.
Applies to England
The longitudinal study investigates recruitment, retention and career progression in local authority child and family social work over 5 years (2018 to 2022).
It provides workforce information for employers and policy makers.
Wave 5
Topics covered in the wave 5 report include the longitudinal analysis of key findings for social workers who took part in all 5 waves of the survey, the employment situation in 2022 and changes since previous waves in relation to:
- employment journey
- workplace wellbeing
- job satisfaction and career progression
- short-term career plans
- reasons for leaving social work
- the experience of those in their assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE)
- the challenges of and opportunities for social work
Wave 4
Topics covered in the wave 4 report include the employment situation in 2021, the impact of COVID-19 and changes since previous waves in relation to:
- employment journey
- workplace wellbeing
- job satisfaction and career progression
- short-term career plans
- reasons for leaving social work
- the experiences of those in their ASYE
- the experiences of ASYE social workers in their first year, by different entry routes
Wave 3
Topics covered in the wave 3 report include the employment situation in 2020, the impact of COVID-19 and changes since wave 2 in relation to:
- employment journey since wave 1
- workplace wellbeing
- job satisfaction and career progression
- short-term career plans
- reasons for leaving social work
- potential influences on retention
- the experiences of those in their ASYE
Wave 2
Topics covered in the wave 2 report include the employment situation in 2019, and changes since wave 1 in relation to:
- employment
- workplace wellbeing and stress
- job satisfaction
- views of employer and working environment
- short-term career plans
- reasons for leaving social work
- the experiences of those in their ASYE
Wave 1
Topics covered in the wave 1 report include:
- entry routes into local authority child and family social work
- current employment (in 2018) and career history
- workplace wellbeing
- management, supervision and working environment
- job satisfaction
- career progression and future career plans
Updates to this page
Added 'Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (wave 5)'.
Added 'Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (wave 4)'.
Added 'Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (wave 3)'.
Added the second report.
Document updated to correct formatting errors.
Report updated: Executive summary - page 16, final paragraph; Page 114, paragraph 2; Page 122, paragraph 2.
First published.