Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 competition - Stream 1 Phase 1 projects
Updated 7 January 2025
The aim of the Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 competition is to identify, support and then develop credible innovative hydrogen supply or enabling technologies to bring about a step change in their development.
Stream 1 Phase 1 is closed to applications. It will be followed with Stream 1 Phase 2 in late 2022 which will take the most promising projects from Phase 1 and support the proposed physical demonstration of their hydrogen supply solution.
Under Stream 1 Phase 1, BEIS awarded c£6 million of funding across 23 projects to conduct feasibility studies on innovative hydrogen supply solutions. The projects cover 4 categories:
- Low Carbon Hydrogen Production
- Zero Carbon Hydrogen Production
- Hydrogen Storage and Transport
- Net Zero Hydrogen Supply Solutions
Low Carbon Hydrogen Production projects
This category will support projects which develop low carbon hydrogen production solutions that have some residual direct emissions even when coupled with CCUS.
H2Upgrade – Distributed and flexible H₂ production with waste streams
Led by University of Cambridge
Contract Value: £245,302
Feasibility report: H2Upgrade – Distributed and flexible H₂ production with waste streams
H2Upgrade’s vision is to develop a new technology for H₂ generation based on thermochemical water splitting and utilisation of waste streams to enable a step-change in the cost of H₂ production. It will offer a low-cost technology which is energy competition to electrolysers at the 20-30% level. The technology will be developed into a plug-and-play unit, which can be connected to a desirable source of waste streams (gases, solvents, biostreams), offering on-demand, low-cost production of H₂, integrated with waste-stream management and utilisation.
The technology is based on abundant iron and manganese-containing materials, with no requirement for rare or noble metals. When heated to high temperatures and pre-treated with reducing components from the waste streams (step 1), the materials gain the ability to efficiently split water in a thermochemical matter, producing high-purity H₂ (step 2). The 2-step, cyclic process takes from the chemical looping approach but is implemented into a small, flexible H2Upgrade unit. The project is led by a highly experienced team of academics from the University of Cambridge and an industrial partner, Gas Recovery and Recycle Limited, who commercialised chemical looping for gas cleaning and recovery.
Visit the University of Cambridge website for more information.
Microwave energy system for distributed hydrogen production from natural gas with very low CO₂ emissions
Led by Suiso Ltd
Contract Value: £297,080
Feasibility report: Microwave energy system for distributed hydrogen production from natural gas with very low CO2 emissions (HYS2135)
Suiso is the developer of a breakthrough near-zero CO₂ emission, microwave-driven pyrolysis process for the onsite generation of hydrogen from natural / biogas. The company will deliver shipping container sized hydrogen generators, with a capacity to provide 1,000kg of hydrogen or more daily. By producing hydrogen at the point of usage, Suiso’s eliminates the expensive distribution costs incurred by large scale centralised H₂ producers, one the primary obstacles to the widespread adoption of hydrogen as a transport fuel. Suiso’s process reduces CO₂ emissions by 97%+ versus steam methane reforming, uses 80% less energy than electrolysis and has very low equipment capital costs making it the most affordable hydrogen production technology. Suiso captures the carbon in the natural / bio-gas in the form of solid carbon black which has significant commercial value in the production of tyres, batteries, inks and other applications. Existing methods of carbon black production are highly CO₂ emissive so Suiso’s zero emission carbon black will deliver significant CO₂ reductions beyond displacing hydrocarbons from transport. The company has already received enquiries from potential UK and international customers. It will establish development / manufacturing centres in the UK creating significant numbers of jobs in research, production as well as installation / service engineering.
Visit the Suiso Ltd website for more information.
RECYCLE: Rethinking low carbon hydrogen production by chemical looping reforming
Led by the University of Manchester
Contract Value: £288,668
Feasibility report: RECYCLE: Rethinking low carbon hydrogen production by chemical looping reforming (HYS2137)
The key objective of RECYCLE is demonstrating the enhanced auto-thermal reforming process for the cost-effective small and large-scale hydrogen production with a minimum CO₂ capture rate of 95% and CO₂ avoidance cost at least 30% lower than existing benchmark solvent technologies. The technology proposed is based on a dynamically operated gas-solid reactors which can produce syngas from fossil and bio-based fuel sources and inherently capture the CO₂ generated from the process.
The “RECYCLE” process operates using modular units. The application of the process spans to, waste valorisation and other gas-to-liquids such as methanol, ammonia, hydrogen and steel production and help to achieve the ambitious targets to decarbonise energy intensive industries by 2050.
In Phase 1, the techno-economic feasibility study for 2 large scale hydrogen production will be carried out along with the design of the pilot system with the ambition to build a fully integrated H₂ for a consolidated TRL5 demonstration (Phase II).
To ensure a successful implementation of the project and uptake of its outcomes, we have assembled an interdisciplinary consortium of 4 partners led by University of Manchester. The team includes Johnson Matthey, TotalEnergies and the Element Energy covering the entire value chain from material to business development.
Visit the University of Manchester website for more information
Smallscale hydrogen production utilising a waste company’s SRF feedstock to power its own commercial fleet
Led by Compact Syngas Solutions Ltd
Contract Value: £299,886
Feasibility report: Modular gasification technology for the production of hydrogen from waste (HYS2167)
Compact Syngas Solutions, gasification experts based in Deeside, Wales, aim to support the UK’s low-carbon future to bring to market the first-of-its-kind, affordable, modular gasification unit for the production of sustainable transport hydrogen.
The project will be delivered by an experienced SME-based consortium and CSS are being supported on the project by:
- Q-Technologies, a mass spectrometry and sensor specialist based in Liverpool
- Pure Energy Centre, an engineering company specialising in renewables and hydrogen technologies based in Shetland
- ASH Group, waste management company headquartered in Oswestry, Shropshire
The project aims to demonstrate that it is technically and economically feasible to produce low carbon hydrogen efficiently and reliably at MW-scale, utilising Solid Recovered Fuel feedstock via gasification and that there is available feedstock, infrastructure, route-to-market and end-user demand providing confidence across the UK hydrogen value-chain from production to consumption.
Project benefits will be rapidly exploited through a joint venture, using the consortium’s experience and established relationships with waste management companies, private investment and fuel suppliers, it is estimated there is a market for 50 new/innovative hydrogen plants (35kg/ hour of hydrogen modules) in the UK over the next 10-years directly feeding 100MW into the UK 5GW 2030 H₂ plan.
Visit the Compact Syngas Solutions Ltd website for more information
Production of low carbon hydrogen from high carbon heavy fuel oil via gasification with carbon capture and storage
Led by Essar Oil UK Ltd
Contract Value: £269,567
Feasibility report: Production of low carbon hydrogen from high carbon heavy fuel oil via gasification with carbon capture and storage (HYS2138)
Refining will remain critical to the UK energy mix during the transition to a carbon economy by 2050. There will be an ongoing demand for those refinery products with longer term decarbonisation pathways, such as jet fuel and petrochemical feedstocks. Refineries will have unavoidable by-products, which, without alternative options, will be incinerated for energy or exported.
Essar Oil (UK) Limited and supported by Progressive Energy Limited, will undertake a Phase 1 feasibility study to decarbonise these low value, high carbon fossil fuel products through conversion to low carbon hydrogen via gasification with carbon capture - abating emissions and reinforcing the growing hydrogen economy.
The study will explore and optimise various combinations of technologies and process configurations to produce highly cost competitive hydrogen, while capturing substantially over 90% of CO₂ for permanent storage, using the Stanlow refinery and HyNet project as an example.
Phase 2 would demonstrate identified technical issues supported as required by small scale testing, enabling a design for an industrial scale to be developed through pre-FEED design stage. This would set the basis for a future phase with the ultimate aim of constructing an industrial scale facility as a replicable model for other refineries nationwide.
Visit the Essar Oil UK Ltd website for more information
Zero Carbon Hydrogen Production projects
This category will support projects which develop zero carbon hydrogen production solutions that do not directly produce anthropogenic emissions.
Nuclear hydrogen co-generation feasibility study
Led by Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd
Contract Value: £237,233
Feasibility report: Nuclear hydrogen cogeneration (HYS2153)
Systems engineering and technology company, Frazer-Nash Consultancy, and the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre are leading a new project to understand and demonstrate the benefits of advanced nuclear reactors for more efficient low-carbon hydrogen production.
The project, funded by the UK government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, will explore the feasibility of developing a technology demonstrator and test facility that simulates the heat and electricity outputs of a new generation of nuclear plant, based on a variety of small modular reactor (SMR) and advanced modular reactor (AMR) designs.
As well as supporting the development of new designs of SMR and AMR, the facility will help companies which are developing new technologies for low-carbon hydrogen production, enabling them to test and refine their technologies’ performance, with a goal of commercial deployment as part of a nuclear cogeneration installation in the mid-2030s.
The proposed test facility will cover hydrogen production by high-temperature electrolysis and thermochemical splitting of water. Both techniques are more energy efficient than conventional electrolysis, while avoiding the high greenhouse gas emissions of steam methane reforming.
Visit the Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd website for more information.
ASPIRE (Ammonia synthesis plant from intermittent renewable energy)
Led by Science and Technology Facilities Council (part of UKRI Research and Innovation)
Contract Value: £284,373
Feasibility report: ASPIRE - Ammonia synthesis plant from intermittent renewable energy (HYS2169)
In recent years ammonia has gained significant interest as a carbon free fuel and hydrogen carrier. It can be stored and transported at higher energy density and lower cost than hydrogen and has a proven distribution network. Ammonia can be used as a fuel in internal combustion engines and fuel cells and can also be cracked to supply hydrogen. Currently ammonia is made at large chemical plants which run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week fuelled by natural gas (known as brown ammonia). Production is primarily used for fertilisers and is responsible for 1.8% of global carbon emissions. However green ammonia can be made entirely from renewable energy, water and air with minimal carbon footprint.
The ASPIRE team is designing a flexible green ammonia plant that can run autonomously and efficiently from an intermittent power source such as wind or solar. ASPIRE offers a solution for the growing problem of matching electricity demand with supply as countries aim to increase dependence on intermittent renewable power. It also offers a zero-carbon fuel that is set to help decarbonise sectors such as marine, non-electrified rail and flexible power plants.
Tetronics hydrogen plasmolysis
Led by Tetronics Technologies Ltd
Contract Value: £298,711
Feasibility report: Tetronics hydrogen plasmolysis (HYS2125)
Tetronics Hydrogen Plasmolysis (THP) is a novel process combining elements of electrolysis and thermolysis. It applies the “plasma effect”, which involves both highly concentrated electrical energy as well as the high temperature and pressure gradients arising from the plasma arc.
The objective of the project will be to deliver a new, more efficient and lower cost technology for the sustainable, scalable and deployable production of green hydrogen gas – through the utilisation of innovative technology at a relevant scale.
Phase 1 will focus on developing technical, economical and operational considerations of the technology. It will include optimisation of the process through testing at a scale two orders of magnitude greater than any previous work; validating THP and informing the design for a demonstration plant, to be built and operated in Phase 2.
Phase 2 will build and operate an industrial scale demonstrator plant to validate an up-scaled THP process that can be used to supply green hydrogen with zero CO₂ emissions (assuming the use of green electricity) at greater efficiency and lower cost than current technologies.
THP will make a significant contribution to the delivery of a robust Hydrogen Economy – both in the UK and globally.
Visit the Tetronics Technologies Ltd website for more information.
Led by Supercritical Solutions Ltd
Contract Value: £146,843
Feasibility report: GreeNH3 (HYS2102)
The GreeNH3 project will see the deployment of a highly optimised, low capex, ultra-efficient power-to-ammonia facility.
Using Supercritical’s proprietary high pressure electrolyser and Proton Ventures’ modular NFUEL unit, GreeNH3 will build the world’s first integrated deployment of Supercritical’s UK developed technology. Proving the production of high pressure green hydrogen and the ability to deliver optimal system benefits in the production of green ammonia, a valuable medium for storage and distribution of green energy.
ScottishPower, as operator partner to the project, will site the demonstrator as part of their goal to identify and develop cost effective ways to produce and distribute their green hydrogen.
Visit the Supercritical Solutions Ltd website for more information.
Low cost production of green hydrogen gas using enhanced recirculating gas reactor technology
Led by CATAGEN Ltd
Contract Value: £285,372
Feasibility report: Low cost production of green hydrogen gas using enhanced recirculating gas reactor technology (HYS2106)
CATAGEN are developing a green hydrogen solution based on its core competencies, skilled team and technologies; developed as a successful Queen’s University Belfast spin out business. This project combines CATAGEN’s recirculating gas reactor technology to create / yield a production machine for high-efficiency green hydrogen production. The process uses water as the net feedstock and renewable electricity enabling zero-carbon H₂ production.
There are no electrolysers used in this process; the proposed CATAGEN Green Hydrogen Generator uses a multi-stage thermochemical process in a recirculating reactor to split water with an energy cost of less than 55 kWh/kgH₂. In addition, the proposed solution has an estimated CO₂ saving of 2.8 kgCO₂/kgH₂ during production compared to electrolysis.
The output of the project will mean green hydrogen can be produced with reduced energy input, reduced operating costs and lower capital expenditure compared to conventional methods. Further efficiencies are possible due to the high thermal inertia proposed with such a system, allowing maximum energy utilisation from fluctuating power supplies. This means renewable energy can be better utilised for hydrogen production and the cost of production reduced. As experts in recirculating gas reactor technology, CATAGEN is ideally placed to develop this technology taking it through to production.
Visit the Catagen Ltd website for more information.
Printed circuit board electrolyser
Led by Bramble Energy Ltd
Contract Value: £299,843
Feasibility report: Printed circuit board electrolyser (HYS2159)
In the printed circuit board electrolyser (PCBEL) feasibility project Bramble Energy will combine the latest advances in electrolyser membrane technology with manufacturing capabilities from the printed circuit board industry. The PCBEL will deliver a low cost, durable and efficient next generation water electrolyser for green hydrogen production. Developing electrolyser technology with the PCB platform allows for an electrolyser design that is modular, durable and that can be quickly scaled-up at low cost by leveraging existing PCB manufacturing facilities and supply chains.
The PCB platform significantly simplifies the design of the electrolyser stack, lowering the number of parts compared to conventional electrolysis systems, reducing manufacturing costs and the number of potential failure points during operation. Within this BEIS funded project Bramble will conduct corrosion and long-term testing of pressurised electrolysers and develop a modular, scalable electrolyser system design. Alongside the technical development and electrolyser testing, Bramble will also develop cost models and plans to manufacture the electrolyser system in the UK and strategy to lower the cost of green hydrogen production.
Visit the Bramble Energy Ltd website for more information.
Hydrogen Storage and Transport projects
This category will support the development of novel hydrogen storage and transport / distribution solutions (including for import / export).
Safe and distributed underground storage of green hydrogen in conjunction with storage of power and interseasonal heat
Led by Gravitricity Ltd
Contract Value: £299,895
Feasibility report: Safe and distributed underground storage of green hydrogen in conjunction with storage of power and interseasonal heat (HYS2143)
The future of the hydrogen economy depends on the development of largescale hydrogen storage systems. Gravitricity and Arup believe that we can provide a safe, scalable and commercially viable hydrogen storage solution which will accelerate the growth of the hydrogen economy. Our solution will be flexible to diverse end-use applications and will be capable of responding to a variable supply of hydrogen.
Hydrogen will be stored at high pressures in an underground shaft. Underground hydrogen storage utilises surrounding ground pressure to resist bursting, reducing the material costs of the lining compared to current overground solutions, increasing the quantities of hydrogen which can be stored, and reducing the risk of leaks and explosions. With a reduced aboveground footprint, and improved safety measures, the solution has the potential to be employed on a large scale and can be deployed exactly where hydrogen storage is needed.
Gravitricity’s long-term ambition is to integrate the underground hydrogen storage technology developed during this project with power storage using solid-weights (recently demonstrated at commercial scale) and with interseasonal heat storage.
Gravitricity and Arup are working together to develop and demonstrate the hydrogen storage component of this multi-vector vision as part of the BEIS Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2Competition.
Visit the Gravitricity Ltd website for more information
Optimised hydrogen liquefaction
Led by Gasconsult Ltd
Contract Value: £242,400
Feasibility report: Optimised hydrogen liquefaction (HYS2105)
BEIS has awarded Gasconsult a contract to undertake a feasibility study to support OHL (Optimised Hydrogen Liquefaction) commercialisation.
Hydrogen can power fuel cells, internal combustion engines and gas turbines. When liquefied at -253⁰C its volume is reduced by 800, allowing intercontinental shipment in bulk to industrialised countries. Once liquefied, regional transportation costs are reduced and it can be stored for extended periods, providing clean-fuel back-up for renewable power in the absence of wind or sun. Existing hydrogen liquefaction plants have low production capacities and energy efficiencies.
Gasconsult Limited has developed OHL, a lower cost and highly efficient technology. OHL reduces power consumption by 40% compared to existing processes and allows production capacities an order of magnitude higher.
The study, performed by Gasconsult and its engineering partner McDermott, will confirm the capital and operating cost data needed to support project developments and investment decisions for construction of OHL plants with capacities up to 300tpd. It will allow OHL, by reducing liquid hydrogen costs, to achieve widespread application as the world transitions to a decarbonised future.
Visit the Gasconsult Ltd website for more information.
Low cost production of liquid hydrogen fuel carrier using enhanced recirculating gas reactor technology
Led by CATAGEN Ltd
Contract Value: £288,444
Feasibility report: Low cost production of liquid hydrogen fuel carrier using enhanced recirculating gas reactor technology (HYS2108)
CATAGEN are presenting a potential solution based on the core competencies, skilled team and technologies developed as a successful Queen’s University Belfast spin out that works with the world’s leading automotive manufacturers.
The objective of this project is to determine the feasibility of developing new capabilities and technologies to combine with known recirculating gas reactor test technology to yield a production machine and process that can produce green syngas with a subsequent second stage reaction to a high density, easily transportable green e-fuel (such as a long chain hydrocarbon). This new process will utilise green hydrogen and CO₂ sequestered from the air as feedstock, with the proposed new production reactor and process to be powered using renewable electricity – resulting in a carbon net-zero, hydrogen-based fuel which can be utilised to help decarbonise existing fleet and difficult sectors such as marine and aviation.
The calculated energy to generate 1kg of e-gasoline using this method is 6.5kWh, which is comparable to the energy for compression of 1kg of H₂ for high pressure storage, and ≈10% of the energy required to generate 1kg H₂. The output of the project will mean e-fuel can be produced at a renewable energy site alongside hydrogen production.
Visit the Catagen Ltd website for more information
Monolithic MOFs for enhanced cryo-adsorbed hydrogen storage
Led by Immaterial Ltd
Contract Value: £276,615
Feasibility report: Monolithic MOFs for enhanced cryo-adsorbed hydrogen storage (HYS2117)
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of synthetic ultra-porous materials and the focus of global investment as a solution to hydrogen storage challenges. Hydrogen has a high gravimetric energy density but poor volumetric density, meaning it needs to be stored at very high pressures. Porous materials added to pressure vessels can solve this problem.
Gases condense on any surface, like condensation on a mirror. Ultra-porous materials have exceptionally high surface areas, magnifying this effect. MOFs can therefore soak up gas like sponges soak up water, drastically improving storage without high pressures. Despite significant developments over the last 7 years, the major challenge is that MOF materials have not achieved sufficient volumetric performance.
Immaterial is a UK advanced materials company specialised in MOFs. Its unique, patented technology – the monolith – densifies MOFs into pure crystals. Immaterial’s first generation storage material has broken the world record for adsorbed hydrogen storage achieving 45 g/L at 25 bar and 77K (-196°C). We have been working with leading international groups on validation of the material performance. This project will be the first time Immaterial will have the opportunity to develop a demonstrator and realise the potential in an entire category of hydrogen storage – cryo-adsorbed storage.
Visit the Immaterial Ltd website for more information.
Bulk scale storage and transportation of hydrogen using LOHC
Led by Environmental Resources Management Ltd
Contract Value: £210,083
Feasibility report: Bulk scale storage and transportation of hydrogen using LOHC (HYS2171)
The project will evaluate the feasibility of using conventional oil facilities for storing hydrogen in the form of a liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC). LOHC enables large volumes of hydrogen to be stored within its molecular structure, with a similar hydrogen density as liquid hydrogen. However, unlike liquid hydrogen, it can be handled and stored at atmospheric temperature and pressure and therefore does not require highly insulated and pressurised containment. It also has low flammability in liquid form and does not have the high toxicity of other carriers such as ammonia, or carbon content of methanol.
The project will evaluate the feasibility of storing LOHC in conventional oil storage tanks, transporting it via oil pipelines, transporting it at bulk scale using conventional marine or rail tankers and the potential for it to be loaded and unloaded at existing oil jetties using standard equipment (loading arms, valves, pumps, etc). It will also assess the potential for LOHC to be transported by road in conventional road tankers and stored in on-site oil tanks for industrial or commercial use. Both the technical and economic feasibility will be determined.
Visit the Environmental Resources Management Ltd website for more information.
Led by TWI Ltd
Contract Value: £299,500
Feasibility report: High-Store (HYS2172)
The High-Store project delivers a relatively low cost dehydrogenation technology that offers the equivalent storage capacity of liquefied hydrogen, but avoids its energy penalties and safety challenges.
Liquefaction or compressing gaseous hydrogen to 700bar involves using considerable energy and likely boil-off wastage, both having safety risks. Liquid hydrogen at -253°C can burn or explode if leaked, and some gas pressure vessels can release high levels of energy if ruptured. Compression of hydrogen gas to 700bar uses approximately 6.0kWh/kg, leading to approximately 1.3kg of CO₂/kg and approximately three times this for liquefaction.
Hydrogen stored at 30bar using the High-Store technology after production by electrolysers at 30bar, should contain the same equivalent volume of hydrogen as if it were liquefied. When run directly from renewables, zero CO₂ is produced for the vessel refill, due to compatible reaction pressures. Nottingham University (world leading researcher in clean tech storage) has researched the use of a low cost hydrogen storage medium, to be integrated with a dehydrogenation circuit from TWI Ltd (RTO materials and joining technologies). These technologies will be made available to Chesterfield Special Cylinders Ltd, whose market leading UK position in racked hydrogen cylinders provides an ideal route to market.
Visit the TWI Ltd website for more information.
Net Zero Hydrogen Supply Solutions projects
This category will support solutions aiming to decarbonise the wider energy system.
HyTN - Hydrogen from thermochemical and nuclear
Led by National Nuclear Laboratory
Contract Value: £242,619
Feasibility report: HyTN - Hydrogen from thermochemical and nuclear (HYS2115)
Nuclear power is already a high capacity source of zero carbon electricity generation in the UK, making up 40% of our existing clean electricity supply. The next generation of nuclear reactors, Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs), could play a similarly significant role in the world energy system, not just electricity, through the generation of large quantities of hydrogen at a scale at costs that enable it to be used as a primary energy vector. AMRs operate at higher temperatures of up to 950°C and have the potential to unlock the operation of unique high temperature processes for the production of hydrogen and subsequent conversion of this hydrogen into suitable energy vectors such as ammonium and synthetic hydrocarbons.
Worldwide studies have shown these thermochemical technologies for nuclear enabled hydrogen production have significant potential to generate hydrogen at scale and low cost. The UK has limited knowledge and understanding of these technologies to date. Therefore, this project proposes a programme of work to unlock a technology combination through demonstration, that can deliver large scale low cost hydrogen production to enable a greater rollout of hydrogen solutions, to contribute to the wider net zero energy system.
Visit the National Nuclear Laboratory website for more information.
HyProducer: Cascade tank system for hydrogen storage and delivery from LOHC
Led by Environmental Resources Management Ltd
Contract Value: £167,821
Feasibility report: Cascade tank LOHC system for hydrogen storage and delivery (HYS2176)
Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) is a liquid that can store large quantities of hydrogen at atmospheric temperature and pressure. The hydrogen can be released from the LOHC on demand using a release system and used to supply a wide range of hydrogen applications. The LOHC is stored in tanks which have to be provided for both the ‘live’ LOHC as well as tanks to store the depleted LOHC once the hydrogen has been removed. This depleted LOHC is then returned by the supplier to be recharged.
The aim of this project is to develop a unique cascade tank system which significantly reduces the footprint and cost of the storage tanks. The system is designed to enable hydrogen to be stored and then released from the LOHC and the ‘depleted’ LOHC kept within the same tank. This is achieved using multiple integrated compartments to fill and empty in sequence, greatly reducing the overall volume of tankage required. This approach can make a significant contribution to the commercialisation of using LOHC for many hydrogen applications.
Visit the Environmental Resources Management Ltd website for more information.
Dragonfly valve: zero-emission flow control for the hydrogen supply chain
Led by Actuation Lab Ltd
Contract Value: £218,219
Feasibility report: Dragonfly valve: zero-emission flow control for the hydrogen supply chain (HYS2154)
Valves control the flow of hydrogen throughout the entire hydrogen supply chain. Yet existing valve types were never designed to meet the challenges of containing hydrogen, the leakiest element. By design, traditional valves must have a “stem”, a shaft that connects the internal valve to a handle or actuator that opens and closes it. Up to 50% of fugitive emissions from industrial processes are estimated to come from worn valve stem seals. If this same dated valve technology is applied to the growing hydrogen supply chain, the rate of leakage will be significantly higher owing to greater ease of hydrogen escape. Hydrogen leakage represents a serious issue for the hydrogen supply chain, with its low ignition energy and a global warming potential 5x that of CO₂. With the support of BEIS, Actuation Lab is developing the zero-emission “Dragonfly Valve”. The Dragonfly is being designed from the ground up with hydrogen flow control in mind. Its design eliminates the traditional mechanical valve stem, removing all routes for emissions. This project will advance the technical and commercial readiness of the Dragonfly Valve and facilitate the building of a consortium of innovative manufacturers and trial partners to demonstrate the technology in 2023.
Visit the Actuation Lab Ltd website for more information.
100MW Green hydrogen hub design
Led by Emerald Green Power Ltd
Contract Value: £253,677
Feasibility report: 100MW Green hydrogen hub design (HYS2122)
Emerald Green Power leads a consortium, comprising of the University of Exeter and City Science Corporation looking at the feasibility of deploying 100MW Green Hydrogen Hubs to decarbonise the UK, using AI driven digital twin technology, that maps the existing carbon footprint of Industrial Parks, as a method of determining the most efficient path forward.
Producing outline Green Hydrogen Hub designs focusing on reliability, cost-reduction, integration, and flexibility that can be deployed efficiently to decarbonise industrial regions, is a key focus of the project.
Working closely with Exeter City Council we will create a multi-year action plan to turn the Cities Net Zero aspirations into a reality, using simulation and emulation of various, different Smart City Energy Grid alternatives that will help all Councils, Industry, and Businesses in the UK to follow the most effective route to Net-Zero.
Visit the Emerald Green Power Ltd website for more information.
Led by Cadent Gas Ltd
Contract Value: £296,174
Feasibility report: Hy4Transport (HYS2163)
Hydrogen distributed by repurposed gas networks, for use in the transport sector, has the potential to become a reality in less than 10 years if the challenges regarding purity and cost are addressed.
Due to the inherent contaminants within the current gas network, some form of purification technology will be required at future refuelling stations to enable the network to supply fuel cell grade hydrogen to vehicles. Cadent’s Green Gas Transport Pathway study forecasts hydrogen demand of up to 100TWh for UK surface transport by 2050 – and investing now in developing innovation opportunities to address this purification challenge will unlock significant potential for hydrogen to decarbonise transport.
The Cadent-led Hy4Transport project is looking to overcome this barrier in collaboration with our established consortium (consisting of Arup & Partners Limited, Kiwa Limited, DNV, NPL Management Limited, Gemserv, and independent experts from Imperial College London through Imperial Consultants).
The Hy4Transport project aligns with the government’s 10 Point Plan to drive growth of low-carbon hydrogen, accelerate a shift to zero-emission vehicles, and support green public transport.
The project could help position the UK as a key innovator in the decarbonisation of transport and hydrogen supply - utilising a repurposed gas network.
Visit the Cadent Gas Ltd website for more information.
System design and integration for the offshore production of green hydrogen (H₂) using floating wind farms (FWFs)
Led by BPP Technical Services Ltd
Contract Value: £299,975
Feasibility report: System design and integration for the offshore production of green hydrogen (H2) using offshore wind farms (OWFs) (HYS2104)
Climate change and technological improvements are driving growing opportunities for green hydrogen (H₂) production, making H₂ increasingly commercially attractive. Due to increased pressure for green-energy from governments and the public, low-carbon H₂ is forecasted to see continued growth in demand, from 35-1,100 TWh/year in 2030 to 300-19,000 TWh/year. Despite this interest, currently 99% of global H₂ is produced with fossil-fuels.
H₂ production integrated into floating wind farms (FWF) can contribute significantly to this requirement. However, while the system components (such as electrolysers, wind turbines and platforms) are commercially available (at TRL9), the overall system design and integration is only at TRL3-4. A FWF is a significant investment of time and money, and FWF developers need to identify reliable designs with predictable performance. Producing H₂ offshore using FWF power offers a commercial solution to store and deliver energy onshore.
BPP Technical Services Limited (BPP-TECH) is collaborating with principal manufacturers of equipment in this field, including H₂ production, storage and distribution, to develop the system definition along with integration tools needed to combine high available TRL components.
This project will enable the investigation of design feasibility and the economics of a net zero H₂ solution and large-scale production of green H₂ from FWFs.
Visit the BPP Technical Services Ltd website for more information.